英语人>词典>汉英 : 英联邦 的英文翻译,例句
英联邦 的英文翻译、例句


Commonwealth of Nations · British Commonwealth of Nations · the British Commonwealth
更多网络例句与英联邦相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Commonwealth and the permanent headquarters are located in London, its organizational structure: 1, the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting; generally meets biennially. 1966 held in London in the past, since 1966, held on a rotational basis in the member states, heads of government presided over by the host country.


This means a special relationship between the British Commonwealth and Empire and the United States of America.


British:Of or relating to the United Kingdom or the Commonwealth of Nations.


Providers. Federal legislation addresses i ssues of anti-dis crimination while state

世纪90 年代,《英联邦国家和地区的残疾协定》的制订使联邦资金移交至国家用

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She is Head of State in some member countries; for example, she is Queen of Canada.


Recently I attended the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Trinidad and Tobago and heard how important the Commonwealth is to young people.


Territory, trust territory, which belong to the Commonwealth, such as Australia, New Zealand, India is now a member of the Commonwealth, they respect the Queen's name for the state Supreme Head of State.


The Commonwealth, an organisation of former British colonies, suspended Fiji for lack of progress towards re-establishing democracy.


The Commonwealth's dwindling fan club, it notes provocatively, includes Anglophiles, monarchists and beneficiaries of its scholarships and professional networks; to have any hope of survival, it must expand this constituency by abandoning secretive culture and becoming more open to NGOs and the young.


更多网络解释与英联邦相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


aircraftdynamics | 飞机动力学 | aircraftman | (英国及英联邦国家的)空军士兵 | aircraftsman | (英国及英联邦国家的)空军士兵,空军新兵

Commonwealth of Nations:英联邦 大英國協 英聯邦 共和联邦

Canberra 堪培拉 坎培拉 | Commonwealth of Nations 英联邦 大英國協 英聯邦 共和联邦 | Dubai 迪拜 杜拜 杜拜 杜拜

British Commonwealth of Nations:英联邦国家,英联邦

British civil police 英国民事警察 | British commonwealth of nations 英联邦国家,英联邦 | British constitution 英国宪法

The British Commonwealth of Nations:英联邦

Commonwealth Preference Area英联邦特惠区 | The British Commonwealth of Nations英联邦 | communicative adj.倾向于沟通的

Commonwealth Preference:英联邦特惠制

Commonwealth income tax 英联邦入息税 | Commonwealth Preference 英联邦特惠制 | communal property 公有财产;公有产业

Commonwealth Heraldry Board:英联邦纹章学理事会

Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting;英联邦政府首脑会议;CHOGM; | Commonwealth Heraldry Board;英联邦纹章学理事会;; | Commonwealth Hostels, Ltd.;英联邦旅馆有限公司;;

Commonwealth Medical Association:英联邦医学协会

Commonwealth Magistrates' Association;英联邦地方法官协会;CMA; | Commonwealth Medical Association;英联邦医学协会;CMA; | Commonwealth Meeting on AIDS and Human Movement;艾滋病和人口流动问题英联邦会议;...

Commonwealth Mycological Institute:英联邦霉菌学研究所

Commonwealth Monitoring Force;英联邦监督部队;; | Commonwealth Mycological Institute;英联邦霉菌学研究所;; | Commonwealth Nations;英联邦国家;;

Commonwealth Air Transport Council:英联邦航空运输理事会

Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau;英联邦农业局(农业局);CAB;农业局 | Commonwealth Air Transport Council;英联邦航空运输理事会;CATC; | Commonwealth Association of Architects;英联邦建筑师协会;CAA;

Commonwealth Privatisation Fund:英联邦私有化基金

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