英语人>词典>汉英 : 葡糖 的英文翻译,例句
葡糖 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
glucosone  ·  glycose

更多网络例句与葡糖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My hometown is a base where the glucose is very famous, also very delicious, you can see with violet crystal light of grapes We are of pengshan where a famous scenic spot, the whole city is a monitor, mountain scenery in the observatory, looking down from the more beautiful.


Two gene fragments of DEN-1(GenBank accession number DQ886390)and DEN-2(GenBank accession number DQ886391),differentially expressed between the ocular skin tissues of normal and albino turbot,were isolated by mRNA differential display and sequenced.It was confirmed by RT-PCR method that the expression levels of both DEN-1 and DEN-2 were down-regulated in the ocular skin tissue of albino turbot.The sequence homology search of DEN-1 revealed high sequence homologies with the UGGT genes of zebrafish and cattle,and the Ugcgl1 gene of Norway rat.High sequence homologies of DEN-2 were observed with the eya4 gene(the eye absent homolog 4)from red jungle fowl,zebrafish,human,Norway rat,mouse and dog.

应用mRNA差异显示技术,对比研究正常与白化大菱鲆有眼侧皮肤组织,克隆差异表达基因,经测序,RT-PCR 验证,差异表达基因片段DEN-1(GenBank登录号:DQ886390)与DEN-2(GenBank登录号:DQ886391)均在白化大菱鲆有眼侧皮肤组织中下调表达;通过BLAST检索发现,DEN-1与GenBank中的斑马鱼和牛的类似尿苷二磷酸-葡萄糖:糖蛋白葡糖基转移酶基因、与挪威鼠类似尿苷二磷酸-葡萄糖:神经酰氨葡糖基转移酶1(Ugcgl1)基因有较高同源性;DEN-2 与原鸡、斑马鱼、人、挪威鼠、家鼠和狗的眼缺乏同源框4(eya4)基因的同源性均较高。

Glucuronidase and lysozyme release was quantitated by enzyme reactions in which phenolphthaleinglucuronic acid and Micrococcus Lysodeikticus were as the substrates, respectively.

以酚酞葡糖醛酸和Micrococcus Lysodeikticus为基质的酶反应法测定β-葡糖苷酸酶和溶菌酶的释放量。

Phosphorylated chitosan (phosphorylate-modified chitosan,P-CTS) was synthesized by the reaction of monosodium orthophosphate with urea in the presence of HAc.


Transparent qualitative acid is sticky polysaccharide of sex of acidity macromolecule a gleam of, by acetyl of aldehydic acid of D- Pu candy and N- the disaccharide unit of amino Pu candy relapses to join alternately and become.

梗概: 透明质酸(hyaluronan,HA)为酸性大分子一线性黏多糖,由D-葡糖醛酸和N-乙酰氨基葡糖的双糖单位反复交替连接而成。

These results suggest that anthocyanidin in E. pulcherrima mainly include cyanidin 3-rutinoside, delphinidin 3-rutinoside, cyanidin 3- benzoylglucoside, delphinidin 3-benzoylglucoside and an unknown component.

由这些结果可推断一品红花色素样品中主要含有 5 种组分:矢车菊花色素芸香苷、飞燕草花色素芸香苷、飞燕草花色素苯甲酰基葡糖苷、矢车菊花色素苯甲酰基葡糖苷和一种未知成分。

The resistance to oxidation of synthetical ferulaic acid glycolipide was investigated. The result was shown, apple was dipped in 0.62% ferulaic acid glycolipide, the most inhibitor effectiveness of glucose ferulaic esters and xylose ferulaic ester was shown respectively to be 36.92% after four days and 19.47% after eight days, the fastigium of release ethane was postponed respectively to be six days and four days.

本文测定了合成阿魏酸糖脂的抗氧化性,结果表明用0.62%的阿魏酸糖脂浸泡的苹果,阿魏酸葡糖酯抑制效应在处理后4天最明显,抑制率 36.92%,阿魏酸木糖酯抑制效应在处理后8天最明显,抑制率为 19.47%对于果实的内源乙烯释放,经阿魏酸葡糖酯和阿魏酸木糖酯处理的苹果分别推迟乙烯释放高峰期6天和4天。

This strain was identified to be a new subspecies of Gluconacetobacter intermedius in the species of Gluconacetobacter.


N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-glucamine was dehydrogenated to 6-(2-droxyethyl) amino-6-deoxy-a-L-sorbofiuanose the key intermediate of miglitol by the resting cells of Gluconobater oxydans Gouv2007 through aeration. 6-(2-Droxyethyl) amino-6-deoxy-a-L-sorbofiuanose was hydrogenated catalyticlly to miglitol. In the transformation of N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-glucamine to miglitol, the transformation rate was 77.3%.


Reduction of aldoses or ketoses yield sugar alcohols ,properly called 'alditols," hoch2-n-ch2oh.the suffix "-itol is applied to the trivial prefixes to denote different alditols; e.g., d-glucitol, d-manniitol, xylitol.


更多网络解释与葡糖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

glucogenic amino acid:葡糖氨基酸

glucocerebrosidase 葡糖脑苷酯酶 pútángnǎogānzhǐméi | glucogenic amino acid 葡糖氨基酸 pútángānjīsuān | gluconeogenesis 葡糖异生, 糖生成, 糖原异生

glucosamine sulfate:硫酸葡糖胺

硫酸葡糖胺(Glucosamine Sulfate)、盐酸葡糖胺(glucosamine hcl)等等,其中又以盐酸葡糖胺的生物利用率最高. ...

glucose oxidase:葡糖氧化酶

gl ucose isomerase 葡糖异构酶 | glucose oxidase 葡糖氧化酶 | glucose phenylhydrazone 葡糖苯腙

glucose syrup:葡糖糖浆,淀粉糖浆

glucitol syrup葡糖醇糖浆 | glucose syrup葡糖糖浆,淀粉糖浆 | glucose syrup solid葡糖糖浆固体

invert sugar:转化糖;果葡糖(由淀粉水解而成的葡萄糖的混合物)

invert 转化(的) | invert sugar 转化糖;果葡糖(由淀粉水解而成的葡萄糖的混合物) | invert syrup 转化糖浆;果葡糖


chitodextrin壳糊精 | chitosamine壳糖胺;氨基葡糖;葡糖胺 | chitosan壳聚糖


glucanase 葡聚糖酶 | glucaricacid 葡糖二酸 葡萄糖二酸 | glucase 葡糖化酶


glucaric acid 葡糖二酸 | glucase 葡糖糖化酶 | glucidtemns 淀粉水解物


glucosimine /葡糖亚胺/ | glucosin /葡糖碱/葡萄糖硷/ | glucosone /葡糖醛酮/葡糖酮醛/葡萄糖酮醛/


glucosin /葡糖碱/葡萄糖硷/ | glucosone /葡糖醛酮/葡糖酮醛/葡萄糖酮醛/ | glucosphingolipid /葡糖鞘脂类/