英语人>词典>汉英 : 荒淫 的英文翻译,例句
荒淫 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与荒淫相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Have much enjoyment and forget to go back home; abandon oneself to pleasures; have such a good time that one forgets to go home; indulge in pleasure and forget home and duty; so happy as to forget one's home country; too happy to think of home


You must except, nevertheless, Marcus Antonius, the half partner of the empire of Rome, and Appius Claudius, the decemvir and lawgiver; whereof the former was indeed a voluptuous man, and inordinate; but the latter was an austere and wise man: and therefore it seems that love can find entrance, not only into an open heart, but also into a heart well fortified, if watch be not well kept.


So one man is described as generous, another as a miser; one is called open-handed, another tight-fisted; one man is cruel, another gentle; one untrustworthy, another reliable; one effeminate and cowardly, another bold and violent; one sympathetic, another self-important; one promiscuous, another monogamous; one straightforward, another duplicitous; one tough, another easy-going; one serious, another cheerful; one religious, another atheistical; and so on.


The core values of Chinese communism include wanton carnality , stealing , bringing death and providing slothful people with income .


In a loathsome dungeon crowded with profligates and felons, John Bunyan breathed the very atmosphere of heaven; and there he wrote his wonderful allegory of the pilgrim's journey from the land of destruction to the celestial city.


" "" The Brothers Karamazov " the main character in treat God in the question to have each one different manner, dissolute and unrestrained old Karamazov sends out the decayed smell in the life not to believe God, has lost and the cross relation; Dmitri experiences in own contradiction is being wicked, but finally obtained has redeemed; Ivan and Smerdyakov good branch husband treats in the real life by the rationality wickedness, rejects God, has caused the fearful result; Alyosha distant has even more strengthened own belief in the suspicion through the love.


There is more pleasure, even in this world, in an innocent and virtuous life, than in one debauch ed and vicious


This debauched seductress in black, took me....


There is more pleasure, even in this world, in an innocent and virtuous life, than in one debauched and vicious.


You must except, nevertheless, Marcus Ant onius, the half partner of the empire of Rome, and Appius Claudius, the decemvir and lawgiver; whereof the former was indeed a voluptuous man, and inordinate; b ut the latter was an austere and wise man: and therefore it seems that love can find entrance, not only into an open heart, but also into a hear t well fortified, if watch be not well kept.


更多网络解释与荒淫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

austere: a.1:严峻的,严厉的,严酷的 2.禁欲的 3.朴素的,简朴的

profligacy: n.1.放荡,荒淫,行为不检 2.挥霍浪费 | austere: a.1.严峻的,严厉的,严酷的 2.禁欲的 3.朴素的,简朴的 | informality: n.非正式,不拘礼节

dissolutely:放荡地; 荒淫地 (副)

dissolute 放荡的; 肆意挥霍的; 风流的 (形) | dissolutely 放荡地; 荒淫地 (副) | dissolution 分解, 解散, 溶解 (名)


mores 习惯;习俗 | excesses 过份荒淫的行为 | tresses 女人的长发

kiss away:吻掉(用吻来消除忧愁、眼泪等);由于荒淫而挥霍掉(钱财等)

steal a kiss 偷吻, 冷不防接个吻 | kiss away 吻掉(用吻来消除忧愁、眼泪等);由于荒淫而挥霍掉(钱财等) | (He kissed away a large fortune. 他寻花问柳, 挥霍掉大笔家产. )


不敬神灵 sceptical | 荒淫无度 lustful | 慷慨大度 generous

profligacy: n.1:放荡,荒淫,行为不检 2.挥霍浪费

extravagant: a.铺张的,侈奢的,挥霍浪费的 | profligacy: n.1.放荡,荒淫,行为不检 2.挥霍浪费 | austere: a.1.严峻的,严厉的,严酷的 2.禁欲的 3.朴素的,简朴的

profligacy: n.1:放荡,荒淫,做法不检 2.挥霍浪费

extravagant: a.铺张的,侈奢的,挥霍浪费的 | profligacy: n.1.放荡,荒淫,做法不检 2.挥霍浪费 | austere: a.1.严峻的,严厉的,严酷的 2.禁欲的 3.朴素的,简朴的


libertine放荡者 | profligate放荡的荒淫的 | divorce离婚

Not thou, vain lord of wantonness and ease:(更不是你安乐和荒淫的虚荣的主人

Whose soul would sicken o'er the heaving wave; (你的灵魂... | Not thou, vain lord of wantonness and ease! (更不是你安乐和荒淫的虚荣的主人!) | whom slumber soothes not - pleasure cannot please - (睡眠不能...

Emperor Caligula,the:荒淫卡里古拉

58 虚荣的篝火 Bonfire of the Vanities,the | 59 荒淫卡里古拉 Emperor Caligula,the | 60 红唇血案 trace of red