英语人>词典>汉英 : 苯胺的 的英文翻译,例句
苯胺的 的英文翻译、例句


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The influence of each condition on the reaction speed and yield was studied, and the optimal conditions were: the ratio of the amount of substance of aromatic amine and heptafluoro-isopropyl iodine was 1:1.1~1.5, the amount of substance of sodium dithionite, sodium bicarbonate, aniline compounds were respectively 1.1~1.3, the amount of substance of phase transfer catalyst TBAB and aniline compounds was 0.05~0.1, the concentration of aniline compound was 0.5~1.0 mol/L, reaction temperature was 10~20 ℃, and the solvent was aether.

最佳结果为:芳胺与七氟异丙基碘的物质的量比1:1.1~1.5,连二亚硫酸钠、碳酸氢钠与苯胺的物质的量分别为1.1~1.3,相转移催化剂四丁基溴化铵与苯胺的物质的量比在0.05~0.1,溶剂总用量使苯胺浓度在0.5~1.0 mol/L;反应温度10~20℃;溶剂采用乙醚。取代基供电子性越强,反应时间越短,产率越高;氨基的对位优先反应,氨基的邻位较难发生反应;且七氟异丙基总是优先取代在芳环电子云密度较高的位置上。

In this dissertation, two derivatives of aniline containing polyoxyethylene substituent m-phenylene diamino formyl alkylenediamine poly acetate and poly-3-aminobenzoate were designed and synthesized. And then, comb-shaped polyaniline grafted by PEO were prepared by chemical oxidation copolymerization. The structure of copolymers were characterized by FTIR, ultraviolet-visible spectrum, elemental analysis and TEM etc..


The results show that the compound conductive fiber has typical structure of sheath-core consists of black greened polyaniline electric conductive deposition as the skin and the white polypropylene matrix fiber as the core, which makes the compound fiber preferable physical mechanical property. The intensity and the elongation ratio of the electric conductive fiber are decreased but the thermal stability is enhanced after modified. The compound fiber has the good acid resistance but poor base resistance. The thermal stability of the compound fiber prepared by 4-methyl-benzene sulfonic acid is better than that prepared by hydrochloride acid. Moreover, the compound fiber can be re-doped by other organic or inorganic acid after freed from the adsorbed acid. Furthermore, the electric conductivity of the compound fiber decreases with the temperature increasing but hardly changed with the humidity. The adsorptive ability and therefore the content of the polyaniline, the constant of electric conduction, and the durability of the compound fiber can be enhanced by thinning the diameter, section heteromorphosis, section heteromorphosis and plasma treatment of the surface or blending with COPET of the fiber.


According to the contrasts between the structure of PANI and that of POT, the conclusion could be made that steric hinderance effect of methyl groups in the poly-O-methylaniline is more prominent than induction effect and hyperconjugation.


Humic acids, oxidizable fraction and lipids were the main fractions affecting the sorption capacity. The humic acids had the maximum adsorption capacity for nitrobenzene and aniline, the lipids naturally present in the soil strongly compete for hydrophobic sorption sites within the soil organic matter, and the adsorption capacity of mineral surface for nitrobenzene and aniline were only 2.31mg·kg-1 and 3.63mg·kg-1, respectively.


The emulsion polymerization of aniline in three phase system of non polar solvent and surfactant and water was studied.


We have not found any reports that o-toluidine and N,N-dimethylaniline can be used as antiknock. The electrochemical properties of aromatic amine are in line with its' antidetonating quality and actual application.


The Seebeck coefficient of ultrasonic PAn is greater than that of conventional PAn, both of them increase with the increase of temperature.


YAA at amino acid level.


Optimum reaction conditions were outlined for the in-situ polymerization of aniline onto the surface of rayon fiber and alkalized PET fiber.


更多网络解释与苯胺的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


乙酰苯胺(acetanilide)是这类药物的母体药物. 1886年Cahn和Hepp两人偶然发现了乙酰苯胺的解热作用.并将其命名为退热冰(antifebrin)作为解热药用. 但发现其毒性过大. 在寻找低毒化合物的过程中,试用了对氨基酚,相信机体能把乙酰苯胺氧化为对氨基酚.


利用含有银离子、苯胺(aniline)的电解液,在阳极氧化铝(anodic aluminum显微镜(HRTEM)比较单纯银奈米线和银/聚苯胺奈米线的影像,可以观测到银/聚苯胺奈米线是由聚合物包覆著银奈米线所组成.

aniline:[化]苯胺 <单词词性>苯胺的

population mean 总平均, 全平均 | aniline [化]苯胺 苯胺的 | be indifferent to 对...漠不关心


为柯苯胺(Chrysaniline)硝酸盐及其较高同系物的混合物. 溶于水和乙醇,溶液呈红黄色有绿色荧光,溶于浓硫酸中呈亮红黄色有绿色荧光,稀释时呈深黄红色. Phosphine 3R为色调较Phosphine 略红的染料. 细菌染色. 昆虫组织学研究用的荧色物.


美国拟定梨内二苯胺(Diphenylamine)限量2006年12月18日,美国宣布拟制定二苯胺限量法规. 美国环保署(EPA)建议根据按1996年食品质量保护法(FQPA)修改的联邦食品药物及化妆品法(FFDCA)制定梨内/表二苯胺(Diphenylamine)的残留限量.

Inks, indelible:墨水,擦不掉的

3242004 Inks, aniline 墨水,苯胺的 | 3242005 Inks, indelible 墨水,擦不掉的 | 3242006 Inks, luminescent and fluorescent 墨水,莹光的和发莹光的


Perkin)合成苯胺紫(mauve)之前,所有的染料都是从天然物中取得的. 例如:茜素和靛蓝是从某些植物提取的,洋红是从胭脂虫提取的,等等. 自从帕琴之后,合成染料在英国有了较大的发展. 德国的染料工业,所以从十九世纪后期起能发展得很快,




对於这种分离法,摩兰(Moran)等曾因双苯胺的作用缺乏特异选择性,而发表过怀疑的论文(14). 另外,我们也曾在家兔和天笠鼠的回肠实验中发现,双苯胺不仅能不可逆的抑制乙醯胆碱的作用,连和受容体无关的钾离子和钡离子等作用也会被抑制(15).

aniline salt:苯胺盐(通常专指盐酸苯胺)

aniline resin || 苯胺树脂 | aniline salt || 苯胺盐(通常专指盐酸苯胺) | aniline violet || 苯胺紫(微带红色的紫色合成颜料)