英语人>词典>汉英 : 茎长的 的英文翻译,例句
茎长的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
legginess  ·  leggy  ·  leggier

更多网络例句与茎长的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Education Min law is measured so that tea-oil tree water extracts content bud pre-treatment long, root grows careless to barnyard grass germination percent, bine and the IC50 of the chroma in restraining of bright quality is respectively 0.22, 0.36, 0.11 with 1.19 G/mL(bright quality, similarly hereinafter), cannikin law is measured so that long to the bine, root grows bud aftertreatment to be respectively with the IC50 of bright quality 0.17, 0.05 with 1.80 G/mL, show tea-oil tree water carries content to be had to barnyard grass grass weed active.

培养皿法测得油茶水提取物芽前处理对稗草种子发芽率、茎长、根长和鲜质量的抑制中浓度IC50分别为0.22、0.36、0.11和1.19 g/mL,小杯法测得芽后处理对茎长、根长和鲜质量的IC50分别为0.17、0.05和1.80 g/mL,表明油茶水提物对稗草具有除草活性。

Elongated caudex branches; a shoot arising from the base of a stem or from the rhizome.

根出条 Sobol 发自茎基的长枝条;从茎的基部或根状茎上长出的枝条。

The results showed that sugarcane ratoon had the advantages of early emergence and fast growth, early maturing and longer stalk in early grinding season. The low ratoon cane yield was caused by the fewer millable canes and the shorter stalk to comparing with planting cane.


Stramonium root, stem and leaf were extracted with distilled water, and with the treatment with distilled water as CK, the effects of extracted liquid from D.

结果表明,0.2g/ml曼陀罗叶浸提液处理时,芝麻和粟种子萌发率分别降低83%和83.3%,幼苗的根和茎则停止了生长; 0.4g/ml曼陀罗茎浸提液使芝麻和粟的萌发率降低27.6%和15.8%,幼苗根长降低93.3%和64.7%,幼苗茎长降低51.2和18.0%。0.4g/ml曼陀罗根浸提液使芝麻和粟种子萌发率降低31.2%和56.2%,幼苗根长降低75.1和15.0%。

Stems of Chaenomeles speciosa were adopted as the explants to unduce buds.The suitable length of the stem was investigated.


In Fagopyrum esculentum grown under different density and sowing date, there was significant plasticity in stem mass ratio, leaf mass ratio and leaf to root ratio, as well as single measures of stem length, stem diameter, branch length and number of branches.


Result Galium aparina water extract had some effects on the germination rate, roots length, stem length and fresh weight. The water extract decreased the germination rate and roots length of the 3 vegetables, but its effects on the stem length and fresh weigh was variable in different species.


The stalk length, internodal length and stalk weight significantly increased, the number of millable stalks per plot raised extremely significantly, the growth speed accelerated and the yield increased by 23.2%, respectively, of regenerative plants from the seedcanes with HWT, compared with those of RSD-infected seedcanes without HWT, but their qualities in maturity phase were similar.


Mozzie buster of the leaves is very large, is a tender green, which grow on long, thin stems, which is about 30 centimeters, about 2 mm thick, leaves a very small, very beautiful, close to the smell is very fragrant, hand - feels very smooth, like a baby's little hands, very cute, you just look at the last touch of your hand will be like perfume, like incense, and it also provides a long green hair, like a dense, long hair quickly, often pressure have thin stems Wanle Yao, every time when my mother to call it cut their hair, Mozzie buster it can not according to the sun, and if the sun shining or not watering, it's life would soon end.


Bobai is characterized by water spinach planted paddy fields, dense leaf stem length, leaf tail taper,鲜绿crisp, the stem pick into a paragraph break, the fracture that split kink, with a sharp knife could not cut the stem I ping.


更多网络解释与茎长的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A dozen, long-stemmed:一打长茎的

And you can't go cheap, either. Nope.|当然不能选便宜的,不 | A dozen, long-stemmed.|一打长茎的 | He knows about females.|他了解女性

redundant prepuce:包皮过长

包茎(Phimosis)俗称包皮过长(Redundant prepuce),是泌尿科门诊常见的疾病. 包茎系指包皮末端紧束,而无法将至退到阴茎的冠状沟以上,将龟头曝露出来. 二、包茎如何处理? 1.养成良好的卫生习惯-把包皮后推到冠状沟上,每天清除附在其上的包皮垢,

optic stalk:视茎

视泡向前生长,近脑端较窄形成视茎(optic stalk)即视神经始基,均在胚胎3周内(胚长1.5~3.0mm)完成. 在胚胎第4周(胚长4mm)时视泡继续凸出膨大,与覆盖其上的表皮外胚叶逐渐接近. 视泡的远端偏下方向内凹陷形成一有双层细胞壁的杯,

styloid process:茎突

(五)茎突 茎突(styloid process)起于颞骨鼓部的下面,伸向前下方,呈细长形,长短不一,平均长约25mm;远端有茎突咽肌、茎突舌肌、茎突舌骨肌、茎突舌骨韧带和茎突下颌韧带附着.

elongated styloid process:茎突过长

茎突综合征(styloid syndrome)又称茎突过长(elongated styloid process)或Eagle综合征(Eagle syndrome),是因茎突过长或其方位、形态异常刺激邻近血管神经而引起的咽部异物感、咽痛或反射性耳痛、头颈部痛和涎腺增多等症候群.

epicormic:徒长的 徒长枝 副茎叶体的

epicontinentalsea陆缘海 浅海 内陆海 | epicormic徒长的 徒长枝 副茎叶体的 | epicormicknot徒长枝节


epicormic 徒长的 | epicormic 徒长枝 | epicormic 副茎叶体的

Fagopyrum esculentum:荞 麦

在不同密度和播期下种植的荞麦(Fagopyrum esculentum),茎生物量分配、叶生物量分配、叶根比,及单株茎长、茎直径、分枝长和分枝数都有显著的可塑性. 变异系数的计算指示,密度和播期处理的特征可塑性的量有某些一致性. 在曼陀罗(Datura stramonium)的移植种群中,


嵌顿包茎(paraphimosis)是包茎或包皮过长的并发症. 当包皮被翻至阴茎头上方后,如未及时复位,包皮环将阻塞静脉及淋巴循环而引起水肿,致使包皮不能复位造成嵌顿包茎. 包皮发生水肿后,包皮狭窄环越来越紧,以至循环阻塞及水肿更加严重,

long stalked:长茎的

long spout oil can 长嘴油壶 | long stalked 长茎的 | long stalked pear 长柄梨