英语人>词典>汉英 : 节俭 的英文翻译,例句
节俭 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
austerity  ·  frugality  ·  husband  ·  near  ·  nearer  ·  prudence  ·  thrift  ·  thriftiness  ·  austerities  ·  husbanded  ·  husbanding  ·  husbands  ·  neared  ·  nearing  ·  nears  ·  thrifts

更多网络例句与节俭相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He is abstemious in daliy life.


The two authors define the middle class abstemiously, as those who spend $2-10 a day, measured in 1993 purchasing-power-parity dollars.


He who will not economize will have to agonize.


ANCHORITE Of so much austerity !


Her perspective is conveyed with a formality and a measured hesitation reminiscent of the later work of Henry James: Annabella had been taught to be frugal, and she had little talent for those embroideries by which women ornament not only their persons and surroundings but the passage of time itself.

Annabella对拜伦的感受,作者的笔触犹如Henry James晚期作品,一种拘谨的、节制而犹豫的回忆录的形式:Annabella一直被教导要节俭,对于妇女们一直学习用于装饰自己和周围乃至历史的刺绣,她没有表现出多少才能。

Mr. Dang and his wife, Zhang Fengxia, 52, are the apotheosis of Chinese thrift.


Parsimonious thrift relieved by few generous impulses; lived in a most penurious manner--denying himself every indulgence.


And I should also add that I'm quite impressed that I can save "over $60 dollars" when I plunk down one thousand on one of your crappy bundles. I mean, that's a savings of six tenths of one percent!


In the dominant view, now is no time for austerity — not with paychecks disappearing from the economy and gyrating markets wiping out retirement savings.


An economical meal; an economical shopper; a frugal farmer; a frugal lunch; a sparing father and a spending son; sparing in their use of heat and light; stinting in bestowing gifts; thrifty because they remember the great Depression;('scotch' is used only informally).


更多网络解释与节俭相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Save Food:节俭食粮

89、Children and Women First 妇女、儿童优先 | 90、Save Food 节俭食粮 | 91、Save Energy 节俭能源


economical 节俭的、节约的 | frugal 节俭的 | miserly 小气的、吝啬的

frugality:节俭 frugal 节俭的

drabness 枯燥无味 | frugality 节俭 frugal 节俭的 | philanthropy 仁慈的


sparge 喷射 | sparing 节俭的 | sparingly 节俭


sparing 节俭的 | sparingly 节俭地 | spark arrester 火花避雷器

Cautious in spending money; frugal:节俭的使用钱财时谨慎的;节俭的

Excessively cautious; unduly careful. 过分谨慎的;过度小心的 | Cautious in spending money; frugal. 节俭的使用钱财时谨慎的;节俭的 | I asked with cautious curiosity. 我急切地问.


thriftless 无储蓄心的 | thriftless 不节俭的 | thriftlessly 不节俭


thriftless 浪费的 | thriftlessly 不节俭地 | thrifty 节俭


拥有车型: 2001款林肯城市(Lincoln Town Car) 如果看到一张标记着"节俭(THRIFTY)"字样的车牌,那么它一定就是世界上最富有的投资商沃伦-巴菲特的. 而且使用这张车牌的也是一辆"节俭"的2002款林肯城市. 拥有车型: 无限Infiniti FX45;


thrift 节俭 | thriftily 节俭地 | thriftless 浪费的