英语人>词典>汉英 : 荡气回肠 的英文翻译,例句
荡气回肠 的英文翻译、例句


very touching · agitated in mind
更多网络例句与荡气回肠相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is an agitating and fascinating love story.


Let's boat in the river of history to enjoy the course of the civilization's development, listen to the chanty of Egyptian Nile, smell the aroma of paddy from the two rivers valley in the west Asia, have a holy bath in the Ganges of India in the south Asia, casting net in the Changjiang River and Yellow River of China ,enjoy the democracy lamp of Grecian city-state in aegean sea, taste the free drink of the Mississippi, let's view and admire the great billow hit the shore, the sea and the sky have the same color, so our noble heart would be soul-stirring.


At this late hour, the Fans that still has countless people in every fete related to Beatles croon is shallow the song that singing first one to make a person swing gas ileum.

时至今日,依然有无数的 fans 们在每个和 Beatles 相关的纪念日里低吟浅唱着一首首令人荡气回肠的歌曲。

Annie Lennox has also amassed a large fortune, said to be worth an estimated ?30 million over the years working with both Eurythmics and as a solo artist.- 464,536,256 RMBshe sang the theme song "Love song for Vampire" for Bram Stoker's Dracula.

1992年她为著名吸血鬼电影《惊情四百年》演唱荡气回肠的凄美主题曲"Love song for Vampire",歌声中排山倒海而来的旷古悲情催人泪下,和电影画面交相辉映。

To conclude the piece we accept that the first millennium alwar saints( and perhaps the ones who existed before them) who have left some soul stirring compositions did experience the divine but we need to delve deeper into the available editions of their work to figure out what was actually their work and what is fictious concoction of later ages.


Pink Fire Art Space; Varies Space


In time immemorial to the land and desolation of the universe, there was an extraordinary voice, soul-stirring.


The background music can be called as a perfect nonesuch in view of the combination allied with traditional French Opera and new trend of thoughts of European music in 19th century.


I could feel the very essence of heaven earth empowering me from within. It is totally awe-some! The sensation of watching a Star's live show is nothing compared to this. In the choir, you are your own star and you are everyone else's star. This is the power of an entity! This is the potency of the unity! This is the puissance of eternity!


Began as a moving, and then humming and singing, self-moved, their tragic atmosphere, soul-stirring goes without saying that, in the next hearing in the passive or even forced, it moved to repeat that even East facilities will be impatient.


更多网络解释与荡气回肠相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

the last time:最后一次

有一种电影,没有绚丽的特技,没有荡气回肠的剧情,也没有会飞的东西,更没有会变形的东西,但你在看过之后,会陷入深深的,深深的,深深思考. 我们将这种电影,称之为:好的电影. >(The Last Time)就是这样的电影 ---题记


原文就已经是颇富启发人文思考的的作品,加上译笔不俗,光是看那几个太阳的中译名就是一场乐事,使这本作品成为个人认为是近几年来绝佳的科幻译作. :>天下这一系列,个人是觉得夜幕低垂(Nightfall)是最荡气回肠

Neil Ruddock:鲁多克

尼尔-鲁多克(Neil Ruddock)的头球为这场荡气回肠的连扳三球好戏画上圆满句号. 埃里克.坎通纳(Eric Cantona)因攻击球迷停赛九个月之后重回赛场,成了球迷最为关注的对象. 但罗比.福勒(Robbie Fowler)凭借着两粒进球使利物浦2:1领先,

a well-connected person:感情难免会碰到困难

感情难免会碰到困难; a well-connected person | 过程难免有一些伤感... one-chop-approval | 过后想来才会荡气回肠. the re-employment of laid-off workers

emancipating the mind:受过挫败

过后想来才会荡气回肠. the re-employment of laid-off workers | 受过挫败, emancipating the mind | 才能成为一条好汉, seeking truth from facts and keeping

Jodhaa Akbar:(阿克巴大帝)

去年宝莱坞又出品了<<阿克巴大帝>>(Jodhaa Akbar),仍然走把历史简化成爱情与歌舞的路线,我还是看得很开心. 当然,严肃的评论者既然热衷于攻击好莱坞,就也不该放过宝莱坞文化产业;可我只是个消费者,先是为<<阿育王>>里荡气回肠的爱情而唏嘘,

Anna Magdalena:安娜玛德莲娜

依旧是有好听的钢琴曲、帅帅的 ...好久没看的港片小品~<<安娜玛德莲娜>>(Anna Magdalena) 爱是一种很奇妙的东西,不论是流传千古的爱情经典,亦或是便利商店可买到的口袋小说,"爱情"可以如此荡气回肠,却也可以轻描淡写;有时只是刹那间的一见钟情,