英语人>词典>汉英 : 荷马时代的 的英文翻译,例句
荷马时代的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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As the earliest literature essay, Homer is indispensable to scholars on study of land property early Ancient Greece. At the same time, we should not ignore the interim when private land property came into being from land commonage.


There are three reasons to support this standpoint. At first, the heroical ethic in epic has a restriction to Telemakesi; Secondly, the matriarchy before Homeric Age remain an influence; Thirdly, the binary thinking model in epic have a reflection in their mother-child relationship.


Among the Greeks of the Homer period, it is difficult to find a positive feeling and experience of freedom.


She is not mentioned in the Iliad or Odyssey though magic was rife in Homeric times.


This article will analyze the land property and tenure in Homeric society in three sections, such as the land situations, resources and proceeds, and the main point of which is that Ancient Greeks had no complete land property in Homeric society.


It is near the site of the ancient city ofCorinth, which was founded in Homeric times and was a rich, influential maritime power in the seventh and sixth centuries b.c.

在科林斯古城遗址附近,古城建于荷马时代,在公元前 7和6世纪时是一个富裕的海上强国。

The honour concept in the Homeric Times is about the realization of personal values,which means the trends of individual heroism but shows the bud of combination with patriotism.


This treatise points out that Athenian Assembly came from People of the Homeric Age, and that Assembly had no settled form before Solon's reform.


For the Homeric Greeks human beings had no inner life to speak of. All their strong feelings were expressed outwardly.


C. was the social roots of the rise of the Eleusis Mysteries.


更多网络解释与荷马时代的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


英语"字母表"(Alphabet)即意为"Alpha"到"Beta"及其后的关系和演变规律. 希腊文明自公元前8世纪(荷马史诗时代)开始繁荣,经伯罗奔尼撒战争和希腊三哲等人的发扬总结,至公元前3世纪亚历山大东征后达到极盛,史称"希腊化"时代,

Hans Holbein:汉斯.荷尔拜因

而福特一家的私人收藏则包含了许多不同时代和风格迥异的作品:凡.高(Van Gogh)、雷诺阿(Renoir)、塞尚(Cezanne)、马蒂斯(Matisse)、提香、汉斯.荷尔拜因(Hans Holbein)、德加(Degas)和约翰.吉尔伯特.斯图亚特(John Gilbert Stuart).


Homeric 荷马的 | Homeric 荷马时代的 | Homeric 荷马式的


Homeric 荷马时代的 | Homeric 荷马式的 | HomidaeHominidae 人科


Homarus /螯龙虾/ | Homeric /荷马的/荷马式的/荷马时代的/ | Homidae /人科/


在荷马时代希腊社会(希腊城邦林立,希腊社会本身当然包括许多类型,我以分析的目的,将之简化为单一的理性型),氏族(gens) 是最基层的社会组织,几个氏族组成胞族(phratry),几个胞族联合成部落(tribe).

See. Diagonal stresses on the ideograms. Definitely Koihoma:看,符号上的斜线 绝对是科以荷马语

Pre-Columbian syllabic base.|前哥伦布时代音节基础 | See. Diagonal stresses on the ideograms. Definitely Koihoma.|看,符号上的斜线 绝对是科以荷马语 | You speak it? - Nobody speaks it.|- 你会说? - 没人会...