英语人>词典>汉英 : 葱兰 的英文翻译,例句
葱兰 的英文翻译、例句


zephyr lily
更多网络例句与葱兰相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results showed that the best antibacterial growth on Huaihai West Road was a tree layer of Zelkova schneideriana and Cedrus deodara, a shrub layer of Cercis chinensis and Buxus sinica, and a ground cover of Zephyranthes candida with an antibacterial effect of 51.9%. On Beijing North Road a tree layer of Magnolia grandiflora and a shrub layer of Photinia serrulata revealed an antibacterial effect of 47.1%. Thus, depending on the arrangement, antibacterial effect can improve the urban street-side environment in autumn and winter.

结果表明,秋季10月上旬不同植物群落均具有一定的抑菌作用;淮海西路处理2-5(乔木层为大叶榉树Zelkova schneideriana和雪松Cedrus deodara,灌木层为紫荆Cercis chinensis和黄杨Buxus sinica,地被为葱兰Zenhyranthes candida)和北京北路处理1-4(乔木层为广玉兰Magnolia grandiflora,灌木层为石楠Photinia serrulata)复层配置植物群落的抑菌效果最佳,抑菌率分别达51.93%和47.10%合理的植物群落配置的抑菌效果在秋冬季节对改善街道空气质量具有积极意义。

In order to control the chomophyte in lawn and test the safety of herbicides on turfgrass,herbicidesGoal 23 5EC,Tiancaojing(Acetochlort Bensulfuron menthyl 18 2wp,Butachlor 50MG and Benziocarb 50ECwere applied with spraying or broadcasting on Dichondra repens,Zephyranthes candida and Ophiopogon japonicus turfgrass during the establishment of lawn.

为清除园林草坪杂草,寻求安全高效的园林草坪除草剂,在马蹄金、葱兰和麦冬草坪上用 2 3 5%果尔乳油、 1 8 2 %田草净可湿性粉剂、 50 %丁草胺颗粒剂和 50 %杀草丹乳油加水喷雾或拌土撒施,除草率为 75 45%~ 92 1 9%。

One of four subclasses or superorders of Monocotyledones; comprises 17 families including: Liliaceae; Alliaceae; Amaryllidaceae; Iridaceae; Orchidaceae; Trilliaceae.


The injury threshold values of most plants are observed at pH 2.0~3.5 designed in this experiment. However, those of Brassia campestris, Viola tricolors and Zephyranthes candida are not fixed at pH 2.0. It indicates that three herbaceous ornamental plants own a strong resistance to acid rain.

在设定的酸雨胁迫强度(pH 2.0~3.5)下,多数植物的伤害阈值可被确定,惟有羽衣甘蓝、三色堇和葱兰在pH2.0酸雨胁迫下仍无法确定其伤害阈值,表明此3种草本观赏植物对酸雨有极强抗性。

In the roof garden, Zephyranthes candida Herb and S.


Zephyranthes candida Herb.


Scallions are the most famous crop produced in Yilan!


更多网络解释与葱兰相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fairy lily; Zephyranthes:葱兰属

"宝铎草","fairy bells; Disporum" | "葱兰属","fairy lily; Zephyranthes" | "菌环;仙环","fairy ring"

common freesia:香雪兰(小苍兰)

葱兰--------------zephyr lily | 香雪兰(小苍兰)--------common freesia | 番红花-------------crocus

Yucca gloriosa:凤尾兰

大而直立杯状,优良园林观花植物. 153.葱兰(Zephyranthes candida)百合科. 多年生草本植物,叶似葱. 花白色,花瓣6枝. 154.凤尾兰(Yucca gloriosa)龙舌兰科. 常绿灌木,叶质硬剑形而尖,圆锥花序宽大. 常栽培作路边观赏植物.

zephyr lily:葱兰

朱顶红-------------barbadoslily,amaryllis | 葱兰--------------zephyr lily | 香雪兰(小苍兰)--------common freesia

zephyr lily:葱兰: 期待、洁白的爱

姜兰: 无聊 Ginger Lily,Butterfly Lily | 葱兰: 期待、洁白的爱 Zephyr Lily | 玉蝉花: 爱的音讯 Iris Kaempferi

Zephyranthes carinata Harb:赛番红花;红菖蒲;菖蒲莲;韭兰

洋菖蒲 Zephyranthes atamasco Herb.;Amaryllis atamasco L.;Atamasco lily | 赛番红花;红菖蒲;菖蒲莲;韭兰 Zephyranthes carinata Harb. | 邹氏葱兰 Zephyranthes tsouii Hu

Zephyranthes Herb:葱莲属(玉帘属)

03. 雪片莲属 Leucojum Linn. | 04. 葱莲属(玉帘属) Zephyranthes Herb. | 05. 文殊兰属 Crinum Linn.

Zephyranthes candida:葱兰

节处有须根,叶基生,阔倒披针形,苍绿色,厚而稍硬,全缘.观叶,观果植物.152.郁金香(Tulipa gesneriana)百合科.多年生鳞茎草本植物,茎光滑,有蜡粉,花单生,大而直立杯状,优良园林观花植物.153.葱兰(Zephyranthes candida)百合科.多年生草本植物,

Zephyranthes candida:葱莲(葱兰)

吉祥草 Reineckia carnea | 葱莲(葱兰)* Zephyranthes candida | 韭莲(韭兰)* Z.grandiflora

Ginger Lily,Butterfly Lily:姜兰: 无聊

美人蕉: 坚实 Canna | 姜兰: 无聊 Ginger Lily,Butterfly Lily | 葱兰: 期待、洁白的爱 Zephyr Lily