英语人>词典>汉英 : 舍入误差 的英文翻译,例句
舍入误差 的英文翻译、例句


rounding error · round-off error · rounding off error
更多网络例句与舍入误差相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To analyze the rounding error of calculator floating-point numbers arithmetic operation is the foundation of numerical calculation method's error analysis.


Generally, it is important to estimate and control round-off errors arising from the use of floating point arithmetic.


When scaled factor circulant matrices are nonsingular, we can find the single solution of the scaled factor circulant matrix equation; When scaled factor circulant matrices are singular, we can find the special as well as the general solution of the scaled factor circulant matrix equation; There is only an error of approximation when the fast algorithm is implemented on computers, and only the elements in the first row of the scaled factor circulant matrix and the constants in the diagonal matrix are needed by the fast algorithm.


A combined Gauss main-element elimination method with compress-storage technique is proposed, which with the characteristic of less-storage requirement, small rounding off and high stability, and solved the problem of large storage requirements in solving large linear algebraic equations in river networks hydraulics


All theorems about the upper limit of a rounding error, including that of epsilon, refer only to the 'rounding' operation, nothing more.


The corresponding least-squares solution with minimum norm can be also obtained by choosing a kind of special initial matrices.


Because some simplified formulas concerned the establishment of model, the error of numerical value calculation and some accidental errors in actual produce, simulated result and experiment data can have the deviation.


Note that both arithmetic and non-arithmetic operations might also produce others "non-rounding" errors, such as underflow/overflow, division-by-zero or 'operation errors'.

注意,算术操作和非算术操作都可能产生其它"非舍入"误差,例如下溢/上溢,除 0,或'操作误差'。

As one key part, the effects caused by rounding error are analyzed mathematically and it is concluded that the effects can be degraded by an appropriate selection of coefficients in the iteration formula.


Secondly, when kalman filter has reached steady state its error covariance will have a very small stationary value, namely filter dropping off'. Thirdly, the traditional kalman filter cannot adjust its filter parameters with statistic characteristic of the noise. To overcome the deficiency of kalman filter, an SVD-based adaptive kalman filter is put forward in the paper. The filter restrains the filter divergence by matrix singular value decomposition. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix are insensitive to tiny change of matrix element and acceptable error.


更多网络解释与舍入误差相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accumulated round off error:累积舍入误差

input value 输入值 | accumulated round off error 累积舍入误差 | feed disc 盘式加料机

rounding down:舍入

rounding 舍入 | rounding down 舍入 | rounding error 舍入误差

rounding error:舍入误差

然而,舍入误差(rounding error)和变量small的表示误差可能导致f永远不等于last(f可能会从稍小于last的一个数增加到一个稍大于last的数),这样,循环会跳过last.

rounding error:舍入误差(相对误差)

rational spline 有理样条 | rounding error 舍入误差(相对误差) | scalar 标量

local rounding error:局部舍入误差

"局部约束","local restrictions" | "局部舍入误差","local rounding error" | "局部纲目","local schema"

local rounding error:局部舍入误差,局部舍入误差

local round-off error 局部舍入误差,局部舍入误差 | local rounding error 局部舍入误差,局部舍入误差 | Local Run Stop Remote Starting Selector Switch 运行-停机-摇控启动选择键

round-off error, rounding error:舍入误差

舍入|rounding off, roundoff | 舍入误差|round-off error, rounding error | 舍选抽样方法|rejection sampling technique

accumulation of rounding error:舍入误差积累

accumulation of risks 风险积累 | accumulation of rounding error 舍入误差积累 | accumulation of rounding errors 舍入误差积累

rounding off error:舍入误差

rounded analysis 全面分析 | rounding off error 舍入误差 | Rousseauism 卢梭学说

rounding up:舍入

rounding error 舍入误差 | rounding up 舍入 | routine 程序