- 更多网络例句与节奏相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The rhythmic proportion was an important precondition and foundation to the serialize rhythm and integral serialism later. The article analyzed Webern's two early compositions, the Six Orchestral Pieces, Op.6 (1909), and the Five Pieces for Orchestra, Op.10 (1913), both of them in the style of free atonality. From the relation principle of the rhythmic cell, the writer discussed Webern's way of organizing rhythm, technique of developing variate of rhythmic cell, as well as its score writing way, and summarized the Webern's early orchestral outputs rhythmic features and its impact on the rhythm style of the works in his later years.
The dynamic web pages included account management and score showing; the multimedia program included six sub-parts of understanding notes values and notes relationship, aurally selecting rhythm, aurally grouping rhythm, tapping rhythm, creating rhythm and designing question databaise.
In his treatise Ars Cantus Mensurabilis,written around 1280,he describes a system of notation in which differently shaped notes have entirely different rhythmic values, this is a striking change from the early system of de Garlandia whereas before the length of the individual note could only be gatherd from the mode itself, this new inverted relationship made the mode dependent upon-and determined by- the individual notes or figurae that have incontrovertible durational values, an innovation which had a massive impact on the subsequent history of European music.
一书中,阐述了一个有着完全不同的节奏价值的、不同音符形状的记谱法体系,这是自早期Johannes de Garlandia的节奏体系以来的一个显著改变,在这之前一个音符的长度只能在它从属的节奏模式中找到答案,但是这个新的记谱体系却颠覆了这种两者间的联系使得节奏模式取得了独立,并由取得了绝对节奏价值的单独的音符或者连唱决定。
Based on likeness, Chinese traditional painting mainly applies the rhythm with obvious subjectivity and expresses its feelings through hogarth's line and chiaroscuro, while western traditional painting pays more attention to expressing feelings through color and chiaroscuro with objectivity based on appearance resemblance.
The writer takes Rubato as the targeted object, mainly applying the following theories, including musical analysis, musical performing, musical historiography, musical aesthetics, phonetics and something like to carry out researches and give an in-depth analysis from such three fronts as melody, rhythm, phonetic features in vocal music. In doing so, the writer concludes Rubato, as a flexible elements in the rhythm-organizing structure, is mainly used to bring out the balanced proportion of the musical works and finally to keep the balance of the mu...更多sical development, through filling up the missing parts of rhythm-organizing structures, on the basis of the logical dividing of the time on the musical part.
At last,through engineering actual examples,elaborates priority election of unregular flowing water construction order,so as to give a reasonable arrangement for it,and furtherly enhances the production efficiency of labor and engineering quality.
Rhythm 节奏 I like to dance to the rhythm of this music.
Rhythm节奏 I like to dance to the rhythm of this music.
The rhythmic proportion was an important precondition and foundation to the serialize rhythm and integral serialism later. The article analyzed Webern's two early compositions, the Six Orchestral Pieces, Op.6 (1909), and the Five Pieces for Orchestra, Op.10 (1913), both of them in the style of free atonality. From the relation principle of the rhythmic cell, the writer discussed Webern's way of organizing rhythm, technique of developing variate of rhythmic cell, as well as its score writing way, and summarized the Webern's early orchestral outputs rhythmic features and its impact on the rhythm style of the works in his later years.
Features include syncopated rhythms and unconventional rhythmic notation, double-time exercises in a variety of meters, and 15 etudes incorporating all of the rhythmic concepts presented.
- 更多网络解释与节奏相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
metronome interrupter:节奏器
metronome 节奏器,节奏声 | metronome interrupter 节奏器 | metronoscope 眼肌失调纠正器
rhythm and blues:节奏怨曲
rhythm 节奏 | rhythm and blues 节奏怨曲 | rhythm guitar 节奏结他
rhythmic pattern:节奏型;节奏模式
rhythmic mode 节奏型 [十三世纪用] | rhythmic pattern 节奏型;节奏模式 | riff 两小节或四小节的简短乐句
rhythmic 节奏的 | rhythmical 节奏的 | rhythmically 有节奏地
rhythmizable 予以节奏的 | rhythmization 节奏化 | rhythmize 予以节奏
Tempo rubato:自由节奏
在速度中,它有各种不同的变化,常见的有自由节奏(tempo rubato);渐慢(vit),加快(a tempo)等等. 在节奏的变化和节奏自由等情况中,最主要的一点是,基本速度不要忘记!每一首曲子都可以有很多渐慢、渐快的变化,但是在一定的时候它总要回到它的原速,
主音/节奏吉他:Slash | 节奏/原声节奏吉他:Izzy | 贝司:Duff
不对称节奏 (asymmetric rhythm) 又称"复节奏"(polyrhythm). 在同一乐句或小节中,各声部的节奏不相一致;或在同一小节中,组成各节拍的时值不相一致. 广义言之,复调音乐都属于奇异节奏. 现代派作曲家所用的奇异节奏,是一种高度复杂化的节奏.
* 复合节奏(Polyrhythm) 两个或两个以上彼此冲突的节奏同时演奏. * 拉格泰姆乐(Ragtime) 爵士乐问世之前出现的一种切分音乐曲或称粗劣参差的音乐. * 节奏(Rhythm) 音乐或强或弱、或长或短的节拍的组织. 节奏是爵士乐与众不同的特色之一.
Cross rhythm:交叉节奏
显然,上下两个声部的重音很少在同一位置上出现,节奏关系是完全错开的,在实际的演奏实践中,随着声部的不断增加,节奏点的交错现象更为复杂,在黑人音乐中,类似的节奏现象一般就用"交叉节奏"(Cross Rhythm)这样的概念来定义.