英语人>词典>汉英 : 莫尔斯理论 的英文翻译,例句
莫尔斯理论 的英文翻译、例句


Morse theory
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Contemporary geometric topology and differential topology , and particular subfields such as Morse theory , would be counted by most mathematicians as part of geometry.


Based on this discussion, the dissertation attempts to establish a framework for translation from a sociosemiotic perspective, emphasizing that Peirce's triadic division of a sign can be used to explicate translation in a macro point of view and that Morris's famous three types of meaning can be applied to the actual translation practice. From this, it can be clearly shown that a sociosemiotic theory is a sound one in its application to translation.


The "Réflexions morales" of Quesnel reproduced, in fact, the theories of the irresistible efficaciousness of grace and the limitations of God's will with regard to the salvation of men.


George's theory that some of the Nostradamus prophecies were secretly guarded in mystic circles throughout medieval times.


The "Réflexions morales" of Quesnel reproduced, in fact, the theories of the irresistible efficaciousness of grace and the limitations of God's will with regard to the salvation of men.


Arthur Leonard Schawlow, for some time a professor at Stanford University but now deceased, showed theoretically that masers could be made to operate in the optical and infrared region and proposed how this could be accomplished in particular systems.


更多网络解释与莫尔斯理论相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


过渡态理论是1935年由艾林(Eyring),埃文斯(Evans)和波兰尼(Polany)等人在统计热力学和量子力学的基础上提出来的. 莫尔斯(Morse)公式是对双原子分子最常用的计算势能Ep的经验公式:1922年林德曼(Lindemann)对单分子气体反应提出的历程为:用时间飞行技术(TOF)测定产物通过斩流器到检测器的先后时间,

group velocity:群速

他在凯斯学院也量测在流动的水中及在二硫化碳中的光速(1886年与莫莱(Morley)合作),实验结果支持了光的波动理论、芮里(Rayleigh)所提关於波动与散射介质中之群速(group velocity)关系的理论及佛雷奈尔(Fresnel)的以太理论.

morse inequalities:莫尔斯不等式

morphism 射 | morse inequalities 莫尔斯不等式 | morse theory 莫尔斯理论

morse theory:莫尔斯理论

morse inequalities 莫尔斯不等式 | morse theory 莫尔斯理论 | mortality rate 死亡率

Morse taper:莫尔斯锥度

Morse potential | 莫尔斯势 | Morse taper | 莫尔斯锥度 | Morse theory | 莫尔斯理论


终于在1986 年,贝诺斯(Bednorz)和缪勒多世纪历史的"莫特(Mott)现象"又重新提了出来. 1937 年玻义尔(DeBoer)和厄威(Rerwey)指出,能带理论无法解释看缺相变的认识. 这或许会给粒子物理的希格斯(Higgs)场研究提供一些启霍尔(Hall)效应是1879 年霍尔发现的.

Morse taper:莫尔斯锥度

Morse potential || 莫尔斯势 | Morse taper || 莫尔斯锥度 | Morse theory || 莫尔斯理论

Gothenburg University:哥德堡大学

-丹麦奥尔堡大学(Aalborg University)联合培养博士生,师从国际创新领域理论大师、国家创新系统理论代表人物Bengt-Ake Lundvall教授-瑞典哥德堡大学(Gothenburg University)、瑞典查尔莫斯技术大学(Charlmers University of Technology)、瑞典隆