英语人>词典>汉英 : 蒙住...的眼睛 的英文翻译,例句
蒙住...的眼睛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与蒙住...的眼睛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I then slipped the blindfold over her head, pulling it down over her eyes.


And his eyes swam in a blur of water


Once they had gone, Carla blindfolded me and told me she had a surprise for me.


Rom.1:29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 1 John 2:9 He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now.


There did Meriones transfix him, and he writhed convulsively about the spear as some bull whom mountain herdsmen have bound with ropes of withes and are taking away perforce.


Once they had gone, Carla blindfolded me and told me she had a surprise for me.


Blindfolded their eyes Is the world had ceased to exist in it?


Her eyes misted over with tears.


And a blindfolded dog will swim in circles. A Norwegian biologist, F.O.


A Norwegian biologist, F.O.


更多网络解释与蒙住...的眼睛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

birthday party:生日晚会

荷兰(Holland):在孩子的生日晚会(birthday party)上,除了吹烛炬(candle)什么的的勾当外,来宾们(guest)还要到场一项特殊的(special)勾当. 他们用布蒙住自己的眼睛(eyes),在进行晚会的屋子里寻觅礼品. 谁摸到了礼品,那礼品就属于谁的.


为了获得这个好处, 你可能想到要先喝下失明药剂 (potion of blindness), 或者更好的选择是, 找到蒙眼罩 (blindfold) 戴上. 当然了, 蒙住眼睛之后, 尽管有着超感观能力, 你还是看不见地面上静止的物体的 -- 当你找到一堆道具时,


truss 捆 | blindfold 蒙住眼睛,眼罩 | provocative 挑逗的

i lie under the broom tree:我躺在罗藤树下

我躺在罗藤树下 i lie under the broom tree | 悲哀蒙住我的眼睛 sadness covers my eyes | 每一个墓穴都开出一朵百合 each grave grows out a lily

He will no longer return to the ribald existence:再也回不到卑贱的存在

谁将在路的尽头痛哭一场?Who will cry at random at the end of the ... | 再也回不到卑贱的存在. He will no longer return to the ribald existence | 被布蒙住的眼睛来不及 It's too late for the eyes covered by...


Their lives would intertwine even when separated. 虽然被分开他们的命运始终纠织在一起. | blindfolded 眼睛被蒙住的 | obecame fast friends 建立了深厚的友谊


flypaper 捕蝇纸 | blindfolded 用布蒙住某人的眼睛 | arena 表演场地 竞技场地


ultimate 最后的,最终的 | blindfolded 蒙住眼睛的 | instruction 指示,指导;使用说明书

To have a look at the little bird allured by clouds:看一眼被云彩诱惑的小鸟

被布蒙住的眼睛来不及 It's too late for the eyes covered by clo... | 看一眼被云彩诱惑的小鸟,To have a look at the little bird allured by clouds | 被绳索捆绑的四肢来不及 It's too late for all the four li...

He blackens his eyes with soot:他被黑烟蒙住了眼睛

He worships dogs and reptiles.|他崇拜狗,蜥蜴等异教神 | He blackens his eyes with soot|他被黑烟蒙住了眼睛 | Like a prostitute.|他向异教神出卖了自己的身体