英语人>词典>汉英 : 茎 的英文翻译,例句
茎 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
caudex  ·  caudices  ·  culm  ·  haulm  ·  pedicel  ·  pedicle  ·  stalk  ·  stem  ·  stick  ·  pedunculus  ·  petiolus  ·  culmed  ·  culming  ·  stalks  ·  stems  ·  caudexes  ·  halm

更多网络例句与茎相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results showed that the POD activity was higher in the sporophyll than that in the stems and leaves in which the POD activities were weak from bottom to top in native plant. For the Japanese plant, the POD activities of the stems and leaves were the same in all positions. However, the activity was slightly higher in mid-portion of a leaf than that in stems. The high enzyme activities were observed in mid-bottom stems in the half-bred plant, and the activity was higher in bottom leaf than that in mid-top leaf.


The effects of different plant densities on flag leaves chlorophyll content,SOD activity and MDA content after anthesis in stronggluten wheat interplanted in paddyfield were studied.

本试验在江苏淮北地区设计不同密度试验,研究其对稻田套播强筋小麦花后剑叶叶绿素含量、SOD酶活性和MDA含量的影响,结果表明:随花后生育进程推移,叶绿素含量呈下降趋势,且随密度增加,下降幅度增大;花后单干物质积累量和单籽粒产量亦随密度增加而下降,二者呈极显著负相关;随花后生育进程推移,剑叶SOD酶活性呈单峰曲线变化,可用二次曲线方程模拟,在花后1416 d达峰值,且随密度增加峰值出现时间提前,峰值数值呈先上升再下降的变化特征;随花后生育进程推移,剑叶MDA含量呈上升的变化特征,且随密度增大,数值变大;花后35 d剑叶SOD酶活性与花后单干物质积累量和单籽粒产量呈极显著正相关,而MDA含量与花后单干物质积累量和单籽粒产量则呈显著或极显著负相关。

Results in those 30 samples, the styloid process showed with high quality inⅠgroup is 25,in Ⅱ group is 27,about length measurement, as a whole, the difference of the two groups is little.

结果 30例中突能清晰完整显示的常规突侧位有25例,而用口腔全景机拍摄的突有27例,在突长度测量方面,从两种摄影方法拍摄的突影像上测得的突长度无显著的统计学差异。

Stem erect, frequently rhizomatous, or plants tuberous and either acaulescent or shortly stemmed, rarely lianoid or climbing with adventitious roots, or stoloniferous.


There were close relation and harmonies among the quantities characters that were significantly hereditarily correlated with tumorous stem yield. High yield breeding combining with strong ecological adaptability and good quality should be largely based on later maturity, tumorous stem diameter, whole plant weight and higher ratio of stem and leaf.


Tumorous stem yield was only significantly hereditarily positively correlated with vegetative duration, developmental duration, ratio of stem and leaf, horizontal length and whole plant fresh weight, negatively fur percentage and tumorous stem index. There were close relation and harmonies among the quantities characters that were significantly hereditarily correlated with tumorous stem yield. High yield breeding combining with strong ecological adaptability and good quality should be largely based on later maturity, tumorous stem diameter, whole plant weight and higher ratio of stem and leaf.


The stalk length, internodal length and stalk weight significantly increased, the number of millable stalks per plot raised extremely significantly, the growth speed accelerated and the yield increased by 23.2%, respectively, of regenerative plants from the seedcanes with HWT, compared with those of RSD-infected seedcanes without HWT, but their qualities in maturity phase were similar.


The green stem, big leaf, few branch, mauve flower type and the purple stem, big leaf, few branch, purple flower type were classified into one class. The green stem, small leaf, multibranch, mauve flower type, the green stem, big leaf, multibranch, purple flower type, the green stem, small leaf, multibranch, mauve flower type, and the purple stem, small leaf, multibranch, purple flower type were classified into another class.Conclusion The artificially cultivated S.


The content of Z+ZR rose obviously and descended rapidly before and when gall started on swelling, respectively. The content of IAA in leaves was descending from anaphase to telophase of gall's swelling. The content of ABA in leaves was raised just before gall's swelling and that in sheathes was raised in anaphase of the gall' swelling, but there's no visible change in culm. There was no obvious change of GA 3 content in all parts and during growth and development.

其中 Z+ZR 含量在肉质膨大前即已明显上升,膨大开始后显著下降; IAA 含量在肉质膨大后期至末期才出现下降;叶片内 ABA 含量在肉质膨大前即开始上升,叶鞘内 ABA 含量在肉质膨大后期上升,尖内则无明显变化;各部位 GA 3 含量在整个生育期内无明显变化。

Result:Characteristics of the tangentical longitudinal section of stem with resin and surface view of leaves were elucidated.Besides xylem vessels and fibers of the stem,it was found that the red resin also exists in the cortex parenchyma cells of the stem and the medulla and xylem of the root.According to the HPLC fingerprint analysis result of the stems with and without resin,a number of flavones and stilbenoids were detected in the stem in which resin appeared after it wounded.


更多网络解释与茎相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

brown stem rot:大豆茎褐腐病,茎褐腐病,褐茎腐病

brown spot of soybean 大豆褐皮病 | brown stem rot 大豆褐腐病,褐腐病,褐腐病 | brown streak 褐条病


caudate | 有尾的, 有尾状附属物的 | caudex | 草本植物主轴(包括与根),木本植物的基, | caudiciform | 干状的


概念 (Caulis)木(Lignum)类中药包括药用木本植物的或仅用其木材部分,以及少数是草本植物的藤,实际上分为两类,即: 类中药 药用部位包括藤(Caulis),如关木通;药用枝(Ramulus),如桑枝;药用刺(Spina),如皂角刺或其翅状附属物,


cauline | 的, 生的 | caulis | 主(尤指草本植物的主) | caulk off | 小睡

caulome:茎的结构, 和茎结构形态相当之结构

cauloid | 假 | caulome | 的结构, 和结构形态相当之结构 | caulomic | 的结构的, 和结构形态相当之结构的

prostrate stem:平卧茎

2.平卧 平卧( prostrate stem)平卧地上,如地锦等. 3.匍匐 匍匐(stolen stem)平卧地面,节上产生不定根,如草莓、狗牙根和甘薯等. 4.攀援 攀援( climbing stem)用各种攀援器官攀援于他物之上,如黄瓜和葡萄等.

styloid process:茎突

(五)突(styloid process)起于颞骨鼓部的下面,伸向前下方,呈细长形,长短不一,平均长约25mm;远端有突咽肌、突舌肌、突舌骨肌、突舌骨韧带和突下颌韧带附着.

stem tendril:茎卷须

2.卷须(stem tendril)许多攀缘植物的细长,不能直立,变成卷须,称为卷须或枝卷须. 卷须的位置或与花枝的位置相当(如葡萄),或生于叶腋(如南瓜、黄瓜),与叶卷须不同(图3-120,C). 3.叶状(也称叶状枝,phylloid)转变成叶状,扁平,


阳具包括一个阳(aedeagus)和1对位于基部两侧的阳侧叶 (parameres). 阳多是单一的骨化管状构造,是有翅昆虫进行交配时插入雌体的器官. 射精管即开口于阳端的生殖孔. 少数无翅亚纲昆虫无阳,而原尾目、蚌诺目和革翅目昆虫,

cauline:茎的, 茎生的

cauline vascular bundle | 维管束 | cauline | 的, 生的 | caulis | 主(尤指草本植物的主)