英语人>词典>汉英 : 苏瓦松 的英文翻译,例句
苏瓦松 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Recognized by the pope, Pepin will soon dwarf hands, in the Frank nobles and their vassals of Soissons the meeting,"according to the support of all Franks, public dedication and aristocratic bishops oath", deposed the last Merovingian dynasty King Xierdeli ...


He was condemned by the Synod of Soissons (1092) for holding to tritheism.

他谴责了主教的苏瓦松( 1092 )举行,以tritheism 。

If you don't go my father will go to Soissons and complain to the general.


Recognized by the pope, Pepin will soon dwarf hands, in the Frank nobles and their vassals of Soissons the meeting,"according to the support of all Franks, public dedication and aristocratic bishops oath", deposed the last Merovingian dynasty King Xierdeli ...


更多网络解释与苏瓦松相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


从巴黎(75公里), 苏瓦松(Soissons)(22公里), 您走国道N2就可以来到仲马城. → 漫步于弗朗索瓦一世 (Francois I) 城堡公园在大仲马的回忆录中出现了方丹(La Fontaine)的过去的广场, Dr- Mouflier 广场. 除了他的爷爷在广场边开的一个小旅店之外,


Soissons 苏瓦松 | Soissons 苏瓦松-选自现代卷 | Soissons 苏瓦松-选自中世纪卷

The Cathedral of Soissons:苏瓦松大教堂

巴黎圣母院 The Cathedral of Notre-Dame//162 | 苏瓦松大教堂 The Cathedral of Soissons//164 | 韦尔斯大教堂 The Cathedral of Wells//165


Sogdiana 粟特[亦译索格狄安那] | Sogdiana 粟特-选自古代卷 | Soissons 苏瓦松