英语人>词典>汉英 : 蓝豆蛋白 的英文翻译,例句
蓝豆蛋白 的英文翻译、例句


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To produce the scientific evidence for developing and manufacturing new antitumor drugs.Methods: 1 The inhibitory effect on cell growth of Hela was measured by MTT assay in treated or untreated groups (3.125, 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50μg/ml TAM and control) for three different treatment times (24h, 48h and 72h).2 Apoptosis and cell cycle were measured by FCM in four experimental groups (0, 4, 16, 40μg/ml TAM) for 48h.3 Adopting Wright and Giemse's staining to observe the morphology of Hela cells which treated with 40μg/ml TAM.4 Using invasion experiment to detect the Hela cells'invasive abilities which treated with 40μg/ml TAM.5 The protein expressional levels of P-ERK, ERK, C-myc and Cyclin D1 in Hela cells untreated or treated with 4, 16, 40μg/ml TAM for 24h were measured by Western blot.6 Expression of anti-apoptotic gene bcl-2, apoptotic gene bax and MMP-9 in Hela cells of four experimental groups (0, 4, 16, 40μg/ml TAM for 24h), were observed by revers transcription PCR.7 The protein expression of P-ERK, ERK, Bcl-2 and Bax in Hela cells treated with 40μg/ml TAM for 24h observed by laser scanning microscopes.

1采用四甲基偶氮唑蓝法检测不同浓度北豆根总碱(3.125、6.25、12.5、25、50μg/ml)处理不同时间(24、48和72小时)对Hela细胞增殖反应的抑制作用。2采用流式细胞技术(flow cytometry,FCM)检测不同浓度北豆根总碱(0、4、16、40μg/ml)作用48小时,对Hela细胞凋亡及周期变化的影响。3瑞氏-姬姆萨染色后显微镜观察北豆根总碱(0、40μg/ml)作用24小时后Hela细胞形态学变化。4采用Transwell小室法检测北豆根总碱(0、40μg/ml)作用24小时后对Hela细胞侵袭性的影响。5采用免疫印迹方法检测不同浓度北豆根总碱(0、4、16、40μg/ml)作用24小时后,Hela细胞中磷酸化ERK、ERK、C-myc、CyclinD1的表达变化。6采用逆转录-聚合酶链反应(revers transcription PCR,RT-PCR)半定量检测北豆根总碱(0、4、16、40μg/ml)作用24小时,Hela细胞抗凋亡基因bcl-2、促凋亡基因bax、基质金属蛋白酶-9(MMP-9)的表达变化。7应用激光共聚焦显微镜(laser scanning microscope,LSM)观察北豆根总碱(0、40μg/ml)作用24小时后,Hela细胞内P-ERK、ERK、Bcl-2、Bax蛋白的表达变化。

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conglomeration凝聚 密集型联合 堆集 | conglutin蓝豆蛋白 | conglutinant促创口愈合的 粘合的