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苯基的 的英文翻译、例句


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However, the apparent frequency factor of curing increases with the increase of the catalyst , being one order of magnitude higher with 0.6 % catalyst than without.


The addition of the polyaluminophenylsiloxane during the curing of the resin raises the initial temperature of decomposition of the methyl group and lowers that of the phenyl group.


P28 紫色 Formation of a peptide bond 肽键形成–4侧链具有的反应–形成二硫键-其它反应 Tyr,His,Arg Review Isoelectric Point Titration滴定 of an amino acid 滴定 Gly幻灯片 18 His Lys Glu Reaction of amino acids Section 4 Protein isolation and purification 蛋白质分离及提纯 Working With Proteins Experimental techniques for protein analysis and characterization Purification steps A cell contains many types of proteins In the lab we want to isolate a single protein for experiments Purification steps We first grow cells or isolate tissues that contain the protein of interest We break open the cells to produce a crude extract Use centrifugation离心 to separate soluble from insoluble material We fractionate 分离 the protein mixture based on properties of such as size, charge affinity or solubility.

丹磺酰氯与氨基酸反应生成荧光性质强和稳定的磺胺衍生物,用于多肽链NH 用于多肽链 3末端氨基酸的标记烃基化反应(1) 2,4-二硝基氟苯2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene,二硝基氟苯(二硝基氟苯 DNFB也叫做试剂。DNFB在弱碱性溶液也叫做Sanger试剂试剂中与氨基酸发生取代反应,生成黄色化合物二硝基二硝基苯基氨基酸(dinitro phenyl amino acid, DNP氨基酸氨基酸)苯基氨基酸氨基酸(2)苯异硫氰酸酯(phenylisothiocyanate, PITC)在弱碱性条件下,与氨基酸反应在弱碱性条件下,生成苯乙内酰硫脲 PTH衍生物,(phenylthiohydantoin, PTH)衍生物,即PTH-氨基酸,此反应又称之Edman反应,该反应是蛋白质或多肽氨基酸序列测定常用的反应。

The thermal curing mechanism and property of low dielectric films based PPSQ were studied by FTIR, Gaussian curve fitting and Spectroscopic Ellipsometry.


The membrane micro-structure and its selectivity could be tailored by controlling the mole ratio of PTMOS to TEOS.


Cinnabarinus at 150 mg/L.The influences on bioactivity of substituted pyrazole and pyrimidine were discussed respectively: pyrazoles substituted with phenyls at 3 position had higher activity than thiophen and compounds with R_1=methyl had higher activity than that with R_1= hydrogen, pyrimidines substituted with methyl at 2 (R_3) and 5 (R_3) position and phenyl at 6 position were most active.


So, the aromaticity of acenaphthenyl groups in C_2 gum should be the least. In order to explain the reason, quantum chemical calculation is utilized. The optimized geometrical structrures of condensed aromatics in C_1 gum, C_2 gum and C_3 gum are calculated at B3LYP/6-31G* levels. We find that some phenyl groups in acenaphthenyl groups are coplanar and have the largest conjugated structure.

为了解释其原因,我们利用量子力学方法进行了计算,研究了三种稠环基团在B3LYP/6-31G*基组水平下优化得到的几何结构,发现苊式多苯基苯基中的萘环和中间的苯环共面,电子离域性最大,而其他二者所有苯环都不共面,发生了明显地扭曲;同时,在优化几何结构的基础上,对三种化合物进行了前线分子轨道的分析,利用密度泛函理论方法(density function theory,DFT)计算了稠环基团的最高占有轨道和最低未占轨道之间的能量差,即能隙,发现C_2胶上苊式多苯基苯基的Eg最小,解释了C_2胶具有最好的辐射保护效果的原因。

When equimolecular ratio of the reactants was used, the addition products were 1-phenyl-2-phenylthiopropene-1and 1-phenyl-2-phenylthiobutene-1, respectively.


1H NMR and 13C NMR spectra were acquired at room temperature with a 500 MHz spectrometer and referenced to residual 1H and to 13C present in deuterated solvents.


Vietnamese sweet bamboo average length of fiber is 2.37mm, greater than Bambusa textilis and Dendrocalamopsis, in accordance with the provisions of the International Association of wood anatomy, Vietnamese sweet bamboo belong to long-fiber raw materials.


更多网络解释与苯基的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


SE-54毛细管 色谱柱 中S、E和54都代表什么 色谱柱 这好像不能分得这么详细吧. 如果非要分开,只能说"S"是硅氧烷(siloxane)的简称,其他就很具体了,不清楚. SE-54是聚甲基苯基乙烯基硅氧烷(polymethyl phenyl vinyl siloxane)的一种,含5%苯基(phenyl),1%乙烯基(vinyl) 色谱柱 色谱柱 新手学车 上海学


如果在分子的表面增加了更复杂的分子性质信息(例如静电势等),则化学结构可以使用分子三维表面结构图形表示. 图 8-1 是苯基丙氨酸(phenylalanine)的各种化学结构表示. 图 8-1 苯基丙氨酸(phenylalanine)的各种化学结构表示

POS Positive:正的

Poly-FBA poly-1,1-dihydroperflnorobutyl acrylate聚-1,1-二氢垒氟丁基丙烯酸酯[氟橡胶] | pos. positive正的 | phenyl-o-tolyl guanidine苯基邻甲苯基胍[促进剂]

PTY Proprietary:专用的

PTX phenyl-tolyl-xylyl-guanidine苯基甲苯基二甲基苯胍[促进剂] | Pty proprietary专用的 | polyurethane rubber聚氨酯橡胶


triphase 三相的 | triphenyl 三苯基 | triple -hulled vessel 三体船


triphenylphosphine /三苯基膦/ | triphibian /对陆海空战都精的/ | triphibious /使用陆海空三军的/陆海空作战的指挥官/

bilocular:两室的,双房的, 二格的

bilocol | 羟基羟苯基苯酰胺 | bilocular | 两室的,双房的, 二格的 | biloculate | 两室的,双房的, 二格的

PAPI polymethylene polyphenylisocyanate:聚甲撑聚苯基异氰酸酯[聚氨酯橡胶硫化剂]

PAPA polymefbyl polyphenylamine 聚甲基聚苯胺[聚氨酯硫化剂] | PAPI polymethylene polyphenylisocyanate 聚甲撑聚苯基异氰酸酯[聚氨酯橡胶硫化剂] | PAR paraffinic 石蜡的

tolylene:甲苯基 甲苯烯

toluylene /二苯乙烯/ | tolylene /甲苯基/甲苯烯/ | tom-tom /大鼓/大鼓声/单调的拍打/


triphenylmethyl /三苯甲基/ | triphenylphosphine /三苯基膦/ | triphibian /对陆海空战都精的/