英语人>词典>汉英 : 蒙哥 的英文翻译,例句
蒙哥 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

BBC The Meerkats · The Meerkats
更多网络例句与蒙哥相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She was there for the buses in Montgomery, the hoses in Birmingham, abridge in Selma, and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that We


She was there for the buses in Montgomery, the hoses in Birmingham, abridge in Selma, and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that "We Shall Overcome."


She was there for the buses in Montgomery, the hoses in Birmingham, abridge in Selma, and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that We Shall


It was in the early 1930s when the Army Air Corps Tactical School moved to Maxwell and Montgomery became the country's intellectual center for airpower education.


Auburn University Montgomery is a coeducational public university located in Montgomery , Alabama , USA .


The author comes to some conclusions as follow: The Khanate of Kipchak kept the submissive relation to the house of the grand khan and supported the supreme khan of Mongol Empire in the inner politics and the policy to the outside, which gave certain supports to the early communication in the Mongol Yuan dynasty; The Khanate of Kipchak should account for the stop of the communication caused by the foundation of the Khanate of Ogotai which had been supported by the Khanate of Kipchak during the period of the reign from Berke to Mangu Timur; The short-time stop of the communication was also Mongolian central government"s tragedy. The relationships of the Khanate of Kipchak to Yuan dynasty began to become normal during the course of the reign of Tuda Mangu ,Tula-buqa and Toqatai khan, in which the Khanate of Kipchak gave certain devotions to "peace" of the Mongol Khanates. Their relations had been best after the separation of Mongol Empire during the time of ozbeg and Janibeg"s reign which was. the rush hour of our economic and cultural intercourses with the Khanate of Kipchak and other west countries. The development of the relationships to Egypt accelerated the intercourses between this two countries, which indirectly widened the ways of the Sino-Arab communication in the economy and cultures. The relations to Ire Khanate had been very bad for a long time. This stopped the convergence of the Steppe Silk Roads and the Oasis Silk Roads. In other side, this helped the intercourses between Ire Khanate and Christian Europe.


This article is divided into seven sections: The first part deals with Martin Luther King Jr.'s experiences in his early years; the second with the Montgomery bus boycott led by King ,the action lasted one year and a few weeks and finally the city's buses were desegregated; the third with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference built by King and his other black leaders ,aiming at promoting the successful Montgomery action; the fourth with the letter from the Birmingham jail,this section fully demonstrated King's strong will and persistence for Black Civil Movement ;the fifth with Challenges of the final years,during which King had to meet the challenges from inside and outside for his business; the sixth with Posthumous reputation and legacy,this part records the reputation King owned after his death in honor of his outstanding contribution for Black Civil Movement and the controversy; the seventh with assessment,it mainly focuses on great influence King had on human being ,especially American politics and economics.


Him concern of advantage of horse of battlefield Trojan unconscious elder brother can be immersed in worry logistic proposition in, looked for an excuse to plead, he says to Qiu Jier:"Premier gentleman, you know, have a such adage:' understand and kiss can produce light thin bamboo strip ' perhaps I study logic the more, meet more despise it."


Yeah. I'd group it right up there with that time in third grade when - convinced the math test I was about to take might very well ruin my life - I managed to vomit all over my teacher, my test, AND the cute boy with dimples sitting at the desk right in front of me… Andrew Montgomery, if you're reading this, I sincerely apologize.


And should Prendick fear the dark secrets of Montgomery's master – the even more mysterious Doctor Moreau?


更多网络解释与蒙哥相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

AL ,ALABAMA:亚拉巴马州 蒙哥马利

AL Alabama 亚拉巴马州 蒙哥马利 | AK Alaska 阿拉斯加州 朱诺 | AZ Arizona 亚利桑那州 凤凰城

AL ,ALABAMA:阿拉巴马州 蒙哥马利

al alabama 阿拉巴马州 蒙哥马利 | ak alaska 阿拉斯加州 朱诺 | az arizona 亚利桑那州 凤凰城

We got the beachhead secured, but Monty's taking his time moving on Caen:我们攻下了滩头堡 但蒙哥马利却慢条斯理的进攻康城

What have you heard? How is it... | We got the beachhead secured, but Monty's taking his time moving on Caen.|我们攻下了滩头堡 但蒙哥马利却慢条斯理的进攻康城 | We can't pull out 'til he's ready, so... ...

Montgomery Clift:蒙哥马利.克利夫特

21、蒙哥马利-克利夫特(Montgomery Clift)扮演华盛顿派来的Chuck Glover,37岁的乔-文-弗利特(Jo Van Fleet)扮演犟老婆子Ella Garth. 影片拍摄时,蒙哥马利-克利夫特已处于事业衰势,深受酗酒折磨. 卡赞回忆:"克里夫特早上往往是半睡半醒,

Field Marshal Montgomery:蒙哥马利元帅

对于>那本书所需的研究却给了他很大的帮助,因为他曾经结识了许多参加作战的双方青年指挥官,同时也曾经和那些老友畅谈,其中包括蒙哥马利元帅(Field Marshal Montgomery)、亚历山大元帅(Field Marshal Alexander)和奥钦列克元帅(Field Marshal Auchinleck)等人,

Mogul Khan:蒙哥.卡恩

Leviathan:里拜尔森 | Mogul Khan:蒙哥.卡恩 | Nessaj:涅沙

Markham Gannon--Mungojerry:馬克漢. 蓋儂(蒙哥傑利)

Markham Gannon--Mungojerry 馬克漢. 蓋儂(蒙哥傑利) | Brian Gillespie--George 布萊恩. 奇利斯派(喬治) | Cara Hamilton--Jemima 卡啦. 漢彌頓(傑米瑪)


Lion 狮子 | Meerkat 蒙哥 | Orangutan 猩猩

meerkat:(南非)海岛猫鼬, 蒙哥

240warthog 疣猪 | 241meerkat (南非)海岛猫鼬, 蒙哥 | 242lively 活泼的


蒙哥洛罗 Mongororo | 蒙哥斯 Mongos | 蒙哥姆巴 Mongoumba