- 更多网络例句与虚谈相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
But avoid irreverent babble, for it will lead people into more and more ungodliness
"Confabulation' is perhaps a safe term to use," hall said in an email interview.
"Confabulation' is perhaps a safe term to use," Hall said in an email
"Confabulation' is perha a safe term to use," Hall said in an email interview.
Confabulation may be marked but is not invariably present.
Confabulation may be a marked feature, but perception and other cognitive functions, including the intellect, are usually intact.
Profession leading to ungodliness, against which he had warned.
But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.
The researchers showed first that M.L., but not the other participants, confabulated just as much regardless of question difficulty.
Zannino's group studied patient M.L.- a 55-year-old woman who frequently confabulates following an aneurysm in the front of her brain.
- 更多网络解释与虚谈相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
retrograde amnesia:逆行性遗忘症
(一)逆行性遗忘症(Retrograde amnesia)患者在脑功能发生障碍之前一段时间内的记忆均丧失,尽管这些长期存储的记忆保存着,但不能从中回忆过去的经历. (二)虚谈症(Confabulation)严重近记忆削弱的代偿,
Amok ; Amuck:马来人杀人狂
疑惑性虚谈症,困惑性虚谈症 Amnestic confabultion | 马来人杀人狂 Amok ; Amuck | 乐歌不能,音乐不能,无知音能 Amusia
瑞典隆德大学的研究人员拉斯.霍尔认为,那些志愿者在解释自己的选择理由时都是真心实意且非常诚恳的,不知为何他们并没有发觉照片被调换了. 霍尔认为,在此"虚谈症"(Confabulation)或许是一个可以使用的合适术语.
opportune confabulation:适机虚谈症
opponents theory of color vision 色觉对向论 | opportune confabulation 适机虚谈症 | opportune moment for interrogation 审讯时态
phantastic confabulation:幻想性虚谈症 幻想性虚谈症
phantasmoscopia 幻像窥见 | phantastic confabulation 幻想性虚谈症 幻想性虚谈症 | phantasy 幻想
suggestion confabulation:提示性虚谈症 提示性虚谈症
suggestion by action 动作暗示 | suggestion confabulation 提示性虚谈症 提示性虚谈症 | suggestion conviction 暗示信念
2008年6月的爱思唯尔期刊>(Cortex)刊登了英国伦敦大学学院的一项针对虚谈症的研究. 通过对50名患者的临床调查,研究人员推测大脑内侧前额叶皮层损伤是造成虚谈症的原因.
Paraphrenia confabulatoria ; Paraphrenia confabulans:虚谈性妄想痴呆
"颠狂性错语症","Paraphrasia vesana" | "虚谈性妄想痴呆","Paraphrenia confabulatoria; Paraphrenia confabulans" | "展张性妄想痴呆,夸张性妄想痴呆","Paraphrenia expansiva; Expansive paraphrenia"
Amnestic confabultion:疑惑性虚谈症,困惑性虚谈症
健忘性虚谈症 Amnestic confabultion | 疑惑性虚谈症,困惑性虚谈症 Amnestic confabultion | 马来人杀人狂 Amok ; Amuck
Amnestic confabultion:健忘性虚谈症
记忆缺失,健忘 Amnesia ; Lose of memory ; Morbid forgetfulness | 健忘性虚谈症 Amnestic confabultion | 疑惑性虚谈症,困惑性虚谈症 Amnestic confabultion