英语人>词典>汉英 : 苛性石灰 的英文翻译,例句
苛性石灰 的英文翻译、例句


caustic lime
更多网络例句与苛性石灰相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The recovery of alumina in the high mole ratio aluminate solution was studied.


Pulp mills can use partial borate autocausticizing to increase their causticizing capacity or reduce energy intensity by adding sodium metaborate to the liquor cycle which drives autocausticizing reactions in the recovery boiler and forms sodium hydroxide in the smelt dissolving tank without the use of lime or additional causticizing processes.


The thermodynamic calculation results indicated that the formation of calcium aluminate hydrate from aluminate solution with CaO is easier than that with Ca2, and the value of αk is great at low temperature; the temperature rise leads to the reduction of stability of calcium aluminate hydrate in the aluminate solution, and it can be decomposed at high temperature, which can both substitute for Ca2 and recover alumina in the process of Bayer.


" Adding water to lime yields calcium hydroxide (slaked lime, calcium hydrate, hydrated lime, or caustic lime), which is used in mortar, plaster s, cements, whitewash, hide dehairing, and water softening and purification and as a source of other calcium salts."


" Adding water to lime yields calcium hydroxide (slaked lime, calcium hydrate, hydrated lime, or caustic lime), which is used in mortar, plasters, cement s, whitewash, hide dehairing, and water softening and purification and as a source of other calcium salts."


" Adding water to lime yields calcium hydroxide (slaked lime, calcium hydrate, hydrated lime, or caustic lime), which is used in mortar, plasters, cements, whitewash, hide dehairing, and water soften ing and purification and as a source of other calcium salts."


" Adding water to lime yields calcium hydroxide (slaked lime, calcium hydrate, hydrated lime, or caustic lime), which is used in mortar, plasters, cements, whitewash, hide dehairing, and water softening and purification and as a source of other calcium salts."


" Adding water to lime yields calcium hydroxide (slaked lime, calcium hydrate , hydrate d lime, or caustic lime), which is used in mortar, plasters, cements, whitewash, hide dehairing, and water softening and purification and as a source of other calcium salts."


" Adding water to lime yield s calcium hydroxide (slaked lime, calcium hydrate, hydrated lime, or caustic lime), which is used in mortar, plasters, cements, whitewash, hide dehairing, and water softening and purification and as a source of other calcium salts."


更多网络解释与苛性石灰相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

caustic potash:氢氧化钾

caustic lime 苛性石灰 | caustic potash 氢氧化钾 | caustic soda 苛性苏打

caustic lime:苛性石灰

caustic baryta 氢氧化钡 | caustic lime 苛性石灰 | caustic potash 氢氧化钾

caustic lime:苛性石灰(生石灰)

喀斯特区,灰岩高原 causse | 苛性石灰,生石灰 caustic lime | 熔岩变质作用 caustic metamorphism

caustic embrittlement:苛性脆化

caustic alkali 苛性碱 | caustic embrittlement 苛性脆化 | caustic lime 苛性石灰

caustic baryta:氢

caustic alkali 苛性碱 | caustic baryta 氢 | caustic lime 苛性石灰


因果外生 causality | 喀斯特区,灰岩高原 causse | 苛性石灰,生石灰 caustic lime

caustic lye of soda:氢氧化钠液, 烧碱液

caustic lime || 苛性石灰(生石灰) | caustic lye of soda || 氢氧化钠液, 烧碱液 | caustic lye || 苛性碱液