英语人>词典>汉英 : 苯胺中毒 的英文翻译,例句
苯胺中毒 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
anilinism  ·  anilism

更多网络例句与苯胺中毒相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These toxic data(TC50,SDH and LDH) were used as dependent variable and 10 topological indices of 25 aminobenzene derivatives were used as independent variable.QSAR was analyzed with multiple stepwise linear regression.The results indicated that there is different toxicity with different structure of compounds.


These toxic data(TC50,SDH and LDH) were used as dependent variable and 10 topological indices of 25 aminobenzene derivatives were used as independent variable.QSAR was analyzed with multiple stepwise linear regression.The results indicated that there is different toxicity with different structure of compounds.

卫生毒理学杂志990108 内容摘要以大鼠游离肝细胞半数中毒浓度(TC50)和细胞逸出酶为观察指标,研究了25种苯胺类化合物的肝细胞毒性,并利用这些毒性效应数据为因变量,以这些化合物的10种拓扑学指数为自变量,利用多元逐步回归统计分析方法进行了定量结构-活性关系的深入探讨。

更多网络解释与苯胺中毒相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Adamson ring:阿达姆松联接环, 炉筒补强环

adamsitism | 氯化二苯胺胂中毒 | Adamson ring | 阿达姆松联接环, 炉筒补强环 | Adamstown | 亚当斯敦(皮特凯恩 岛首府)


amphoterism 两性 | anarchism 无政府论 | anilism 苯胺中毒

Lobelia chinensis:(半边莲)

草药 半边莲(Lobelia chinensis)半边莲5-10g水煎服,外用鲜草捣烂敷. 1中毒与解毒机理:有关TNT对犬的毒性及解毒机理尚未见专门的报道. 根据有关的资料介绍:苯胺及硝基苯进入机体后被吸收进入血液,随后在肝脏氯化为酚、苯三酚等.

Animal pathology; Zoopathology:动物病理学

Aniline poisoning; Anilism 苯胺中毒 | Animal pathology; Zoopathology 动物病理学 | Animal toxin poisoning; Zootoxic poisoning 动物毒素中毒


adamism 亚当说 | adamitism 宗教裸露派 | adamsitism 氯化二苯胺胂中毒

Adamson ring:阿达姆松联接环, 炉筒补强环

adamsitism || 氯化二苯胺胂中毒 | Adamson ring || 阿达姆松联接环, 炉筒补强环 | Adamstown || 亚当斯敦(皮特凯恩 岛首府)