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苛化器 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The AutoLime green liquor distribution control fine tunes and maintains the slaker's contents at the highest temperature possible without boiling while maintaining the distribution flow into the first causticizer/classifier section as large as possible.

在还未沸腾的最高温度下,由 AutoLime 绿液分布控制功能保持石灰消和器内物质含量恒定,同时保证流入最初苛化剂/分类器内的流量尽可能最大。

The new concept of slaking factor combined by the thickness,temperature, flow rate of green liquor; and the slaker temperature,and number of CaO is presanted, and the closed control is realized with slaking factor as main parameter.


5 Green liquor TTA control 绿液 TTA 控制 The green liquor density pumped to the slaker must be stabilized as much as possible enabling steady causticizing reaction.


更多网络解释与苛化器相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


causticity 苛化性;苛化度 | causticization 苛性<作用> | causticizer 苛化剂;苛化器


过氧化物peroxide | 苛化causticization | 澄清器clarifier

batch causticization:间歇苛化

batch causticization 间歇苛化 | batch causticizer 间歇苛化器 | batch charging 间歇装料


causticization tank 苛化槽 | causticize 苛化 | causticizer 苛化器


causticize 苛化 | causticizer 苛化器 | causticizing 苛化


causticization苛化作用 苛性化 | causticizer苛化剂 苛化器 | causticizingagent苛化剂

continuous causticizer:连续苛化器

continuous bleaching 连续漂白 | continuous causticizer 连续苛化器 | continuous causticizing 连续苛化

batch causticizer:间歇苛化器

batch causticization 间歇苛化 | batch causticizer 间歇苛化器 | batch charging 间歇装料

auxiliary air causticizer:辅助苛化器

auxiliary air caustization 辅助苛化 | auxiliary air causticizer 辅助苛化器 | auxiliary air equipment 辅助装置

causticizing agitators:苛化搅拌器

48 concentrator 浓缩器 | 49 causticizing agitators 苛化搅拌器 | 50 classifier分级器