英语人>词典>汉英 : 色饱和 的英文翻译,例句
色饱和 的英文翻译、例句


color saturation
更多网络例句与色饱和相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The aliquot was determined and confirmed by gas chromatography-negative chemical ionization mass spectrometry using external standard method.


Based on GC and GC-MS analyses, the geochemical characteristics of these typical deep viscous oils are listed as follows:(1) strong preference of even n-alkanes over odd n-alkanes;(2) strong preference of phytane over pristane, i. e. Pr/Ph ratio<<1;(3) high abundance of gammacerane relative to C〓hopanes;(4) much more amounts of C〓 pentakishomohopanes than C〓 tetrakishomohopanes and even C〓 trishomohopanes.


Low-frequency covibration experiments of four kinds of fluid-saturated feldspar sandstones which have different viscosity coefficients respectively were conducted so as to know how fluid viscosity coefficient influences attenuation, modulus and velocity dispersion in fluid-saturated sandstone.


It was suggested that only if the protein is just eluted with a isocratic model.


Through a variety of resin filter, adsorption and elution conditions for the optimization, as well as decolorization, crystallization methods of research, this article eventually determine the strong acid cation resin HZ-001 which is at pH 3, 3BV / h, having the largest adsorption to the tryptophan; the fermentation broth were centrifuged to remove sediment,then treated with activated carbon to be decolored and then treated with strong acid cation resin HZ-001. After that,2mol/l amino acid were passed through the HZ-001 ion exchanging column,kept almost constants when the flow rate stayed 6 BV / h. At 60℃,it was condensed into the saturated state and then added Ethanol until its percentage reaching 30%. At 4 ℃ under 100rpm placed in the shaker 20h, the collection of L-tryptophan was dried up in vacuo.


Saturation occurs then pixels in bright areas are overexposed causing them to turn completely white.


In order to analyze the thermal cracking products of fuels, we set up a GC analytical system. The gas products, which comprise methane, ethane, ethylene, propane, propylene and other gases, were collected and analyzed by gas chromatography provided with a flame ionization detector . We calculate the theoretical heat sink of n-heptane at the temperature of 600℃ and 800℃. The theoretical heat sink calculation of iso-octane at 700℃ is also related.


The analysis on fatty acid,alcohol and ketone of oil with GC-MS method indicates that the alkyl acids,especially those with linear and saturated alkyl acids,are dominant in the newly generated acids.


The fatty acids composition in the Pine seed oil were determined by means of gas chromatography and gas chromatography -mass spectrometry. The unsaturated fatty acids amounted to 90% of total fatty acids, in which 62% is essential to human health.


You will be able to work with saturated steam when printing reactive dyes and acids, superheated steam when printing with disperse and to fix by hot air the pigments.


更多网络解释与色饱和相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


streak reagents (色层分析用)显色剂 喷显剂 | bute 保泰松 | absorption ratio 吸收比 吸收率 饱和系数(指多孔性建材吸水量)


如-COOR基团,能产生紫外-可见吸收的官能团,如一个或几个不饱和基团,或不饱和杂原子基团,C=C, C=O, N=N, N=O等称为生色团(chromophore) 助色团(auxochrome):本身在200 nm以上不产生吸收,但其存在能增强生色团的生色能力(改变分子的吸收位置和增加吸收强度)的一类基团.

saturation magnetization:饱和磁化强度

saturation discrimination (色的)彩度鉴别本领 | saturation magnetization 饱和磁化强度 | saturation parameter 饱和参量

saturation:饱和度 饱和度

色彩属性:饱和度饱和度(Saturation),有时也称为色度(chroma,希腊语中代表"色彩"),形容某色彩的相对强度或纯度. 见色盘3 高度饱和的色彩看起来浓而丰富;而低饱和度的色彩则显得像褪了色一般. 精确地讲,饱和度表现白、灰或黑混在色调中的量.

unsaturated polyester:不饱和聚酯树脂

不饱和聚酯树脂(Unsaturated Polyester) 玻璃钢、注型、钮扣、丽光板、面漆、底漆、补土、乙烯基级等用途之树脂醇酸树脂(Alkyd) 用于调和漆、喷磁漆、烤漆、木器、玻璃漆、皱纹漆、真空电镀底漆、彩色钢板烤漆、色膏等用途.


色指定方面, 画面的gamma值过高, 尤其以summer编最为严重, 整个画面呈现一大片白色. 如果要表示这一段是一千年前的故事, 可以在开始与结束时这麼处理, 或是在边框作喷雾. 让画面过饱和(oversaturation)会让m众的眼睛迅速疲劳.

saturable resonator:可饱和共振腔

saturable organic dye 可饱和有机染料 | saturable resonator 可饱和共振腔 | saturation discrimination (色的)彩度鉴别本领


streak reagents (色层分析用)显色剂 喷显剂 | bute <药>保泰松 | absorption ratio 吸收比 吸收率 饱和系数(指多孔性建材吸水量)

color scale:色标

color saturation 色饱和 | color scale 色标 | color screen 滤色屏

desaturated color:褪彰色

皮肤电阻量测法 dermatometry | 褪彰色 desaturated color | 去饱和刺激 desaturating stimulus