英语人>词典>汉英 : 薤 的英文翻译,例句
薤 的英文翻译、例句

Allium sinensis G. Don.
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Bulb tunic membranous to scarious or subpapery, sometimes apex laciniate to fibrous; leaves 3-angled, subfistulose; umbel subfascicled to globose, laxly many flowered; perianth red to purple

鳞茎皮膜质到干膜质或近纸质,条裂的先端到纤维状的有时;叶具3角,近中空;伞形花序近簇生到球形,稀松的多花的;花被红到紫色 111 ALLIUM thunbergii 球序

Objective The differences were researched among the effects of A,Nerinifolium Bak extract from three areas Baoding,Bozhou and Dingzhou on reducing lipoid content in serum.

目的 研究 3产地长梗白提取物降脂作用的差异。方法利用家兔高脂血症模型,研究3产地 ANBE的脂质调节作用。

There are the normal group,the AS group,the pure swimming group,the swimming plus AS group,the simvastatin group(simvastatin plus AS of overstrain),the large dose Tongxinluo group,the small dose Tongxinluo group,the bulbus allii macrostemonis four drugs group and the ginseng group.


Filaments slightly longer than to 1.5 × as long as perianth segments; ovary with concave nectaries at base covered by hoodlike projections

花丝稍长于到1.5 *倍于花被片;子房具凹陷蜜穴在基部被钩状突起覆盖 109 ALLIUM yanchiense 白花

Abstract] Objective To observe the curative effect of conventional therapy plus compound formula of pericarpium trichosanthis and allium macrostemi in treating angina pectoris of coronary heart disease.

目的 观察常规治疗联合瓜蒌白类方治疗冠心病心绞痛的疗效方法将110例冠心病心绞痛患者随机分两组,对照组采用常规治疗,治疗组加用瓜蒌白类方,疗程均为4周,分别对治疗后临床症状、心电图等变化进行观察。

The treatment group was treated with conventional therapy plus compound formula of pericarpium trichosanthis and allium macrostemi ,while the control group only with conventional therapy.


Leaves semiterete or triangular-semiterete; umbel ± with bulblets; filaments shorter than perianth segments

叶半圆柱形半圆柱形或三角形;伞形花序多少具小珠芽;比花被片花丝短 121 ALLIUM macrostemon

On March 7th, accompanied by Handson Chengdu, Directors from Handson Shanghai, Sparch and the Chairman of The Blackford Trust came a long way to attend the inauguration of Community Flower Project in Xiezi Village, Chong Zhou, Si Chuan.

3月7日,远道而来的牵手上海负责人, Sparch 设计公司董事及其夫人和The Blackford Trust 主席在牵手成都的安排与陪同下重返崇州子村,与当地政府官员一同参加了心灵之花项目的落成典礼。

For Mr Uribe's opponents, these troubling stories are proof that the president is in league with the paramilitaries.


Nira dew line","Artemisia Lane Line","Seven Sorrows Poems","grief poems, and so on, the representation of such poetry chapter.


更多网络解释与薤相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Allium macrostemon:薤白 鳞茎

鸭舌草 全草 M.vaginalis | 白 鳞茎 Allium macrostemon | 各葱 全草 Allium victorialis

Allium macrostemon:(薤白)

(小叶枇杷) Rhododendron anthopogonoides | (白) Allium macrostemon | (缬草) Valeriana officinalis

Allium victorialis:各葱 全草

白 鳞茎 Allium macrostemon | 各葱 全草 Allium victorialis | 七筋菇 带根全草 Clintonia udensis

Astilbe microphylla Knoll:日本升麻(于);乳蕈刺(日本)

日本山(于) Allium thunbergii G.Don | 日本升麻(于);乳蕈刺(日本) Astilbe microphylla Knoll | 日本蓍草;羽衣草(日本)(薔薇科) Alchemilla vulgaris L.;A.japonica Nakai et Hara;lady's mantle

Longtube Ground Ivy Herb:连钱草

Longstamen Onion Bulb 白 | Longtube Ground Ivy Herb 连钱草 | Loquat Leaf 枇杷叶

Longtube Ground Ivy Herb Herba Glechomae:连钱草

Longstamen Onion Bulb Bulbus Allii Macrostemi白 | Longtube Ground Ivy Herb Herba Glechomae连钱草 | Mongolian Snakegourd Root Radix Trichosanthis天花粉

Longtube Ground Ivy Herb Herba Glechomae Lianqiancao:连钱草

Loquat Leaf Folium Eriobotryae Pipaye 枇杷叶 | Longtube Ground Ivy Herb Herba Glechomae Lianqiancao 连钱草 | Longstamen Onion Bulb Bulbus Allii Macrostemi Xiebai

Herba Glechomae Longtube Ground Ivy Herb Lianqiancao:连钱草

Bulbus Allii Macrostemi Longstamen Onion Bulb Xiebai 白 | Herba Glechomae Longtube Ground Ivy Herb Lianqiancao 连钱草 | Radix Trichosanthis Mongolian Snakegourd Root Tianhuafen 天花粉

Prunus armeniaca:杏 杏仁

白 Allium chinense | 杏 杏仁 Prunus armeniaca | 徐长卿 徐长卿、一枝香 Cynanchum paniculatum

Field Thistle Herb Herba Cirsii:薤白粉末 薤白提取物

Fennel Fructus Foeniculi 小蓟粉末 小蓟提取物 | Field Thistle Herb Herba Cirsii 白粉末 白提取物 | Longstamen Onion Bulb Bulbus Allii Macrostemi 辛夷粉末 辛夷提取物