英语人>词典>汉英 : 英国皇家空军 的英文翻译,例句
英国皇家空军 的英文翻译、例句


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Travelling to Afghanistan with the American air force is a more dignified way to go than with the clapped-out RAF or Afghan airlines.


If agreement is reached, it would be extremely timely for the British government and the UK's Royal Air Force.


1918 The Royal Air Force was formed, by the amalgamation of the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service.


I am very fortunate to have been able to fly with both the RAF,and now the USAF.


BACK IN PLACE \ 老爸归来 Three-year-old Tom Perryman welcomed his father, Squadron Leader Chris Perryman, and other members of the 15 Squadron Royal Air Force Regiment, home at the RAF's Honington station near Bury St.


In the first part of 1944, the USAAF and RAF started their massive air offensive against Romania.


I was in the RAF (you can choose which to join at the beginning: Army, RAF, or Navy).


Twenty two of the Merlin HC3, the variation of EH101, will enter RAF service as replacements for the Wessex with No.28 Squadron. There is a future requirement to fit stub wings enabling anti-armour or air-to-air missiles and rocket pods. Studies have also been made for a nose turret and 0.5 inch machine gun, and machine guns on pintles at the door positions. A first for the RAF helicopter fleet is the fitting of an air-to-air refuelling probe. A tail gangplank is added to make it easier to load and unload cargo.


Britain's most sensational UFO case occurred in December 1980 in Rendlesham Forest , between RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge.


Stephenson who replaced Manning in January, 1942, noted that while the ratio of British to German planes in the battle of Britain and been one to four, the ratio of Anglo-American fighters to Japanese planes over Rangoon was one to from four to 14*(1942年1月,取代了 Manning 的英国皇家空军少将 D.F.

Stephenson 注意到:不列颠空战中英国和德国战机的损失比例是1:4,而仰光空战中英美战机与日本战机损失的比例则是惊人的1:14

更多网络解释与英国皇家空军相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Air Vice Marshal:(英国)皇家空军少将

Air Vice Marshal | 少将 | Air Vice-Marshal | (英国)皇家空军少将 | air view | 空瞰图

leading aircraftman:(英国)皇家空军二等兵

pigmentolysis 解除色素(作用) | leading aircraftman (英国)皇家空军二等兵 | rigorism 严格主义,严格,死脂


与皇家空军另一主力战斗机霍克 飓风(Hawker Hurricane-通常译作飓风战斗机)扞卫英国本土. 当中喷火战斗机虽然数量较少,但因为它的性能较佳,是与德军的护航战斗机Bf 109作战的主力. 也成为此後(直至二战结束)英国皇家空军的主力战斗机. 使用狮鹫兽(Griffon)发动机系列

acting pilot officer:(英国皇家空军)准尉

acoustician 声学家 | acting pilot officer (英国皇家空军)准尉 | Action Man 进取型的男子;机动兵(玩具)

RAF Royal Air Force:英国皇家空军

80.jump in too quickly太快下结论 | 81.RAF Royal Air Force 英国皇家空军 | 82.punks小流氓

British Royal Air Force:简称RAF 英国皇家空军

Beijing charity Association,缩写:BCA 北京市慈善协会 | British Royal Air Force 简称RAF 英国皇家空军: | Defense Department 国防部


一幅由英国皇家空军飞机拍摄的空中侦察照片拼成的图片,图片中显示了自沉于法国土伦港(Toulon)的法国海军舰队. 英军在法国诺曼底的阿罗芒什(Arromanches)建立的Mulberry B临时港口. 英国皇家空军在1944年10月2日拍摄了这张遥感影像图.

union flag:英国国旗

升旗仪式由三名旗手执行,旗手首先会在纪念碑向立法局大楼一面由左至右升起英国皇家空军军旗(Royal Air Force Ensign),英国国旗(Union Flag)及英国商务旗(Red Ensign);然后走到纪念碑向香港大会堂高座一面,由左至右升起英国皇家海军军旗(White Ensign),


如今威廉正打算在2010年9月结束英国皇家 空军(RAF)的训练之后,就和女友凯特正式宣布订婚. 此前有人推测,威廉王子可能会于2011年举行婚礼,但不巧的是,届时威廉王子正好将结束英国皇家空军(RAF)的飞行训练,

Battle of Britain:不列颠战役

07月10日:德意志空军(Luftwaffe)展开对英伦海峡上英国护卫舰队的轰炸行动;不列颠战役(Battle of Britain)正式展开. 09月07日:"闪电战"(Blitz)开始;德意志空军开始连续57夜的伦敦空袭作战. 10月31日:英国皇家空军(RAF)于不列颠战役中取得优势,