英语人>词典>汉英 : 茎生花的 的英文翻译,例句
茎生花的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cauliflorous  ·  cladanthous

更多网络例句与茎生花的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Basal and cauline leaves heteromorphic, simple, ternate or 1–2-pinnate; flowers fertile in terminal and lateral umbels.


A candy or preparation flavored with this extract.An aromatic Eurasian plant having square stems, opposite leaves with white pubescence, and numerous white flowers in axillary cymes.


Inflorescences axillary, ramiflorous, cauliflorous, or terminal, simple or rarely compound, with flowers borne laterally either in pairs or sometimes singly, racemose, sometimes spicate, paniculate, or condensed into a head; bracts subtending flower pairs usually small, sometimes accrescent and woody; floral bracts usually minute or absent.


Racemes cauliflorous, often on old woody stems, 3-5-flowered, rachis short.


Cacao tree is a kind of small arbor tree and it has the following outstanding features. First, cauliflory: its flowers burst open on the tree trunks directly and then the flowers will produce fruits on the tree trunks too. The cacao flowers are small, but the fruits are big. The fruits are elliptical and have many ridged lines on the outer skins. The color of the fruits is yellow, and each fruit can grow as heavy as one kilogram. Each cacao plant can grow 60 to 70 fruits, and there are about 30 to 50 seeds in each fruit.


Corolla pale blue, with distinct deep blue lines, lobes elliptic-lanceolate to elliptic; stem leaves lanceolate to broadly lanceolate, base subamplexicaul; stem fastigiate branched from base

浅蓝色的花冠,具离生的深的蓝色的线,裂片椭圆状披针形的到椭圆形;茎生叶披针形到宽披针形,基部;茎帚状的分枝自基部 4 Lomatogonium longifolium 长叶肋柱花

The rainforest contains six wonders, the plant stranglers,the mid-air flower baskets,the blossoming of old stems,the great roots, the rattan enlacing on tree trunks and the rocks wrapped in roots,representing the essential features of all five major rainforests in Hainan.


Sometimes armed with stinging hairs; epidermal cells of leaves, sometimes stems, perianths mostly with prominent cystoliths punctiform to linear; Leaves alternate or opposite, stipules present, rarely absent; leaf blade simple. Inflorescences cymose, paniculate, racemose, spicate, or cluster-capitate, usually formed from glomerules, sometimes crowded on common enlarged cuplike or discoid receptacle, rarely reduced into a single flower. Flowers unisexual, rarely bisexual in partial flowers; actinomorphic, very small,(1-)4- or 5-merous, rarely perianth absent in female flowers.


Corolla dark blue, without lines, lobes narrowly oblong; stem leaves oblong-spatulate to oblong, base obtuse; stem simple

花冠深蓝色,没有线,裂片狭长圆形;茎生叶匙形长圆形的到长圆形,基部钝;茎单生 1 Lomatogonium perenne 宿根肋柱花

Using the technique of culturing shoot apex under aseptic conditions, we found that there is a sensitive stage for the sex expression of earlier flower buds, this stage is located before the second leaf full expansing.


更多网络解释与茎生花的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bougainvillea spectabilis:叶子花

毛叶子花(Bougainvillea spectabilis)又叫九重葛、毛宝m、三角花、三角梅,紫茉莉科叶子花属常绿攀援灌木,茎长可达1 Om以上,常具倒勾刺,密生绒毛. 单叶互生,花常三朵簇生于三枚较大的包片内,包片叶状卵圆形,鲜红色、白色或砖红色,为主要观赏部分,


包括7族;中国产4族,常见的属有山菅属(Dianella)、独尾草属(Eremurus)、吊兰属(Chlorophytum)、萱草属(Hemerocallis)等. 吴木比亚科(Wurmbaeoideae)块茎、球茎或匍匐茎;叶大多为茎生,极少顶端卷须状;花通常排成穗状花序或总状花序,

Forsythia viridissima:金钟花

具匍匐茎,叶对生.地被植物.117.一串红(Salvia splendens)唇形科.多年生草本或半灌木状,轮伞花序红色,萼钟状,宿存,花冠唇形.园林中常见的花卉之一.118.金钟花(Forsythia viridissima)木犀科.落叶灌木.小枝四棱形,


它们都属于仙人掌科的不同属 仙人掌属(opuntia) 茎节棍棒状或扁平,很多种类有粗大的主干. 叶圆锥状或纺锤状,多数早落. 刺座除着生刺、毛、花和茎节外,还有其他大多数属种没有的钩毛(芒刺). 花单生,较大且色彩鲜艳.


包括6族;中国产5族,常见的属有岩菖蒲属(Tofieldia)、樱井草属(Petrosavia)、藜芦属(Veratrum)以及油点草属(Tricyrtis)等. 何瑞尔亚科(Herrerioideae)根状茎块茎状;茎直立或缠绕;叶成簇,基生或侧生;花排成总状花序或圆锥花序;

Weigela florida:锦带花

有香味.茎,叶,花供药用.132.珊瑚树(Viburmum odoratissimum)忍冬科.常绿小乔木,叶对生,革质.抗烟,抗火力强,园中常栽为绿篱或观赏,也是工厂区绿化及森林中防火线路的良好树种.133.锦带花(Weigela florida)忍冬科.落叶灌木,幼枝有2列短毛,

Agrimonia pilosa:仙鹤草

仙鹤草(Agrimonia pilosa)别名龙芽菜、脱力草、狼牙草等,为蔷薇科植物,全草入药. 仙鹤草根褐色,横走,着生细长的须根. 茎直立,上部分枝. 顶生小叶片较大,椭圆状卵形或倒卵形. 小花黄色,茎顶具较长的总状花序. 仙鹤草具有止血、健胃等功效,临床上用于止血、抗肿瘤及泌尿、呼吸系统等疾病的治疗.


分 类:伞形花科(Apiaceae)欧芹属(Petroselinum)中的一二年生草本植物. 香草(HERB)系指任何具有特别香味的植物,而其根、茎、叶、果实及种子所含有之成份,可供人做为药剂、食品、饮料、香水或美容之用者称之.

cauliflorous:花生于茎上的, 茎生花的

caulidium | 拟茎体 | cauliflorous | 花生于茎上的, 茎生花的 | cauliflory | 老茎开花现象


[摘要]天山花楸(Sorbus tianschanica Ruper.)系蔷微科(Rosacea)花楸属(Sorbus)植物,具有清热利肺、补脾生津之功效.其属维吾尔民间习用药材之一,常以果实、嫩枝叶及茎皮入药,主要用于治疗肺结核、哮喘、咳嗽、胃炎、胃疼、维生素A和C缺乏等证.天山花楸的药理学研究表明,