英语人>词典>汉英 : 虚弱 的英文翻译,例句
虚弱 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
debilitation  ·  debility  ·  enervation  ·  exinanition  ·  fragility  ·  impotence  ·  impotency  ·  impuissance  ·  infirmity  ·  wanness  ·  weakness  ·  weakliness  ·  infirmness  ·  debilities  ·  infirmities  ·  weaknesses

in poor health
更多网络例句与虚弱相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She is weak us in the girls' 4 ×100-metre relay race.


Nor could it stop her trade overland, a trade already great in volume, steadily expanding, and which would, with the outbreak of war and the consequent exclusion from Europe of English manufactured goods, attain unsuspected dimensions.


He was very weak.He needed to sit down for a little while.How cute his eyes are?Can't the abandoner see them?


Kennedy ever after concealed the truth about his Addison's disease; if voters had known that Kennedy suffered from a debilitating illness, his future political career, and his election as President, would have been impossible.


A feeble old woman; her body looked sapless.


I'm weak My face is turning white God knows where to lead me The love is all I have I'm weak My face still turning white As God knows what it is doing The thought is only of you Of you...


Relating to or exhibiting asthenia; weak .

虚弱 的与虚弱有关的或表示现出虚弱的;无力的

Relating to or exhibiting asthenia; weak.


But working on a software project all by yourself, instead of being empowering, is paradoxically debilitating. It's a shifting mirage that offers the tantalizing promise of relief, while somehow leaving you thirstier and weaker than you started.


The percentage of strong positive expression of MUC2 in SSDH group, slightly higher than it in SSW group , which may indicate a diminishing trend of the expression of MUC2,which might prompt the direction of the development of the disease ,and could provide a valuable signal on the disease prognosis and treatment.


更多网络解释与虚弱相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


deactivation失活、灭活 | debilitated 虚弱的 | debilitate虚弱

enfeeble:虚弱 feeble 虚弱的

Bane Elemental 痛苦之源 bane 祸根 | Enfeeble 虚弱 feeble 虚弱的 | Brain Sap 蚀脑 sap 树液,活力,消弱,耗尽

Week of Feebleness:(虚弱之周):圣堂,精灵,学院生物的防御下降

Week of Infirmity(虚弱周):死灵,恶魔,地下城生物的防御下降20%. | Week of Feebleness(虚弱之周):圣堂,精灵,学院生物的防御下降20%. | Week of Light(光之周):死灵,恶魔,地下城生物的士气与运气减2.


为恭纪念医院家庭医学科 汤梦彬医师说明,老年虚弱(Frailty)会让周遭的人或自身感觉是否自己生病了,尤其在老人生活密度较高的非都会社区里,更要了解老年虚弱是病吗?

impotently:虚弱地; 阳萎地; 无能为力地 (副)

impotent 无力的; 无效的; 虚弱的 (形) | impotently 虚弱地; 阳萎地; 无能为力地 (副) | impound 关在栏中; 扣押; 拘留 (动)


infirmity /虚弱/病身/疾病/癃/ | infirmly /弱地/虚弱地/优柔寡断地/ | infirmness /弱/虚弱/柔弱/

marasmus infantilis:幼年性虚弱

虚弱 marasmus | 幼年性虚弱 marasmus infantilis | 老年性虚弱 marasmus senilis


weakling /虚弱的人/病弱者/懦怯者/虚弱的/懦弱的/ | weakly /弱的/虚弱的/微弱地/虚弱地/ | weakneed /没骨头/

asthenic feeling:虚弱感

asthenia 虚弱 | asthenic feeling 虚弱感 | asthenic personality 虚弱人格

marantic clot:虚弱性血块

\\"消耗性,虚弱的\\",\\"marantic\\" | \\"虚弱性血块\\",\\"marantic clot\\" | \\"虚弱性栓塞\\",\\"marantic thrombosis\\"