英语人>词典>汉英 : 获得之物 的英文翻译,例句
获得之物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Thereat laughed they all right jocundly only young Stephen and sir Leopold which never durst laugh too open by reason of a strange humour which he would not bewray and also ford that he rued for her that bare whoso she might be or wheresoever.


Yet the "Desiderata" which Shore found among his papers may indicate that Jones had planned to spend additional time on linguistics: the third desideratum is "A Grammar of the Sanscrit Language, from Panini, etc."; the fourth,"A Dictionary of the Sanscrit Language, from thirty-two original Vocabularies and Niructi."

然而绍尔在他的文件中找到的 Desiderata或许暗示出琼斯本来计划在语言学上花费更多的时间:其中的第三项迫切需要获得之物是,"梵语语法,帕尼尼等";第四项是,"梵语词典, from thirty-two Vocabularies and Niructi "。

Thus, once we have the first derivative, we get all higher derivatives free.


Goods illicitly obtained,as by bribery.


Informal Goods illicitly obtained, as by bribery.


Or she knew him, that second I say, and was but creature of her creature, vergine madre, figlia di tuo figlio , or she knew him not and then stands she in the one denial or ignorancy with Peter Piscator who lives in the house that Jack built and with Joseph the joiner patron of the happy demise of all unhappy marriages, parceque M.


CANON IV.-If any one saith, that man's free will moved and excited by God, by assenting to God exciting and calling, nowise co-operates towards disposing and preparing itself for obtaining the grace of Justification; that it cannot refuse its consent, if it would, but that, as something inanimate, it does nothing whatever and is merely passive; let him be anathema.

典章四 谁若说,人之自由意志,受到天主的感动和激励之后,对那激励他,呼召他的天主,不能以&同意&来予以合作准备自己,以获得成义的恩宠,而且,即使他意,他也不能不予以同意;那时人,好像一个无灵之物,完全无所为,干脆地,自处于被动的状态中,那么,这种人,应予以绝罚。

For if goodness can only be in God, if it cannot exist separate from Him, if He can only bless and sanctify, not by a creaturely gift, but by Himself becoming the Blessing and Sanctification of the creature, then it is the highest degree of blindness to look for any goodness and happiness from anything but the immediate indwelling union and operation of the Deity in the life of the creature.


For if goodness can only be in God, if it cannot exist separate from Him, if He can only bless and sanctify, not by a creaturely gift, but by Himself becoming the Blessing and Sanctification of the creature, then it is the highest degree of blindness to look for any goodness and happiness from anything but the immediate indwelling union and operation of the Deity in the life of the creature.


Yet the "Desiderata" which Shore found among his papers may indicate that Jones had planned to spend additional time on linguistics: the third desideratum is "A Grammar of the Sanscrit Language, from Panini, etc."; the fourth,"A Dictionary of the Sanscrit Language, from thirty-two original Vocabularies and Niructi."

然而绍尔在他的文件中找到的 Desiderata或许暗示出琼斯本来计划在语言学上花费更多的时间:其中的第三项迫切需要获得之物是,&梵语语法,帕尼尼等&;第四项是,&梵语词典, from thirty-two Vocabularies and Niructi &。

更多网络解释与获得之物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

acknowledgement of order:接受订货

98acknowledgement of debt确认债务 | 99acknowledgement of order接受订货 | 100acquisitionn. 获得,所获之物

booty:战利品, 获得之物

boottree | 靴楦鞋楦 | booty | 战利品, 获得之物 | booze up | 纵酒狂欢


维持哺乳类胚胎发生(embryogenesis)的复杂控制系统完整比将之打乱而产生不平衡的遗传型的代价要小,尽管这样会产生不需要的鳃弓作为副产物. 我们目前对发育控制的了解还极其有限,还不能排除进化晚期获得物确实是比从远古的祖先遗传下来的性状更疏松地「加」到遗传型上.

buckshee:额外津贴, 意外获得之物 免费的

bucksaw | 木锯 | buckshee | 额外津贴, 意外获得之物 免费的 | buckshot | (猎兽用)大型铅弹