英语人>词典>汉英 : 蛙皮素 的英文翻译,例句
蛙皮素 的英文翻译、例句


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Results: The numbers of Bombesin positive pulmonary cells, the lamina propria S-l00 protein, neuron-specific enolase positive nerve fibers, IgE positive cells, mast cells and IgE positive mast cells significantly increased in bronchiectasis. The changes of pulmonary endocrine cells, nerve fibers and IgE positive cells were more significantly in hyperplastic BALT areas. The S-100 and NSE were found in lymphoid tissue and BALT. A close contact was found between mast cells and the S-100 positive nerve fibers. An IgE positive outer zone was found on MC surface. Mast cells and IgE positive cells were seen in the bronchial epithelium and alveolar septa.


Objective To evaluate the effect and mechanism of bombesin on hepatic oxidative stress in rats with biliary tract obstruction.

目的 探讨蛙皮素对胆道梗阻大鼠肝脏氧化应激的影响。

Intraventricular injection of TRH, a well known vagal center excitator, potentiated the indomethacin induced ulcer and reversed the action of bombesin.


In addition,15.8 percent of in-testinal metaplasia tissues were positive by immunostains.


Sham-operated control AEP was induced by pancreatic duct ligation and intravenous injection of bombesin (100 μg/kg) and secretin (10 μg/kg).

组33只(AEP组:采用胰管结扎及静脉注射蛙皮素(100 μg/kg)、促胰液素(10 μg/kg)诱发AEP。

AEP models were firstly induced by intravenous injection of bombesin and secretin in Group II and Group III while contra! was intravenous injecting saline.


The deduced amino acid sequence resulted in 53 amino with 46% identity to amphibia.


Methods The acute edematous pancreatitis and hemorrhagic necrotizing pancreatitis model of rats were induced by cerulein and dextran-110 and endothelin-1 was administered on AEP rats via intravenous injection. Serum amylase, plasma ET and 6-Keto-PGF1α, pancreas hostologic observation were determined.


The results of this study provides a basis for further researches on bombesin intracellar signal transmission pathway and the role of bombesin and bombesin receptor antagnonists in oncological research


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