英语人>词典>汉英 : 茶 的英文翻译,例句
茶 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
cha  ·  tea  ·  nuces

certain kinds of drink or liquid food · tea-oil tree
更多网络例句与茶相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The implementation of brand strategy, even if well-known and岩茶Bohea production and sales rising, but also greatly promoted the Wuyi岩茶industry.


Such as tea tribunal Fuso landscape and "Popularity" of wang; Daqian Gallery's "show", and "Kung Fu in the poem" to the operating characteristics; Liouhe Gallery's "Scholars of tea" and "擂茶" tea sector in the provincial capital unique; there Purple Arts Pavilion of the small and tea; Sanyi Museum tea party will be into the tea business, and has now become a business initial business establishments.


Park focus on cultural development, rich flavor of the times and cultural tastes, have built-controlled aircraft, land, sea and air war, air vehicles, luxury to Ma, electric bumper car, space surfing, pirate ships, Lecheng new, luxury cruise ships more than 30 recreational facilities, etc. become the majority of young people in particular children tourists paradise心驰神往; Park Zoo, there are lions, tigers, white-lipped deer, leopards, golden monkey, wolf, ostrich, wild camels, guinea fowl, peacocks, bears more than 50 kinds of animals; there skating courts, artificial lakes, swimming and other recreational facilities游龙, as well as by the ex-tanks, artillery, aircraft and other components, such as national defense education bases;西凉Village Card taste, fragrance茶酒, Fun for all; West Park Restaurants Casino luxury decoration, is a feast held, the ideal place for entertainment.


Tang, tea sage Lu Yu's tea production has been to Shengzhou, his good friend Jiaoran of Shengzhou produces "SOME tea" highly appraise Song Sun appears high in the "quiet," also recorded sharp to dozens of tea products, tea Falls, Wulong tea is really tea, and the purple and production processes. baking Tea, Kun Cha, the small-Kun Cha, Luyuan tea, small pit tea Jiaokeng tea.


His skin was dark, like unclouded 峭茶.


Several past, and my mother only侍立his family back to the cloth dish斟酒,倒茶, delivery towels.


Early spring thunder tea is "A Ray" picking season made the quadrimaculata Voss, brewing up after the shoot tip, suspended vertically in the cup, as if a ground-breaking Chunsun quite fun; Buxus Department of "one flag shot" exhibition in early bud Ye made a very delicate, like Buxus; Zhen Mei fine acquisition, into a shape such as tea弯眉, quite beautiful;岩茶chimney collected from rock crevices, director of tea made of leaves, a far-reaching scent really like flowers Kam, beautiful.


Tea shop in a number of reporters to see, after the holiday, freshly arrived in the spring have started to shop in stores where a clerk was busy finishing毛茶hand to clean up the tea stalk, a car茶友a fresh-baked goods spring.


Every household is prepared and then New Year, before the 10 days around the beginning of busy people on the procurement of goods, New Year, including fish and ducks, butter oil茶酒north and south roasted seeds and nuts, sugar, fruit bait, must buy sufficient, but also prepared to take some pro-Chinese New Year gifts when friends, children need to acquire new clothes new hat, ready to wear the New Year.


Lemon mint tea 柠檬薄荷茶 In the United States office of the Health Foundation for Research on Cancer ex perts said Wang Zhiyuan, mint tea with lemon to prevent a cold.


更多网络解释与茶相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Acer ginnala:{茶条槭}{茶毛槭}{红茶条}{茶条槭 }

Acer gennala {条槭}{槭树} | Acer ginnala {条槭}{毛槭}{红条}{条槭 } | Acer giraldii {太白槭}


此时叶贸易渐盛,在相当一段时期,武夷(Bohea)成了中国的代称. 二十世纪八十年代,福建乌龙以其独特的魅力风靡日本饮料市场,可谓是樱花时节念水仙(指:水仙等),乌龙东渡创奇迹. 千载儒释道,万古山水


由药用转化为习常饮料,严格意义的""便随之产生了,其典型标志便是""(cha)音的出现. 中国从何时开始饮,众说不一,西汉时已有饮之事的正式文献记载,饮的起始时间当比这更早一些. 以文化面貌出现,是在汉魏两晋南北朝时期.



Chinese tea:(茶)

不过,个人品的口味却不尽相同:有人喜欢中国(Chinese tea),有人喜欢印度(Indian tea);有人喜欢淡,有人则偏爱浓;有人愿意在中加奶(milk),有人却不愿意;有人爱加糖(sugar),有人却不爱加糖;还有人愿意加柠檬.


\\"儿酸\\",\\"catechin\\" | \\"儿酚,焦儿酸\\",\\"catechol,pyrocatechin\\" | \\"儿\\",\\"catechu\\"

Ribes mandshuricum:{茶藨子}{东北茶蔍子}{东北茶藨子}

Ribes mandshurica {藨子}{东北藨} | Ribes mandshuricum {藨子}{东北蔍子}{东北藨子} | Ribes manshuricum {东北藨}{东北镳子}

Or tea. How about tea, if it's teatime:或者喝下午茶 喝下午茶怎么样 现在是不是下午茶时间

and I'll buy you lunch?|我请... | Or tea. How about tea, if it's teatime?|或者喝下午 喝下午怎么样 现在是不是下午时间? | Thanks very much, but I don't know you, and you don't know me, so--|非常感谢...

Peach Red Tea / Green Tea:水蜜桃紅茶 / 綠茶

百香果紅 / 綠 Passion Fruit Red Tea / Green Tea $4.25 | 水蜜桃紅 / 綠 Peach Red Tea / Green Tea $4.25 | 菠蘿紅 / 綠 Pineapple Red Tea / Green Tea $4.25

Tea? - No, teabags. You leave them all over the house, and they stain:茶? 是茶包,你放得到处都是 它们会留下茶迹

It's this.|-关于这... | - Tea? - No, teabags. You leave them all over the house, and they stain.|-? 是包,你放得到处都是 它们会留下迹 | Maybe you could just try to be a little more careful.|-你可以...