英语人>词典>汉英 : 苯甲腈 的英文翻译,例句
苯甲腈 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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A comparison of using two different nitriles, acetonitrile and benzonitrile, shows that benzonitrile gives higher conversion.


Using benzonitrile as the experimental sample, we have measured its vibrational dephasing processes at its three typical vibrational modes and obtained their vibrational dephasing time respectively.


It is prepared from pentachluorobenzonitrile by using KF as fluoride to substitute chlorine in the presence of benzonitrile under high temperature. But owing to the low solubility of KF and rigor synthesis condition, and the parallel auxiliary reactions, the speed of reaction as well as the yield is very low.


The compound of 2, 6-Bis (4-aminophenoxy) benzonitrile (26B4APBN) was synthesized through condensation reaction between 4-aminophenol (4AP) and 2, 6-dichlorobenzonitrile.

氨基苯酚和2, 6-二氯苯腈通过缩合反应,合成得到了2, 6-双(4-氨基苯氧基)苯甲腈(26B4APBN)。

Benzonitrile was selectively hydrogenated into benzylamine under mild conditions over activated amorphous nickel aluminium alloy catalyst which was prepared by rapidly quenching method.


Methods 4-Hydroxy- benzonitrile was treated with sodium hydrogen sulfide and anhydrous magnesium chloride in dimethyl formamide to give thioamide, which was then directly cyclized with ethyl 2-chloroacetoacetate without separation to give ethyl 2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4-methylthiazole-5-carboxylate(2) in one-pot; then 2 was formylated with Duff reaction adopting hexamethylenetetramine in trifluoroacetic acid to give ethyl 2-(3-formyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)-4-methylthiazole-5-carboxylate(3); finally, the target compound was obtained by the treatment of 3 with hydroxylamine hydrochloride and sodium formate in formic acid.


Three ways leads to the synthesis of fenclorin, one way discussed here has 3 steps. Stepl :benzonitrile using as raw material goes though dry hydrogen chloride and becomes a-imino phenylmethyl ether after meet carbinol.


Benzene nitriles studied included parent benzene nitriles(cinnamonitrile,benzo nitrile,benzeneacetonitrile,isopropyl benzeneacetonitrile) and para-chloro ben zene nitriles(para-chloro cinnamonitrile,para-chloro benzonitrile,para-chloro be nzeneacetonitrile,para-chloroisopropyl benzeneacetonitrile).


A series of N -bonded donor-acceptor derivatives of phenothiazine containing phenyl, anisyl, pyridyl, naphthyl, acetylphenyl, and cyanophenyl as an electron acceptor have been synthesized.


The influences of polymerization conditions such as the dosage of cyanobenzene, catalyst, co-catalyst and polymerization temperature on the polymerization (gelation time and monomer conversion) and the swelling value of PDCPD were investigated.


更多网络解释与苯甲腈相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

benzoyl acetonitrile:苯甲酰乙腈

benzoyl acetic acid 苯甲酰乙酸 | benzoyl acetonitrile 苯甲酰乙腈 | benzoyl acrylic acid 苯甲酰丙烯酸


苯基乙烯(甲)酮Phenyl vinyl ketone302 | 苯甲腈Benzonitrile302 | 苯甲醛Benzaldehyde303

3-Amino Benzonitrile:3-氨基苯甲腈

3-氨基巴豆酸乙酯 ethyl-3-amino crotonate | 3-氨基苯甲腈 3-Amino Benzonitrile | 3-氨基苯乙酮 3-Amino Acetophenone

benzenecarbonitrile; benzonitrile:氰苯;苯甲腈

苯甲脒 benzenecarbonamidine; benzamidine | 苯甲酸;安息[香]酸 benzenecarbonic acid; benzoic acid; benzenecarboxylic acid | 氰苯;苯甲腈 benzenecarbonitrile; benzonitrile

cyanobenzene; benzonitrile:氰苯;苯甲腈

氰乙酸甲酯 cyanoacetic acid methyl ester; methyl cyanoacetate | 氰苯;苯甲腈 cyanobenzene; benzonitrile | 氰乙烯;丙烯腈 cyanoethylene; acrylonitrile

4-Cyanophenyl boronic acid:4-苯腈硼酸

2-氟-5-甲基苯甲腈 2-Fluoro-5-methylbenzonitrile-97% | 4-苯腈硼酸 4-Cyanophenyl boronic acid | 对三氟甲基硼酸 P-Trifluoromethyl boronic acid

carbanilic nitrile; cyananilide:苯胺甲腈;氰胺苯

苯胺甲酸丙酯 carbanilic acid propyl ester | 苯胺甲腈;氰胺苯 carbanilic nitrile; cyananilide | 卡巴胂;对脲苯胂酸 carbarsone


cyano- 深蓝 | cyanobenzene 苯甲腈 | cyanoethylene 丙烯腈

phenyl cyanide:苯甲腈;氰苯

氰酸苯酯 phenyl cyanate | 苯甲腈;氰苯 phenyl cyanide | 二苯醚 phenyl ether

phenyl ether:二苯醚

苯甲腈;氰苯 phenyl cyanide | 二苯醚 phenyl ether | 氟苯 phenyl fluoride