英语人>词典>汉英 : 舞蹈术 的英文翻译,例句
舞蹈术 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与舞蹈术相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Air Sport, Bandy, Billiard Sports, Boules, Bowling, Bridge, Chess, Dancesport, Golf, Karate, Korfball, Life Saving, Motorcycle Racing, Mountaineering and Climbing, Netball, Orienteering, Pelote Basque, Polo, Powerboating, Racquetball, Roller Sports, Rugby, Squash, Surfing, Tug of War, Underwater Sports, Water Skiing and Wushu.


Dancing has always been a particularly important element in shamanic rites, but ventriloquy appears to have used also, as well as juggling and tricks whereby the shaman releases himself from bonds.C


Mendelssohn, who was well acquainted with French and English writings on the subject, demanded in a famous article that the fine art (painting, sculpture, music, the dance, and architecture) and belles lettres should be reduced to some common ...


Mendelssohn, who was well acquainted with French and English writings on the subject, demanded in a famous article that the fine art (painting, sculpture, music, the dance, and architecture) and belles lettres should be reduced to some common principle better than imitation, and thus was the first among the Germans to formulate a system of the fine arts.


Mendelssohn, who was well acquainted with French and English writings on the subject, demanded in a famous article that the fine art (painting, sculpture, music, the dance, and architecture) and belles lettres should be reduced to some common principle better than imitation, and thus was the first among the Germans to formulate a system of the fine arts.


更多网络解释与舞蹈术相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

choleric - ill-tempered:易怒的

356) chivalrous - honorable 有武士风度的,侠义的 | 357) choleric - ill-tempered 易怒的 | 358) choreography - art of the dance 舞蹈术, 舞台舞蹈


choreographer 舞蹈指导 | choreographic 舞蹈术的 | choreographist 编舞者

choreographic:舞蹈术的, 舞台舞蹈的

choreographer /编舞/舞蹈指导/ | choreographic /舞蹈术的/舞台舞蹈的/ | choreography /编舞/舞蹈术/舞台舞蹈/

choreographic:编舞的; 舞艺的 (形)

choreographer 编舞者; 舞蹈指导 (名) | choreographic 编舞的; 舞艺的 (形) | choreography 舞蹈术; 舞台舞蹈 (名)

chorine:歌舞团女队员 (名)

choreography 舞蹈术; 舞台舞蹈 (名) | chorine 歌舞团女队员 (名) | chorion 绒毛膜 (名)

Folk Dancing:民间舞蹈

Fist Fighting Fundamentals 格斗的基础知识 10000US$ | Folk Dancing 民间舞蹈 1000US$ | Fundamentals of Rhetoric 辩术的基础知识 1500US$


舞蹈家dancer | 舞蹈手showgirl | 舞蹈术choregraphychoreography


舞蹈术的choreographic | 舞蹈者terpsichorean | 舞蹈指导choreographer


choreography 舞蹈术 | choreoid 舞蹈症的 | choriambi 扬抑抑扬格

choric:合唱的, 歌舞团的, 合唱歌舞式的

choreographic | 舞蹈术的, 舞台舞蹈的 | choric | 合唱的, 歌舞团的, 合唱歌舞式的 | choriheterosis | 异核优势, 异核剌激(作用)