英语人>词典>汉英 : 药粉 的英文翻译,例句
药粉 的英文翻译、例句


medicinal powder
更多网络例句与药粉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Drink engineering we can undertake: processing line of pumpkin powder, bean milk powder,hawtl10m powder, jujube powder,Processing line of strawberry juice,cider,and sand pear juice; Processing line of bear1 protein beverage;Process- ing line of mineral water,pure water etc.

已 研制开发的有南瓜粉生产线、豆奶粉生产线、山植粉生产线、大枣粉生产线、怀山药粉生产线、沙棘汁饮料生产线、大豆蛋白奶生产线、草莓汁饮料生产线、苹果汁饮料生产线及矿泉水、纯净水生产线等工艺和成套设备。

When he eats it, he will fall into a deep sleep.


Explosive powder (nitroglycerin and guncotton and petrolatum) dissolved in acetone and dried and ''.


Explosive powder (nitroglycerin and guncotton and petrolatum) dissolved in acetone and dried and extruded in brown cords.


Skin burning and half-blind from that delousing shit. And when they put you in that cell..."


It was thought that this drug was blown into the bedroom through a tube in the form of a fine powder which the sleeper breathed in.


Ikey went behind the prescription desk. There he crushed to a powder two soluble tablets, each containing a quarter of a grain of morphia.


Include pearl powder, deer horn slide, and herbs...


The use of porous prolled ANFO explosives prill in the experiment of open chamber blasting helps to solve a series of problems in the process of using ammonium nitrate fuel such as its liability to stick to the hole wall and the difficulty in loading explosive power etc.


The best technology of ultra-fine pulverization of Flos caryophylli is to use sixty mesh early powder and add starch as much as the powder.


更多网络解释与药粉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

charta:纸剂, 包药粉用的小纸包

chart | 海图, 图表 制图 | charta | 纸剂, 包药粉用的小纸包 | chartaceous | 似纸的, 纸质的


由於很多药粉的比重不同,除非先将药粉用颗粒剂(Glidants)制成小颗粒(Granule),否则是无法保证每一个胶囊都有同一分量的药. 另有一种好像只是为了令外观美丽的赋形剂,叫外层物质(Coating),行外人完全不会了解它的重要性.

Unburned gunpowder:未燃尽的火药粉

Yeah, but look at that gunpowder.|没错,但你看看这些火药粉 | Unburned gunpowder.|未燃尽的火药粉 | Iess than three feet from a victim.|就会造成这种情况

skin burning and half-blind from that delousing shit:消毒药粉令皮肤像被火烧一样

They march you in naked as the day you were born...|赤裸裸的进囚笼... | ... skin burning and half-blind from that delousing shit.|消毒药粉令皮肤像被火烧一样 | And when they put you in that cell...|他们...

sleeping powder:安眠药粉

sleeping potion 安眠药 | sleeping powder 安眠药粉 | sleeping rent 限定的租金


chartreuse 查特酒 | chartula 包药粉的纸 | chartulary 特许状登记簿

undecylenic acid:十一烯酸

一般来说,厚皮型香港脚最适合浸泡式的杀霉菌药粉、药水,因为这类药粉、药水主成分为十一烯酸(Undecylenic acid)或水杨酸(salicylic acid),可溶解变厚的角质层,达到香港脚正式名词为足癣,可分为水泡型、厚皮型、糜烂型等三种,厚皮型与水泡型常混合出现.

Elemental Blasting Powder:元素火药粉

Critter Enlarger 世界放大器......好吧生物放大器 | Elemental Blasting Powder 元素火药粉 | Fel Iron Casing 魔铁......CASING好象是什么来着一下给忘了,材料

dust furrow:药粉条虫沟

dust free room ==> 无尘室 | dust furrow ==> 药粉条虫沟 | dust gauge ==> 粉尘计

back fill:回填土

建筑商在盖房子时, 在房子地基四周的回填土(Back Fill)里掺入了化学药粉, 可阻止白蚁从房 子外面进入里面. 这种药粉的有效期是五年, 所以建筑商通常提供五年的保证. 按照医药常识我 们知道药物的有效期过期以后, 药效逐渐消失,