英语人>词典>汉英 : 虚构的人 的英文翻译,例句
虚构的人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Anole is a fictional mutant superhero in the Marvel Universe.


Are brain damaged people who confabulate even trying to remember?


While debating a fictious property case, the hypothetical landowner was referred to as "John Doe," who leased land to another man, the equally fictitious "Richard Roe," who then took the land as his own and "ejected," or evicted, poor "John Doe."


He's a figment. A cipher. A jabberwocky.


Person who has not yet had sex. Largely believed to be mythological.


Luhrmann's soft-filtering lens — a man being trampled to death by rampaging cattle or a city being annihilated by bombing Japanese warplanes — the calamities of history are merely colorful grist for his main interest, the romance between a wilted English rose, Lady Sarah Ashley, and an itinerant Australian cattleman, the Drover. The lady and the tramp meet soon after she lands in Australia to track down her cattleman husband, whose early murder sets all the narrative pieces in place. Initially intent on selling her property, including 1,500 head of cattle, Sarah soon transforms into a frontierswoman, seduced by Nullah's smile and the majestic valleys and peaks of both the land and of the Drover's musculature. Although Ms. Kidman and Mr.


Deng is in the card, concoctive dispersed figment is solid, saying what kind person is " degenerate ".


He from the natural state which fictionalizes embarks, the proof life, the freedom and the private property are person's sacred inviolable inherent rights, this right already conforms with the natural law, also conforms with the human nature; In order to protect the people to rest on the inherent right which the natural law enjoys, people through social contract establishment government; he thought that the people should protect the private property according to the contract tenable country's goal, opposed that the state power interferes the subject property.


Even "Kono Story" is only a political compomise and it is not based on original sources Then you realize that "IANFU=sex slave" legend is just a phantom.


In the 1990s Bill Geerhart was an unemployed, not-so aspiring screenwriter in his 30s. To pass the time, he channeled his inner child, 10-year-old Billy, and started writing letters to famous and infamous people and institutions. These letters, written in pencil on elementary school ruled paper, asked funny but relevant questions to politicians, serial killers, movie stars, lobbyists, CEOs, and celebrity lawyers.

恶作剧做大了也会有意想不到的收获,有位Bill Geerhart先生就是恶作剧创作人员中的典范。1994年一心想搞写作的他正无业在家,无聊的人总会有多一点无聊的想法(其实他也可以尝试玩些无聊的人在无聊时玩的无聊游戏),于是他开始召唤内心的童真,虚构了一个小盆友,名字叫Billy,并用一些练习本内页+手写六一体写各种信件寄给有名的、没名的各种各样的人,问一些奇怪的问题请求帮助或者建议。

更多网络解释与虚构的人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"寓"是寄托的意思,"寓言"(allegory) 就是作者把要说明的某个道理寄托在一个虚构的故事中. 故事的主人公可以是人,也可以是用拟人法 (personification) 表达的动植物. 每个故事都有一个发人深省的道理 (moral).

challenging: a.1:挑战性的,考验人的 2.激发兴趣(或好奇心)的,令人深思的

imaginary: a.假想的,虚构的,想象中的 | challenging: a.1.挑战性的,考验人的 2.激发兴趣(或好奇心)的,令人深思的 | theme: n.1.题目,主题 2.(文学作品的)主题思想 3.(音)主题,主旋律

chandelier n.m:蜡烛台;制造或贩卖蜡烛的人

chandelle n.f. 蜡烛;球或飞机急窜升 | chandelier n.m. 蜡烛台;制造或贩卖蜡烛的人 | fantastique a. 幻想的,空想的;虚构的, 臆造的;神奇的,奇异的


寓言故事 (fable) 是一种文学体裁,一般是短篇的散文体,也有诗歌体,其结构单纯,语言简练、朴素,且具有鲜明的哲理性. "寓"是寄托的意思,"寓言"(allegory) 就是作者把要说明的某个道理寄托在一个虚构的故事中. 故事的主人公可以是人,



Isaac Newton:艾萨克.牛顿

本书的主要内容是以虚拟的三人讨论的形式来表述的,参与者包括艾萨 克.牛顿(Isaac Newton)、阿尔伯特.爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)和一位 虚构的名叫阿德里安.


法国文学家与思想家卢梭说,"我必须承认圣经的最高权威(majesty)使我惊讶. ...如果圣经是人所虚构的,那么那作者就是最伟大的发明家. "


romancer 传奇小说作家 | romancer 讲虚构故事的人 | romancist 传奇小说家

Davinci Code:達文西密碼

就如"达文西密码"(DaVinci Code)那类虚构的幻想小说也能使许多人信以为真,相信接下来还继续会有故意与圣经作对的新作品出现. 中国人说:"国之将亡,必有妖孽",圣经说:"到了末世,人掩耳不听真道,偏向荒谬的言语. "正应验在这时代里.

myth n. 1:深化2虚构的人(事物)

mysterious a.1神秘的,不易懂的2诡秘的 | mystery n.1神秘,神秘的事物2侦探小说 | myth n.1深化2虚构的人(事物)