英语人>词典>汉英 : 葡萄汁 的英文翻译,例句
葡萄汁 的英文翻译、例句


grape juice
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No vivacious Bacchanalian flame leaped out of the pressed grape of monsieur Defarge: but, a smouldering fire that burnt in the dark, lay hidden in the dregs of it.


Backgrounder: British scientists recently the University of Glasgow for their more popular 13 kinds of fruit juice antioxidant components of the scientific analysis, the results are: health juice, purple grape juice occupy the top, apple juice and spread the Meizhi, followed by Most people's favorite orange juice instead of ranking is not high.


There are potential negative health effects of long-term alcohol use, and the flavonoids found in red wine can be found in other food and drink like fruits and vegetables and grape juice, she said.


A reddish acid compound, chiefly potassium bitartrate, found in the juice of grapes and deposited on the sides of casks during winemaking.


Tartar, A reddish acid compound, chiefly potassium bitartrate, found in the juice of grapes and deposited on the sides of casks during winemaking.


And as well as adding verjuice or the grapestone, they sometimes added other sweeteners, sometimes sugar, sometimes mosto cotto in Italy, which is reduced grape must very very sweet and to balance the acidity.


Combing with oxygen or reducing substances in grape juice, SO2 not only has theeffect of antioxidation but also can improve acidity and the efficiency of Lixiviation, which has good effect on color and aromaof grape juice.


Canadian ice wine is made from the hundreds of years old German grapes through a very delicate method whose intricacy vindicates its high value. When it comes to harvest season, the viniculture farmers would leave the grapes exposed to snow and frost rather than picking them down the baskets till the next year when the temperature is below 15℃ and all the grape juice is solidified to clot, then they pick the grapes manually in a paced manner. The grapes picked in this way are very sweet. The percentage of sugar is increased to 45% in the 600 liters grape juice extracted from the 1000 liters grapes. With the 600 liters juice, only about 150 liters ice wine can be made.


Juice from different pressings (free run juice from initial grape crushing) is blended with juice from later pressings to add tannin and structure.


In fact, this human study was a natural next step based on their 2006 publication in Nutrition where they reported that polyphenol-rich Concord grape juice supplementation in the diet of aged rats resulted in beneficial effects on memory and cognitive function Effects of Concord grape juice on cognitive and motor deficits in aging.


更多网络解释与葡萄汁相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gape juice:葡萄汁

Grand Marnier 餐后甜酒,桔皮做,法国干邑产. | Gape juice 葡萄汁 | Grapefruit juice 西柚汁

grape juice:葡萄汁

桑子(MULBERRY),葡萄汁(GRAPE JUICE)及奇异果(KIWI)中之维他命C精华,有效减少引致肤色加深的黑色素产生,从而减慢肌肤的自然变黑过程. 亚洲柑桔精华(ASIATIC CITRUS EXTRACT)促进黑色素均匀的扩散,避免色素积聚而形成色斑,全面抵抗色素沉淀.

Saccharomyces logos:娄哥酵母(葡萄汁酵母之一)

Saccharomyces lactis 乳酸酵母 | Saccharomyces logos 娄哥酵母(葡萄汁酵母之一) | Saccharomyces mesentericus 肠系膜酵母(见于发酵的水果中)



Saccharomyces carlsbergensis:卡尔斯伯酵母(葡萄汁酵母之一)

Saccharomyces bisporus 二孢酵母 | Saccharomyces carlsbergensis 卡尔斯伯酵母(葡萄汁酵母之一) | Saccharomyces cerevisiae 啤酒酵母


stultify 显得愚笨 | stum 未发酵葡萄汁 | stumble across 偶然发现


stultificationstultify 使显得愚笨 | stum 未发酵的葡萄汁 | stumble 绊倒


"混合填料","stuffing mix" | "(未发酵或轻度发酵)葡萄汁","stum" | "击昏,震昏","stunning"

unfermented must:未发酵葡萄汁

未发酵饮料 unfermented beverage | 未发酵葡萄汁 unfermented must | 未发酵茶 unfermented tea

grape juice color:葡萄汁色(素)

grape juice葡萄汁 | grape juice color葡萄汁色(素) | grape lees葡萄渣滓