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获致 的英文翻译、例句


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However , the solution of practical problems and the acquirement of unique value in the proces...

然而 ,实际问题的解决以及从中独特价值的获致还得有赖于科学精神的有力支撑和基本策略的正确操作

In Taiwan's local practice, however, the scope of said patent prosecution history to be submitted may be different as the expert institution and the assigner changes in each case. The conclusion of the analysis is therefore different on the prosecution history estoppel section. In other words, different conclusions may be achieved by different expert institutions even if the same patent and product-at-issue are submitted.


The right to speak freely is one of the necessary means to the attainment of the truth.


All the problems that Russell's 'axiom of infinity' brings with it can be solved at this point.


The key to happiness is to cherish what you have and begotten what you have not.


Work in basic mathematical concepts, transport phenomena, and reaction systems can be enhanced by the application of biomathematics.


It is also found that each circuit in the revised ratio matrix corresponds to a circuit in the reduced bipartite graph. Therefore, the relation between the results of the two methods can be observed.


Resulted from necrotizing and hemolytic properties of exotoxin and fermentation, bloody dischange, severe pain, gas bubble in anterion chamber and rapid loss of all functional vision would be noted.


This thesis argues that the folk belief not only to relate to the state and folk society, but also to be a independent filed from state and folk society. The folk belief needs to get approvement from the state, and also needs to get admition from the folk society. To utilize state and to copy society is a strategy that the belief does get approvement and admition.


By using descriptive statistics, independent sampling t-value inspection, single factor variation analysis, correlation of Pilson differentiation, and multi-regression methods, the concrete conclusions are presented as the following


更多网络解释与获致相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

o. Probable success as a graduate student:(作为研究生成功的可能*)

n. Capacity, desire and determination for good quality graduate work(是否有获致学业成功的能力、愿... | o. Probable success as a graduate student(作为研究生成功的可能*) | ②Academic performance(学业上的表...

ability to pay:支付能力

社会改良者,尽管一般来说都不承认他们具有任何欲求改变收入分配制度的企图,但却一开始就论辩说,全部的税收负担--曾经被认为应由其他因素来决定--应当依"支付能力"(ability to pay)来分配,以求获致"平等的牺牲"然而,




在亚里士多德(Aristotle)看来,思维有两种基本形式,即"沉思"(contemplation)和"审慎"(deliberation). 前一种思维可以使人获致对事物的认识,后一种思维可以使人类做出正确的决策,前一种思维体现了人类的理论理性,后一种思维体现了人类的实践理性.

developing countries:开发中国家

这可解释为什麼已开发国家(developed countries)能够持续成长,而为什麼开发中国家(developing countries),甚至於拥有无限劳力和丰富资本的国家,也无法获致成长的原因.




以冷冻乾燥血小板(Lyophilized platelets)为例,近期研究发现利用1.8%三聚甲醛(Paraformaldehyde)及5%白蛋白冷冻乾燥处理,再重新水合之后,所呈现表面蛋白与新鲜血小板相差无几,在动物实验阶段获致良好反应.

primal therapy:原始疗法

我们所使用的,是兼顾整体的结构性退化{Structured Regress}.原始疗法(Primal Therapy)主张退化要完全退到婴儿时期,如果这是真的,为什么原始疗法至今不能获致重大成就呢?


性能量运行契合法(VajroIi)练习--导言瑜伽冥想术的目的在于获致内心和平与安宁. 然而实际上远不止此. 瑜伽冥想术的目的是达致无限的精神之爱、欢乐、幸福和智慧. 在<<薄伽梵歌>>一书中,克乐史那(Krsna)说--俱卢(Kuru)族的儿子啊!当愚昧无知状态有了增长时,疯狂、幻觉妄想、怠惰和黑暗就都表现出来了.

achieved status:获致身份

另外,与美国不同,巴西社会的种族是一种获致身份(achieved status). 举例说,巴西人的种族身份可因环境不同而改变:一个人到热带或高海拔地区之后,肤色因日照强度而变深,此人遂可被归入肤色深的种族类别.