英语人>词典>汉英 : 苯胺黑 的英文翻译,例句
苯胺黑 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
nigrosine  ·  nigraniline  ·  nigrosin  ·  benzalin

aniline black · Aniline Black
更多网络例句与苯胺黑相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

PVC resin, PTFE resin, fumaric acid, anthraquinone, nitroanthraquinone, paraaminophenol, melamine, cyanuric acid, sulfanilic acid, chemical inhibitor 168, azoic coupling component As, stearate, aniline, nitroaniline, pentaerythritol, chlorcosane, sodium calcium, triethylene diamine, sodium benzene sulphinate, m-phthalic acid, thiourea, aniline black dyestuffs, acid dyestuff, etc.


Beijing 100034,China(The School of Oncology,Beijing Institute for Cancer Research,Beijing Medical University,Beijing 100034,China)(The School of Oncology,Beijing Institute for Cancer Research,Beijing Medical University,Beijing 100034,China)Abstract : Objective In order to study the effects of ATP on U937 cells. Methods Cell culture,flow cytometry,HE staining,Nigrosine staining and electron microscopy were used.

应用ATP(0.23g/L)作用于人白血病细胞U937,(1)用白细胞计数器每日计数细胞和计算抑制率;(2)用流式细胞分析仪文献检测 ATP对U937细胞周期改变和凋亡的影响;(3)苏木精-伊红染色和电子显微镜文献检测凋亡小体的形成过程;(4)用苯胺黑染色文献检测凋亡小体的生命本性。

There are two types of black materials: one kind of them absorbs visible light through electron transition to form black, such as nigrosine, anthraquinone black, and iron oxide black, the other kind such as carbon black reflects and absorbs visible light several times with its superficial porous effect to form black.


Rhodamine B, Malachite green, Auramine O, Bismark Brown,Methyl Violet 5BN, Basic Magenta, Acid Orange II, Chrysophenine GX, Direct Fast Black G, Indigo, Sulphur Black, Solvent Red 24, Solvent Red 49, Solvent Brown 41, Solvent Orange 3,Pigment Yellow 154,155, Pigment Red 188,208, Meta-Diethyiaminophenol, M-Amino acetanilide , P-Amino acetanilide, etc.


Supravital stains ; Sperm ; Eosin ; Trypan blue ; Nigrosin ; Mouse


As for PAn-based composites, the influences of the kinds of oxidant, the amount of hydrochloric acid and barbon black on conductivity were investigated, Li/PAn button-type secondary batteries were assembled with PAn-based composites which were synthesized by chemical oxidative polymerization and used as cathode, the influences of the kinds of oxidant, synthesized technics, conducting carbon black added mode and PAn/metal oxide composites used as cathode on the properties of these batteries were studied.


更多网络解释与苯胺黑相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


nigrite 尼格赖特 | nigrosine 苯胺黑 | ninhydrin 茚三酮

nigrosine:油溶黑 苯胺黑

nigrometer /黑度计/ | nigrosine /油溶黑/苯胺黑/ | nihil /无/

Dyes, nigrosine:染料,苯胺黑的

3235012 Dyes, nitro, nitroso 染料,硝基和亚硝基的 | 3235013 Dyes, nigrosine 染料,苯胺黑的 | 3235014 Dyes, synthetic, union 混合染料,合成的

nigrosine LR:苯胺黑LR(食用色素)

nigrometer 黑度计 | nigrosine LR 苯胺黑LR(食用色素) | nigrospora 黑孢霉

aniline black:苯胺黑

1860年发明了苯胺黑(Aniline Black)并开发其染色法. 1868年德国化学家C.格雷贝 (C.Craebe)和C. 李柏曼(C.Lieberman)将蒽醌溴化,然后与碱一起熔制,制得茜红(Alizarine,C.I.58000, C. I. 媒染红11),并确定其的化学结构及其合成法.

aniline black:苯胺黑染料

苯胺,阿尼林油 aniline | 苯胺黑染料 aniline black | 苯胺藍染料 aniline blue

aged aniline black:氧化苯胺黑

西沙爾麻,瓊麻 agave rigida | 氧化苯胺黑 aged aniline black | 二歲以上綿羊 aged sheep

aniline black dyestuffs:苯胺黑染料 苯胺黑类染料

aniline acetate || 乙酸苯胺 | aniline black dyestuffs || 苯胺黑染料 苯胺黑类染料 | aniline black || 苯胺黑


\\"黑脓疮脑软化症\\",\\"nigropallidal encephalomalacia\\" | \\"黑色质苯胺黑\\",\\"nigrosin\\" | \\"乳头,前齿(马)\\",\\"nipper\\"


肽聚糖peptidoglycan | 苯胺黑(黑色素)nigrosin | 假根rhizine