- 更多网络例句与营救相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
It was one of China's first airborne rescue missions after a natural disaster.
At the crisis moment, with the agreement of the central government and the command post of Taiwan, the antiterrorism unite team go on the last rescue.
3 Obedience Jim was a slave, and under the long-lasting oppression and slavery, deep inside hime, there was a servility of obedience. This point especially stands out at the end of the novel. After Jim was eventually captured, during his rescue by Huck and Tom, he listened to them for everything, which allowed an initially simple and smooth rescue operation become a child's play. But the debauch of its ending showing that when Tom becoming a clone and victim due to this farce, faced with torment and shame, while Jim was released as a result of Miss Watson's death will, show the miserable situation of the slaves at that time.
3.3 顺从吉姆是一个黑奴,在长期地压迫和奴役下,他骨子里自然就有了一种顺从的奴性,这点在小说的最后表现的极为突出,当吉姆最后被抓后,在哈克和汤姆的营救过程中,他事事顺着他们,让一场本来可以很简单顺利的营救活动变成了一场儿童闹剧,而当吉姆很自然地成了这一闹剧的小丑和牺牲品,受尽了折磨和凌辱,最好却因话说小姐的一纸临终遗言而获得自由而荒唐结局,这也说明的当时黑奴处境的可悲。
Jim was a slave, and under the long-lasting oppression and slavery, deep inside hime, there was a servility of obedience. This point especially stands out at the end of the novel. After Jim was eventually captured, during his rescue by Huck and Tom, he listened to them for everything, which allowed an initially simple and smooth rescue operation become a child's play. But the debauch of its ending showing that when Tom becoming a clone and victim due to this farce, faced with torment and shame, while Jim was released as a result of Miss Watson's death will, show the miserable situation of the slaves at that time.
3.3 顺从吉姆是一个黑奴,在长期地压迫和奴役下,他骨子里自然就有了一种顺从的奴性,这点在小说的最后表现的极为突出,当吉姆最后被抓后,在哈克和汤姆的营救过程中,他事事顺着他们,让一场本来可以很简单顺利的营救活动变成了一场儿童闹剧,而当吉姆很自然地成了这一闹剧的小丑和牺牲品,受尽了折磨和凌辱,最好却因话说小姐的一纸临终遗言而获得自由而荒唐结局,这也说明的当时黑奴处境的可悲。
This tragedy has gotten down a deep brand mark in Randle's heart China and India, the intense compunction feeling causes him nearly soon to give up own rescue occupation.
Been underpressure in the ruins of more than 300 students is very dangerous, in afailed rescue, the Prime Minister climbed on the rain Rubble pile, onceagain organized the rescue.
A number of people had to be saved, including this pair who had to be airlifted to safety.
The respected teacher who protected four students using his body but himself died finally; the female teacher who convoyed the students to the safety zone and then went back to the classroom to find the losing students, but she was buried under the building which was broken down suddenly; a little strong boy names Lanxin gave a military-like salute to the soldiers when he was rescued from the debris; the injured survivors don't want to be sent to the safety place but to leave to help any others; the most loved soldiers who rescued two hundreds victims after climbing two mountains to the quake zone tired and hungry, but they refused to accept any food and water that the victims sent to them; an old grandma who was suffered in the Tangshan earthquake donated half of her whole family's cost of living and several quilts etc.
In his film "Red River Valley","Yi-hai alliance", respectively, as head of the Tibetan and Yi headmen, in the movie "极地营救" Han played the pilot,"Medog heart" in playing heads.
Have you read the article about the rescue of the hostage?
- 更多网络解释与营救相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Rescue a boater who has capsized:(营救翻船者)
2. Protect your computer(保护你的电脑) | 3. Rescue a boater who has capsized(营救翻船者) | 4. Frame a wall(搭墙)
Rescue a boater who has capsized:(营救溺水者)
2. Protect your computer(保护你的电脑) | 3. Rescue a boater who has capsized(营救溺水者) | 4. Frame a wall(架墙)
Rescue a boater who has capsized:(营救翻船者)不会(游泳)
2. a bolt-action rifle(清理闩锁式鸟枪) 不会(报告警察叔叔我绝对没枪) | 3. Rescue a boater who has capsized(营救翻船者)不会(游泳) | 4. Protect your computer(保护你的电脑) 会
Rescue a boater who has capsized:(营救翻船者)--未经历,但能游泳
2. Protect your computer(保护你的电脑)--感染病毒的次数,一只手都能数清,Pass | 3. Rescue a boater who has capsized(营救翻船者)--未经历,但能游泳,Pass | 4. Frame a wall(搭墙)--小时候就干过,Pass
The bravest dog:最著名的营救犬
Why do animals had tails 动物尾巴的功能 | The bravest dog 最著名的营救犬--Barry | Charlie Chaplin 查理.卓别林
come to one's rescue/aid:营救,帮助
come to light 真相大白 | come to one's rescue/aid 营救,帮助 | come by 得到;从旁走过
come to one's rescue/aid:前来营救/帮助某人
bring to a close 结束,终止 | come to one's rescue/aid 前来营救/帮助某人 | come into use 开始被使用
come to the rescue:救援;营救;帮助
wreck vt. (船等)遭受破坏 | come to the rescue 救援;营救;帮助 | scream vi. 尖声喊叫;呜呜地叫
wrecking car:营救车
wrecking bar 拔钉撬棍 | wrecking car 营救车 | wrecking crew 营救组
Make Rescuable:成为可营救的 设置单位为可营救单位,玩家接触时营救单位将加入玩家阵营
Rescue Unit 营救单位 设置单位被营救 | Make Rescuable 成为可营救的 设置单位为可营救单位,玩家接触时营救单位将加入玩家阵营 | Set Rescue Range 设置营救范围 设置进入范围后单位即被营救