英语人>词典>汉英 : 花 的英文翻译,例句
花 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
bloom  ·  flower  ·  flowerage  ·  blooms  ·  flowers  ·  Flor.

anything resembling a flower
更多网络例句与花相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

His works mainly in fiction, essay-based, representative are: collection of short stories "The Scream,""Wandering" and so on, essay collections "朝花夕拾"(formerly "to revisit the issues"), poetry collection "weeds," Miscellaneous Works " hot air "" Manglietiastrum Set "" Manglietiastrum sequel "" South North cavity mobilize "" three free sets "" ambidexter set "" set it "" grave "and so on.


Acacia skills linked to the killing of the Albatron linked skills, even if the burst, it re-killing of 4000, most of tubes, can they have in the剑气Tenchu out 3000 ~ 4000, followed by anger狂花sword, practice kill red with red-hot, there are 3000 ~ 4000, Acacia will be hung up quickly, cut down on a flat lying, and their approximately 1000 ~ 2000, red, and blue is not to say, except good luck even out Hehuan 2 a burst, or lie down.


There is also a type of dance is the performance of Kazakh people's life, production, labor, there are "rolling carpet Dance,""milking Dance,""Dance shearing,""texture花毯Dance" and so on, the performance is a busy and cheerful scene of labor.


Symptoms less daily stool frequency of more than 10 times below the yellow green stool with mucus and was蛋花汤kind, and accompanied by a slight abdominal distension, hyper sound肠鸣; severe diarrhea when the performance of frequent dozens of times daily defecation, were water samples, volume, and acid odor, or vomiting accompanied by galactorrhea.


Small hand-tight, guests花了不少钱wanted Nongdian money.


Miso soup, cooked Nostoc can also be boiled tofu or seaweed soup蛋花汤, these are all Chinese people are familiar with the soup.


Straight Flush同花顺 A straight flush is any five cards in sequence in the same suit.


In this technologically advanced era of our growth, but should be bold and out of the gap material desires to learn,"Chongrubujing busy to see pre-trial 花开花落, fate has no intention of Man With the outer Yunjuanyunshu "This is called" letting go "to mature.


"Chongrubujing leisure, see Pretrial 花开花落; fate of not, with the outer Yunjuanyunshu Man."


Chongrubujing leisure, see Pretrial 花开花落; fate not, Man with the outer Yunjuanyunshu.


更多网络解释与花相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gardenia jasminoides:栀子花

9月8日 小幸福 栀子(Gardenia jasminoides) 栀子语是"永恒的爱,一生守侯和喜悦" 传说中栀子语是等待的爱情 栀子语:喜悦. 喜欢此的你有感恩图报之心,以真诚待人,只要别人对你有少许和善,你便报以心灵致谢.

荆豆花 花语:丰饶gorse:荆豆(金雀花):G--Gorse

F--Fuchsia 吊钟 语:热烈的心fuchsia:倒挂金钟、吊钟 | G--Gorse 荆豆 语:丰饶gorse:荆豆(金雀) | H--Herb 二便士草 语:脉动


幾內亞式低級靛青布 Guinea cloth | 大邊;貼邊;凸紋邊;式紗線 guipure | 紮結染色法(印度名稱) gujrati band hana

zygomorphic flower:两侧对称花

(2)两侧对称(zygomorphic flower):通过的中心,只能作出2个对称面的,又称不整齐(irregular flower),如蚕豆、三色堇、水稻等的. (3) 不对称(non-symmetry flower):通过的中心,不能作出对称面的,如美人蕉的.

actinomorphic flower:辐射对称花

的对称性来分 (1) 辐射对称(actinomorphic flower):通过的中心,可作出2个以上对称面的,又称整齐(regular flower),如棉、桃、茄等的. (2)两侧对称(zygomorphic flower):通过的中心,只能作出2个对称面的,又称不整齐(irregular flower),


英国的五福 属(Adoxa),其顶上的一般只有二个蕚片,而它的其他部分则是四数的,周围的一 般具有三个蕚片,而其他部分则是五数的. 许多聚合科(Compo-sita)和伞形科(以 及某些其他植物)的植物,其外围的比中央的具有发达得多的冠;


7色素和色素苷 7.1概述 7.1.1色素种类 色素(Anthocyanidin)亦称"青素",均指不带有糖苷母体,接上各种糖苷基后,则称为色素苷或色苷(anthocyanin),是色素衍生物,色素苷经水解后成为色素.在自然界中所呈现万紫千红颜色,

Chamaecyparis pisifera:{日本花柏}{黄叶日本花柏}{丝叶日本花柏}{羽叶日本花柏}{密鳞叶日本花柏}

Chamaecyparis pisifeia {缐柏} | Chamaecyparis pisifera {日本柏}{黄叶日本柏}{丝叶日本柏}{羽叶日本柏}{密鳞叶日本柏} | Chamaecyparis sphaeroides {美洲细扁柏}

Knurling device:滚花装置,压花刀具

knurling 滚,压 | Knurling device 滚装置,压刀具 | Knurlizer 滚刀,滚辊轮

