英语人>词典>汉英 : 蕈毒碱 的英文翻译,例句
蕈毒碱 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与蕈毒碱相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A highly toxic alkaloid, C9H20NO2, related to the cholines, derived from the red form of the mushroom Amanita muscaria and found in decaying animal tissue.


By the analysis of muscarinic receptor-mediated currents, the data provide evidence that muscarinic cholinergic mechanisms play a prominent role in the modulation of the excitability of MVNn and also offer a new idea for the efficacy of anticholinergic drugs.


In order to verify nicotine effect to heart of rat , analyzing the electrograph Based on these results , it was demonstrated that nicotine can induce to release acetylcholine locally or act on muscarinic cholinoreceptor controlled by parasympathetic nerve .


Early chemists had mistakenly assumed that the psychoactive principal of Fly Agaric was to be found in a tropane alkaloid known as muscarine.


Then using selective antagonists for mAChR and nAChR, inhibitor of PKC and MAPK, respectively, we probed into the molecular mechanism underlying the regulation of APP processing by HupA.

采用毒蕈碱样乙酰胆碱受体和烟碱样乙酰胆碱受体的特异性拮抗剂,以及PKC和有丝分裂原激活的蛋白激酶(mitogen-activated protein kinase, MAPK)的抑制剂,探讨石杉碱甲调节sAPPα分泌的分子机制。

Results:①In normal extracellular solution, the non-selective cholinergic agonist acetylcholine and the muscarinic agonist muscarine both caused the increace of [Ca2+]i in separately 21 out of 25 and 14 out of 18 VHCs I, while only 3 out of 20 and 2 out of 16 VHCs I had a weak increase of [Ca2+]i if investigated in calcium free extracellular solution; nicotine could increase the [Ca2+]i in 7 out of 32 VHCsⅠonly at enough high concentration(up to 10 mmol/L) in normal extracellular solution, this [Ca~(2+)]_i increase by nicotine at high concentration could not be investigated if at calcium free solution.

结果①非选择性胆碱能受体激动剂乙酰胆碱、M型胆碱能受体激动剂毒蕈碱在正常细胞外液中均可引起大部分(21/25, 14/18)单离VHCⅠ[Ca~(2+)]_i的升高,但无钙外液中ACh、muscarine仅使少部分(3/20,2/16)VHCⅠ[Ca~(2+)]_i升高且作用减弱;正常外液中,N型受体激动剂尼古丁仅在高浓度(≥10 mmol/L)时引起部分(7/32) VHCⅠ[Ca~(2+)]_i升高,在低浓度时对胞内钙离子浓度影响不明显,无钙外液中,10 mmol/L nicotine对胞内钙离子浓度影响不明显。

Neither with the expression of M3 receptor, Nor the expression and activiety of AChE in sweat gland.


Clinicians should be able to recognize and treat significant toxidromes resulting from acetaminophen; anticholinergic agents including antihistamines and psychoactive drugs; anticoagulants such as warfarin or rat poison; cardiac medications including calcium channel blockers, beta-blockers, and digoxin; muscarinic cholinergic agents including carbamates, some mushrooms, and organophosphates; nicotinic cholinergic agents such as insecticides and nicotine; cyanide; ethylene glycol or methanol from antifreeze or rubbing alcohol; iron-containing products such as deferoxamine; opioids such as morphine, hydrocodone, or methadone; salicylate (aspirin-containing products); sulfonylurea; and sympathomimetic agents such as amphetamines, caffeine, cocaine, or ephedrine.

医师必须可以辨识与治疗乙醯胺酚;抗胆碱剂,如抗组织胺与精神作用药物;抗凝血剂,如warfarin或杀鼠剂;钙离子阻断剂、乙型阻断剂、毛地黄等心脏药物;蕈毒胆碱剂,如氨基甲酸酯盐、某些有毒蘑菇、有机磷农药;菸碱性胆碱剂,如杀虫剂与尼古丁;氰化物;抗冻剂或外用酒精的乙二醇或者甲醇;含铁产品,如 deferoxamine;鸦片类,如吗啡、hydrocodone、美沙冬;水阳酸;硫醯基尿素类降血糖药;拟交感神经药物,如安非他命、咖啡因、古柯碱或麻黄素等造成的明显中毒症候群。

Desensitization of negative chronotropic response to ACh is mostly the result of fade of IK,ACh.


ABSTRACT: Objective To isolate muscarinic peptide from Naja atra venom and to study the effect of MP in muscarinic cholinergic receptor.

目的 从舟山眼镜蛇Naja atra蛇毒中分离毒蕈碱样多肽,探讨其与M胆碱受体的关系。

更多网络解释与蕈毒碱相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1.毒草碱型受体 能与毒蕈碱(muscarine)特异性结合并被激动的胆碱受体称为毒草碱型受体(muscarinic receptor,M受体),主要位于节后胆碱能神经纤维所支配的效应器细胞膜上.



muscarine antagonist:抗毒蕈碱剂

murmur 杂音 | muscarine antagonist 抗毒蕈碱剂 | muscarinism 蕈毒碱中毒

muscarine receptors:毒蕈碱受体

461 mural thrombosis 附壁血栓形成 | 462 muscarine receptors 毒蕈碱受体 | 463 muscle 肌肉

muscarine type cholinergic receptor:蕈毒碱型胆碱受体,蕈毒碱型胆碱受体

murray loop 摩莱环路 | muscarine type cholinergic receptor 蕈毒碱型胆碱受体,蕈毒碱型胆碱受体 | Muschelkalk stage 壳灰岩阶

murexide; ammonium purpurate:紫尿酸铵

5-胺巴比妥酸 murexan; uramil | 紫尿酸铵 murexide; ammonium purpurate | 蕈毒碱 muscarine


156、multiservices and intelligent 多业务与智能化 | 157、muscarinic 毒蕈碱[的] | 158、muscle index 肌指数


5.hexylresorcinols 己雷琐辛 | 6.muscarinic 毒蕈碱 | 7.lipophilic 亲脂性

Muscarinic receptor:毒蕈碱受体

M-毒蕈碱受体(Muscarinic receptor)又称M型乙酰胆碱能受体,与β肾上腺能受体均为广泛分布于心肌组织的主要心肌受体. 被激活的受体偶联相应的G蛋白,通过改变心肌细胞内腺苷酸环化酶活性来发挥其生理作用. 在病理状态下,

muscarinic acetylcholine receptor:毒蝇碱性乙酰胆碱受体,毒蕈碱性乙酰胆碱受体

Muscarine 毒蝇碱,毒蕈碱 | muscarinic acetylcholine receptor 毒蝇碱性乙酰胆碱受体,毒蕈碱性乙酰胆碱受体 | muscarinic cholinergic receptor 毒蝇碱性胆碱能受体,毒蕈碱性胆碱能受体