英语人>词典>汉英 : 茶点 的英文翻译,例句
茶点 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
collation  ·  refection  ·  refreshments  ·  tea

high tea · tea cake · tea and pastries
更多网络例句与茶点相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Its embarassing to not be able to finish the composition of this poem…" just at this moment, Wang brought in a tray of tea and refreshments.


Something you won't get in most of the posh establishments - but probably my favourite tea accompaniment.


He sat down again on the brushwood and took Connie's hand in silence. She turned and looked at him.


Clapp, and in the evening, when her dishes were washed, and her curl-papers removed, by Miss Flannigan, the Irish servant, there to take measures for the preparing of a magnificent ornamented tea.


Would you like to come to tea?


Would you like to come to tea on Sunday?


Go up from this bit for, google has sufficient manage origin to cancel those free dinner and refreshments it seems that, because everybody needs creature comfort of and rather than of outstanding achievement drive more.


A pikelet is similar to a crumpet, but much thinner and sometimes irregularly shaped. But the meaning of pikelet varies: in some regions of Britain it traditionally refers to a crumpet, muffin or other teacake.


Religion in the United States is by and large a civilizational matter, whereas in England it is largely a traditional way of life-more akin to high tea or clog dancing than to socialism or Darwinism-which it would be bad form to take too seriously (the highly English Dawkins is in this respect egregiously un-English).


Well, but Missis and the young ladies and Master John are going out to tea this afternoon, and you shall have tea with me.


更多网络解释与茶点相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

afternoon tea:下午茶点

snack 快餐 | afternoon tea 下午茶点 | refreshments 茶点

dim sum:茶点

张爱玲在其散文>中曾提到过"司空"虽然去过香港N多次,但是真正品尝港式、粤式茶点(dim sum)的机会竟然屈指可数. 关键在于老公不喜欢,他总说dim sum是中国的垃圾食品(junk food),估计香港人听到他这话能气死.

high tea:午茶,茶点(下午黄昏时)

to have lunch 用午餐 | high tea 午茶,茶点(下午黄昏时) | dinner, supper 晚饭

high tea:黄昏茶点(非下午茶,亦非常晚餐进食时间

help out 帮忙 | high tea 黄昏茶点(非下午茶,亦非常晚餐进食时间, | hit the ceiling 勃然大怒


refashion 重制 | refection 茶点 | refection 恢复体力




freshman 新生、大学一年级学生 | refreshment 茶点、精神爽快(吸毒后) | reproduction 复制品、繁殖

refreshment room:茶点室

refratory insulating brick 耐火隔热砖 | refreshment room 茶点室 | refrigerant 冷却剂

Chinese refreshment:中式茶点

Chinese red wine 中国红葡萄酒 | Chinese refreshment 中式茶点 | Chinese rice bag 中国大米袋

tea cake:茶点小甜点

"茶[叶]罐","tea caddy" | "茶点小甜点","tea cake" | "茶点推车","tea cart"