英语人>词典>汉英 : 草绳 的英文翻译,例句
草绳 的英文翻译、例句


straw rope · grass rope · har-band
更多网络例句与草绳相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

BLOOM:(In caubeen with clay pipe stuck in the band, dusty brogues, an emigrant's red handkerchief bundle in his hand, leading a black bogoak pig by a sugaun, with a smile in his eye) Let me be going now, woman of the house, for by all the goats in Connemara I'm after having the father and mother of a bating.


In particular, large revolutionary cultural life of the period, The godfather were out to leave, to be allowed . Godmother was tied up with rope and other prisoners went to show everywhere,"paraded through the streets."


The main products are: water straw, sword hemp rope, yellow hemp rope, rattan chairs, ginger leaf rope, rope banana, coconut rope floc, palm rope, rope leaves, bamboo chairs,, Paper Rope, multi-layer package Rui rope, sisal rope Bagu polishing, and coconut rope pattern screwdriver floc more than 10 categories, such as dozens of kinds of specifications products.


God荼and Yu barrier is a specialized monitor Phantom of God, which found Phantom doings will be sent together with grass Shengkun feeding tiger, therefore, at that time, people during the holidays, we used two peachwood荼inscribed God, Yu Lei, or the like to write on the names of the couple, hanging in the door of the two sides, called Zhaofu, flooding disaster pressure to show evil.


At the same time, mass production of wooden lattice door mats and cushions, floc coconut, palm floc, sisal floc, water straw, paper rope, such as hand knitting material and packet edge sisal, straw carpets, car mats foot indoor carpet, cups mats, paper cloth, sisal wallpaper single fiber mesh such as woven fabrics, as well as for the export of all types of small packing rope type, line type of environmentally friendly products.


According to the 13-Article Code and the 16-Article Code which had been enforced for several hundred years in old Tibet, Tibetans were divided into three classes and nine grades. The lives of ironsmiths, butchers and women, who were declared an inferior grade of inferior class in explicit terms, were as cheap and worthless as a straw rope.


Phantom is found to commit crimes, then sent to feed them with grass Shengkun tiger.


A piece of grass is tied around the neck of each bird, so that it can not swallow the fish.


Medium and small-caliber valve should be tied to rope, and transported to suitable container.


The small-caliber valve should be tied to rope, and transported to suitable container.

7.2 中、小口径阀门应以草绳捆扎,并以集装箱方式运输为宜。

更多网络解释与草绳相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

TOP Snake a snake in the grass:口蜜腹剑的人

Rats! 胡说八道;该死;可恶 | TOP Snake a snake in the grass 口蜜腹剑的人 | 一朝被蛇咬, 十年怕草绳 Once bitten twice shy.

就是别混水摸鱼的意思. 而 feed the fish 则有晕船的意思:Don't fish in the trouble water

You let the small fish go to catch the big fish. 放长线钓大鱼. | Don't fish in the trouble water 就是别混水摸鱼的意思. 而 feed the fish 则有晕船的意思 | Once bitten twice shy. 一朝被蛇咬, 十年怕草绳...

hay rake:搂草机

hay knife 割草刀 | hay rake 搂草机 | hay rope 草绳

grass hopper joint:滑动接头

grass hemp 大麻草绳 | grass hopper joint 滑动接头 | grass seed 草子

Live Form Matt Molloy's Pub:马特.莫莱酒吧现场演奏

15. Casadh an Tsugain 搓草绳 | 16. Live Form Matt Molloy's Pub 马特.莫莱酒吧现场演奏 | 17. An Gaoth Aneas 南方吹来的风

straw sandals:草鞋

straw rope 草绳 | straw sandals 草鞋 | straw shaker 平台式逐稿器

straw yellow:草黄色

straw rope 草绳 | straw yellow 草黄色 | straw 稻草

stray light:迷光

straw rope 草绳 | stray light 迷光 | stray load 杂散负载

Grass Twine:草绳

248 Grass 草 | 249 Grass Twine 草绳 | 250 Gravel 砂砾


hausmannite 黑锰矿 | hayband 型芯用草绳 | hcr 热装轧制