英语人>词典>汉英 : 蜉蝣 的英文翻译,例句
蜉蝣 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dayfly  ·  ephemera  ·  mayfly  ·  ephemerid  ·  ephemeron  ·  ephemeras  ·  ephemerons

dun fly · may fly
更多网络例句与蜉蝣相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The empty Brazil nut pods collect rainwater and become the home for many organisms, including the tadpole, mayfly larva and mosquito larva


The empty Brazil nut pods collect rainwater and become the home for many organisms, including the tadpole, mayfly larva and mosquito larva right

空的巴西坚果荚收集了雨水,并成为许多生物的家,包括蝌蚪,蜉蝣幼虫和蚊幼虫' l!

In essence, dry fly fishing involves using fly imitations that involve imitations of the adult aquatic insect (such as a mayfly, caddis fly or stonefly).


Creek time is measured in the lives of strange creatures in sand-flecked caddis worms under the rocks, sudden gossamer clouds of mayflies in the afternoon, or minnows darting like slivers of inspiration into the dimness of creek fate.


E. Creek time is measured in the lives of strange creatures in sand-flecked caddis worms under the rocks, sudden gossamer clouds of mayflies in the afternoon, or minnows darting like slivers of inspiration into the dimness of creek fate.

E。 小溪的时光只能以那些奇妙的小生灵来计量--藏匿于石块底下的沙斑石蚕;下午时分倏然而过的游丝浮云般的蜉蝣;还有那些米诺鱼,在水中窜来窜去,像是片片灵光,在命数天定的小溪的幽暗中闪烁。

An insect of the order Ephemeroptera; a mayfly .


Dressed in tweed and with their feet delicately placed in the twangy salad of rock, mayflies are inspired by good old british psychedelia, spaghettisauce and eighties horror movies. very deliberate in their choice of style, they reek of rock'n'roll elegance both on-stage and off-stage. it has been said that t


Dressed in tweed and with their feet delicately placed in the twangy salad of rock, mayflies are inspired by good old british psychedelia, spaghettisauce and eighties horror movies. very deliberate in their choice of style, they reek of rock'n'roll elegance both on-stage and off-stage.


Any of various fragile winged insects of the order Ephemeroptera that develop from aquatic nymphs and live in the adult stage no longer than a few days.


It is said that the larvae of mayflies hatching in the water beyond, to continue to live in the water one to three years, and then climb up the grass on the surface, Tuiqiao become mayflies.


更多网络解释与蜉蝣相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


dayflower 鸭跖草 | dayfly 蜉蝣 | daylight lamp 日光灯

drake fly:蜉蝣

drainpipe 排水管 | drake fly 蜉蝣 | drake 公鸭


蜉蝣(ephemera)等. ②蜻蜒目(Odonata) 虫体多为大中型. 头大,甚活动;复眼发达很大;触角短,刚毛状;口器咀嚼式. 翅两对,膜质多脉,翅前缘近翅顶处常有翅痣. 腹部细长,雄性外生殖器生在腹部第二节上,尾须仅一节. 半变态,稚虫(俗称水虿)水生.

The Ephemera:蜉蝣--一个人生的象征

Benjamin Franklin 本杰明.富兰克林 | The Ephemera 蜉蝣--一个人生的象征 | The Handsome And Deformed Leg 好看的腿和难看的腿

Ephemera in the world:寄蜉蝣于天地

02 千腔余声 Echo of the us | 03 寄蜉蝣于天地 Ephemera in the world | 04 山林中的爱恋 The love among the mountains


ephemerality 朝生暮死 | ephemerid 蜉蝣 | ephemeris 星历表


dormouse 睡鼠 | ephemeron 蜉蝣 | ewe 母羊


ephemeris /位置推算历/ | ephemeron /生命极短促之物/蜉蝣/ | ephippium /鞍状壳/垂体窝/

Errant Ephemeron:遍历蜉蝣

59Drifter il-Dal达奥黜人漂泊者TSP | 60Errant Ephemeron遍历蜉蝣TSP | 61Eternity Snare恒久绊索TSP


常见的有蜉蝣科(Ephemeridae)和四节蜉蝣科(Baetidae). 一般经24小时左右蜕皮为成虫. 这种在个体发育中出现成虫体态后继续蜕皮的现象在有翅昆虫中为蜉蝣目所仅有. 这种变态类型特称为原变态. 成虫不食,寿命短,一般只活几小时至数天,