英语人>词典>汉英 : 葡萄糖浆 的英文翻译,例句
葡萄糖浆 的英文翻译、例句


glucose sirup
更多网络例句与葡萄糖浆相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Other Ingredients: Glucose Syrup, Sucrose, Gelatin, Citric Acid, Lactic Acid, Colors (Black Carrot Juice Concentrate, Annatto and Turmeric), Natural Flavors, Fractionated Coconut Oil and Beeswax to Prevent Sticking.


Other Ingredients: Glucose Syrup, Sucrose, Gelatin, Citric Acid, Lactic Acid, Colors (Annatto, Black Carrot Juice Concentrate and Turmeric), Natural Flavors, Fractionated Coconut Oil and Beeswax to Prevent Sticking.


Other Ingredients: Natural cane juice, glucose syrup, pectin, fumaric acid, citric acid, lactic acid, natural flavors, natural colors added (including annatto, turmeric and grape skin liquid).


Other Ingredients: Glucose syrup, natural cane juice, gelatin, citric acid, lactic acid, natural colors added(black carrot, annatto, turmeric and purple berry concentrate), natural flavors (strawberry, orange, pineappple, cherry, lemon), fractionated coconut oil and carnauba wax to prevent sticking.


Make: According to all sorts of fruity features, make a model above all, it is main raw material with glucose syrup next, join right amount and purificatory starch, cane sugar, fruit juice to wait, boil to formulary temperature, wait for after congee is mushy, fill model shapes.


This marked a partner's list of ingredients: coffee mate plant by the end of glucose syrup, hydrogenated vegetable oil, sodium caseinate, stabilizer, emulsifier, anti-caking agent composition.


This marked on a partner's list of ingredients: coffee mate plant at the end from glucose syrup, hydrogenated vegetable oil, sodium caseinate, stabilizer, emulsifier, anti-caking agent composition.


Ingredients:whole milk powder, glucose syrup solids,dextrose,skimmed milk powder, galactooligosaccharide, lactose, encapsulated fish oil(tuna oil, sodium caseinate, antioxidants ),long chain lnulin, soya lecithin.


Can carry on the fine filtration of fruits and vegetables juice, concentration fruit juice tea drink, ratafia, grape wine, yellow wine, fruit grape syrup, high fruit syrup, grape syrup, plant extraction, drugs manufacture, additive, chemical and so on.

适用范围及效果 Scope of applicatition and result ●可对果蔬汁、浓缩果汁、茶饮料、果酒、葡萄酒、黄酒、果葡糖浆、高果糖浆、葡萄糖浆、植物提取物、制药、添加剂、化工等进行精密过滤。

This product is made from fine vegetable oil, glucose sirup casein, emulsifier and stabilization, with good solubility and emulsification.


更多网络解释与葡萄糖浆相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

confectioner's glucose:葡萄糖浆

葡萄糖 glucose | 葡萄糖浆 confectioner's glucose | 山梨糖醇 sorbitol

corn syrup solids:固体玉米糖浆

corn syrup玉米糖浆,淀粉糖浆 | corn syrup solids固体玉米糖浆 | dried glucose syrup干葡萄糖浆

high fructose corn syrup:玉米糖浆

根据协议,所有食糖产品在10年内取消关税,许多产品的关税削减期更短,如高糖玉米糖浆(high fructose corn syrup)仅为5年. 秘鲁水果和坚果的基期WTO约束关税为30%,实施税率为25%. 对包括鲜葡萄、葡萄干、苹果、梨、樱桃、桃、李和坚果等在内的多数水果,

high fructose corn syrup:高果糖葡萄糖浆

Helsinki Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area,保护波罗的海地区海洋环境... | high fructose corn syrup,高果糖葡萄糖浆,HFCS, | Human Development Division,人类发展司...

glucose syrup:葡萄糖漿

葡萄糖浆(glucose syrup)是一种以淀粉为原料在酶或酸的作用产生的一种淀粉糖浆,主要成份为葡萄糖、麦芽糖、麦芽三糖、麦芽四糖及四糖以上等. 又称为液体葡萄糖,葡麦糖浆.

glucose syrup:糖浆

我想问一下关于葡萄糖浆(glucose syrup)的事. 因为有些饼干有加这个成分. 它会不会对fk的浓度有一定的影响啊?



maltose syrup:麦芽糖浆

葡萄糖浆 glucose syrup | 麦芽糖浆 maltose syrup | 焦糖 carmael


olada) 鲜奶(Milk) 蜂蜜(Honey) 蓝柑汁(Blue Curacao Syrup) 薄荷蜜(Peppermint Syrup) 可尔必思(Calpis) 葡萄糖浆(Grape Syrup) 重要果汁 柳橙汁、凤梨汁、番茄汁 葡萄柚汁、葡萄制、芭乐汁 苹果汁、小红莓果汁 运动饮料、杨桃制、椰子汁 备用配料 杏仁露、豆蔻粉、芹菜粉 红樱桃、绿樱桃、香草片 洋葱粒、橄榄粒、辣椒酱

glucose sirup:葡萄糖浆

glucose 葡萄糖 | glucose sirup 葡萄糖浆 | glucoside 糖苷