英语人>词典>汉英 : 芽细胞 的英文翻译,例句
芽细胞 的英文翻译、例句


sprout cell
更多网络例句与芽细胞相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective To investigate the genetic toxicity effect of tributyltin chloride on mouse embryonic limb bud cells.

目的 了解环境污染物氯化三丁基锡对小鼠胚胎肢芽细胞的遗传毒性。

DMBQ, ferulic acid and resorcin were effective chemical signal substances in the process of seed germination and haustorium formation of Cistanche deserticola. 4.The embryo is consist of 12 cells, the endosperm cell degraded so as to provide nutrition for the embryo development .As a result, germ tube differentiated from the embryo and came out through micropylar end, the small cell at the tip of the germ tube held the capacity of cleavage and the other cells grew big ,so the germ tube elongated .The anterior extremity of germ tube swelled to form haustorium under chemical substances treatment, the haustorium cell stained ,especially its portrait because of the lignification of the cells.


On admission the hemogram revealed 67% blast cells in the peripheral blood.


Herein, we report a case of priapism in a 24-year-old male caused by CML with presentation of very high leukocytes count of 387800/mm^3 and 29% blast cells.


We will try to find out the relationship of the enzyme activity in eyes with retinoblastoma in the future with this basis.


Four malignant GCTs (1 seminoma, 1 choriocarcinoma, and 2 yolk-sac tumors) have been treated in our hospital.


We observed the crystals under H-500 scanning electron microscope.Results The producing ways of tunica vasculosa microangiogenesis of rat's crystal:(1)single-directional germination;(2)bi-directional germination;(3)collagen and pericyte mediated germination;(4)angioblast inducted germination;(5)germ germinated.

结果 大鼠晶体血管膜血管发生方式:(1)单向芽生方式;(2)双向芽生方式;(3)胶原及周皮细胞介导的芽生方式;(4)血管母细胞诱导的芽生方式;(5)芽生芽的方式。

Wing bud differentiation initiated at the early 5th nymphal instar, during which the front wing bud cells in the macropterous proliferated much more rapidly than those in the brachypterous. The hinder wing buds of the brachypterous degeneratd at middle 5th instar and finally turned out to be very little wings.


For tumors which have been well sampled and exhibit (1) a microcystic pattern and regions with lobulated cellular masses with intervening, sometimes hyalinized fibrous stroma,(2) an absence of morphologic features enabling any other specific diagnosis in the sex cord-stromal category,(3) an absence of epithelial elements, and (4) an absence of teratomatous or other germ cell elements, we propose the designation microcystic stromal tumor.


Compared with the nine cases of benign teratomas, the four malignant GCTs showed overwhelming male dominance, advanced symptoms at presentation, and poor outcome.


更多网络解释与芽细胞相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1.芽殖(budding)芽殖是酵母菌最常见的繁殖方式. 在良好的营养和生长条件下,酵母生长迅速,这时,可以看到所有细胞上都长有芽体,而且在芽体上还可形成新的芽体,所以经常可以见到呈簇状的细胞团. 芽体的形成过程是这样的:在母细胞形成芽体的部位,

granulation tissue:肉芽组织

肉芽组织(granulation tissue)乃由旺盛增生的毛细血管及纤维结缔组织和各种炎性细胞组成,肉眼表现为鲜红色,颗粒状,柔软湿润,形似鲜嫩的肉芽故名. 镜下可见大量由内皮细胞增生形成的实性细胞索及扩张的毛细血管,向创面垂直生长,并以小动脉为轴心,


⒀炎症浸润:炎症浸润(inflammatory infiltration)可有以下分类:(14)肉芽肿:肉芽肿(granuloma)是指主要由单核细胞、上皮样细胞浆细胞或多核巨细胞浸润所致的一种慢性增殖性炎症表现,见于皮肤结核、麻风、肉样瘤等.


若有某疾病用偏方治疗成功,可能非偏方之功,有些疾病可自然痊愈,医学上仍不能解释. 婴孩的神经芽细胞瘤(Neuroblastoma)不少可自然痊愈,早期不管用什么治疗都认为该治疗有效,后来发现完全不治疗,只观察而已也可以恢复.


珠芽散布;珠芽繁殖 blastochoty; blastophory | 胚母细胞;未分化胚细胞 blastocyte | 胚构造形状;胚芽生殖 blastogenetic; blastogenic


chorioretinitis 脉络膜视网膜炎 | choristoblastoma 成迷芽细胞瘤 | choristoma 迷芽瘤

choristoma:成迷芽细胞瘤 迷离芽瘤 迷芽瘤

choristoblastoma 成迷芽细胞瘤 | choristoma 成迷芽细胞瘤 迷离芽瘤 迷芽瘤 | chornicarthritis 慢性关节炎

granulomatous inflammation:肉芽肿性炎

亦可合并存在.四,增生性炎 (一)一般性增生性炎:基本病理变化 增生:成纤维细胞,小血管,实质细胞 以单核淋巴细胞为主的慢性炎细胞浸润,组织坏死和组织修复同时存在 (二)肉芽肿性炎(granulomatous inflammation) :以肉芽肿形成为其特点,

granulomatous inflammation:肉芽肿性炎症

(A) 纤维芽细胞增生 (B) 瘢痕组织 (C)肉芽组织(granulation tissue) (D) 肉芽肿性炎症(granulomatous inflammation). ('96专高)('97高考)(A) 4.皮肤的蟹样肿(keloid)是:(A) 隆起似胶质纤维过量沉积的疤痕 (B) 早期芽组织一型 (C) 多数感染伤口之后果 (D) 黑色素细胞之良性肿瘤.


头尾并生物 telobionts | 顶端细胞;末期芽细胞 teloblast | 具末端着丝点的 telocentric