英语人>词典>汉英 : 落荒而逃 的英文翻译,例句
落荒而逃 的英文翻译、例句


be defeated and flee
更多网络例句与落荒而逃相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

No one allowed Truth to enter a home and everyone who encountered Truth ran away in fright.


But soon the jinn prevailed over the giants of the isl and , and put them to flight


II0 Lord our God arise, Scatter her enemies, And make them fall: Confound their politics, Frustrate their knavish tricks, On thee our hopes we fix: God save us all .


And at that I understood the smell of burning wood, the slumbrous murmur that was growing now into a gusty roar, the red glow, and the Morlocks' flight.


And in his own eyes was love; and love was unanswerable.


We drove off a vast quantity of booty from the plain, fifty herds of cattle and as many flocks of sheep; fifty droves also of pigs, and as many wide-spreading flocks of goats.


The robbers grasped the peril of their position and scuttled away.


Apparently, she adored a game where Eton boys were chased by a pack of hounds for her pleasure.


On 2 May 1863, many of the Federals were captured without a shot fired, and the rest were driven into a full rout.


Just at that moment the door flew open, in came two huge mastiffs, and the two mice had to scamper down and run off.


更多网络解释与落荒而逃相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the company of strangers:(彷徨在陌生人的包围之中)

I was no more than a boy (我还不过是个孩子) | In the company of strangers, (彷徨在陌生人的包围之中) | In the quiet of the railroad station, runnin" scared, (在死寂的地铁站中,惊慌失措,落荒而逃)

Sonic Wave:超声冲击波

需要吃金嗓子喉宝的Bug.* 修正痛苦女王(Akasha)在使用超声冲击波(Sonic Wave)的时候不会震碎自己耳膜的Bug.* 修正地穴刺客(Anub'arak)遇到地穴编织者(Anub'seran)时不会落荒而逃的Bug.* 修正普罗德摩尔上将(Kunkka)不开船的Bug,

La Cage Aux Folles:<鸟笼>

还煞有介事地在学校操场办了一场假婚礼,向她示威! 另一位阿汤哥中学时的女友则说,阿汤哥不是GAY(同志),而且很害怕同志. 有次两人一起去看"鸟笼"(La Cage Aux Folles)音乐剧,还没到中场休息,阿汤哥就落荒而逃,表示实在无法忍受看见男生反串.


如果夜晚10点钟还在塔朗哥(TAURANGA)的海边无事闲晃,就有形迹可疑之嫌了. 不要说必须抵受住来往车辆的异样眼光了,晃久了连自己也忍不住落荒而逃.

to beat a retreat:打退堂鼓;落荒而逃

To be foot-loose and fancy-free 自由自在,无忧无虑 | Tongue-in-cheek 不是认真的;开玩笑的 | To beat a retreat 打退堂鼓;落荒而逃