英语人>词典>汉英 : 葱科 的英文翻译,例句
葱科 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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But it is lack of scientific proof, furthermore at present it is lack of analysis of quality and quantity to the effective medical components of Allium chinense.


Any of numerous,usually bulbous plants of the genus Allium in the lily family,having long stalk s bearing clusters of variously colored flowers and including many ornamental and food plants,such as onions,leeks,chives,garlic,and shallots.


Any of numerous,usually bulbous plants of the genus Allium in the lily family,having long stalks bearing clusters of variously colored flowers and including many ornamental and food plants,such as onions, leek s,chives,garlic,and shallots.


One of four subclasses or superorders of Monocotyledones; comprises 17 families including: Liliaceae; Alliaceae; Amaryllidaceae; Iridaceae; Orchidaceae; Trilliaceae.


Thus just three families, the Fabaceae (higher eudicots-rosids), Poaceae (monocots-commelinoids), and Asteraceae (higher eudicots-asterids) account for more than 34% of the total number of C-values, and the addition of just four further families, Alliaceae (monocots-Asparagales), Solanaceae (higher eudicots-asterids), Ranunculaceae (lower eudicots-Ranunculales) and Commelinaceae (monocots-comme-linoids) account for more than 525 % of the data.

因此,只有三个家庭,豆科(高eudicots -蔷薇分支),禾本科( monocots - commelinoids ),菊科(高eudicots -菊分支)的帐户超过34个,占总人数的C值,并增设短短的4进一步家人,葱( monocots -天门冬目),茄科(高eudicots -菊分支),毛茛科(下eudicots - ranunculales )和commelinaceae ( monocots - comme - linoids )占多525 %的数据。

Garlic is the source of origin in Central Asia, belongs to the Liliaceae onion category, and garlic in the ground.


Garlic is the source of origin in Central Asia, belongs to the Liliaceae onion category, and garlic in the ground.

大蒜 4。 Garlic 大蒜的源产地是中亚地区,是属于百合科的葱类,蒜头在地下。

Allium mongolicum Regel was pernennial and xeric plant in Allium of Liliaceae , it was an endernic species in Mongol plateau and distributed widely in Inner Mongolia.


It caused symptomless infection on garlic, onion, shallot, Welsh onion, Chinese leek, and pea, local lesions on Chenopodium amaranticolor, C. quinoa, and Tetragonia expansa, or systemic necrosis on broad bean, but did not infect leek, narcissus, lily, belldonna lily, tobacco (5 species), Gornphrena globosa, and Physalis floridana in host range test. The virus was propagated in Chinese leek and assayed in C.

其寄主范围包括大蒜、洋葱、葱、韭等葱科作物,但呈无病徵系统性感染,唯不感染韭葱;其他寄主反应包括:红藜、Chenopodium quinoa、及番杏接种叶的局部病斑,豌豆的局部潜隐感染,蚕豆的系统性坏疽等。

Garlic and other members of the onion family are high in allicin25, a phytochemical that lowers cholesterol26 and reduces blood pressure.


更多网络解释与葱科相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Polemonium L:花葱属

葱科 Polemonia Ceae | 花葱属 Polemonium L | 花 葱 P.liniflorum V.Vassil


[正文快照] 洋葱(Alli"m cePa L.)又名玉葱、圆葱、葱头,葱科(Alliaceae)葱属2年生草本植物(Purseglove 1972),是世界上最重要的蔬菜作物之一. 由于具有较高的食疗价值,洋葱的市场消费量逐年增加(Griffiths等2002),全球种植面积达6.7xl06 ha,


子实体或有子实层的部份 hymenophore | 膜蕨科;石衣蕨科;苔葱科 Hymenophyllaceae | 石衣蕨舅属 Hymenophyllopsida


蒙自谷精草 E.henryanum Ruh1 | 田葱科 Philydraceae | 田葱属 Philydrum Banks


4. 蒙自谷精草 E.henryanum Ruh1 | 九十五、田葱科 Philydraceae | 田葱属 Philydrum Banks


安旱草属(苋科) Philoxerus | 田葱科(卢) Philydraceae | 田葱属 Philydrum

M Philydraceae:田葱科

胡麻科 D Pedaliaceae 14/88 | 田葱科 M Philydraceae 3/6 | 胡椒科 D Piperaceae 8/2046

tian cong ke Philydraceae:田葱科

天星蕨科 tian xing jue ke Christenseniaceae 2 | 田葱科 tian cong ke Philydraceae 13(3) | 田基麻科 tian ji ma ke Hydrophyllaceae 64(1)


本品为花葱科(Polemoniaceae)植物花荵Polemonium coeruleum L.的干燥根和根状茎. 根及叶含皂苷(saponins) 和鞣质(tannin).


三十九、旋花科Convolvulaceae | 四十、花葱科Polemoniaceae | 四十一、紫草科Boraginaceae