英语人>词典>汉英 : 舌 的英文翻译,例句
舌 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
glossa  ·  lingua  ·  tongue  ·  glossae  ·  linguae  ·  tongues  ·  glossas

sth. shaped like a tongue
更多网络例句与舌相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

2 Evaluate the effect of color correction of tongue color picture captured under the standard lamp The color correction effects of different colors are different.


The old type instrument could not get the samples of bedfast patients,while the new one could solve this problem.


Tongue tie is too short, so that should not extend extraoral tongue, the impact of the flexible tongue movement, so the impact of the larger aspects of language development, commonly known as "大舌." 2, these are caused by organic disease transformer ambiguous words; There is also a non-organic ambiguous words, 2-year-old children with limited vocabulary; but would like to use language to express the results difficult to say if a series of adults, medically known as the "insinuations", also known as the "language disorder."


The results are as follows.(1) Long train electrical stimulation at the dMNF facilitated myoelectric activities of genioglossus and phrenic muscle.(2) Short train electrical stimulation of dMNF, when delivered in the inspiratory phase, caused prolongation of myoelectric activities of genioglossus and phrenic muscle; but when delivered in the expiratory phase, myoelectric activities of genioglossus and phrenic muscle were shortened.(3) Long train electrical stimulation at the vMNF inhibited myoelectric activities of genioglossus and phrenic muscle.(4) Short train electrical stimulation of vMNF caused shortening of myoelectric activities of genioglossus and phrenic muscle, when delivered in the inspiratory phase, but a prolongation when delivered in the expiratory phase.(5) The effects of microinjection of glutamate to dMNF and vMNF were similar to those of electrical stimulation.


Methods:①Make clinical scale of the magnitude of the tongue and the palate to the group of the OSAHS and the normal control②Successive scanning of the upper airway at the states of the normal inspiration and under the Müller action on both normal controls and the OSAHS patients with multi-slice spiral computed tomography. The scope of scanning was from the roof of nasopharynx to the level of hypohyal, bonding multiplate volume reconstruction,using the image workstation to survey the cross section area, sagittal diameter, coronal diameter on the soft tissue thickness in the lateral pharyngealwall and posterior wall of the pharynx, and the postzone of soft palate, uvula palatine ,tongue and epiglottis.

采用高分辨率多排CT(multi-slice spiral computed tomography,MSCT)对正常人和OSAHS患者的上呼吸道分别在平静吸气状态下以及Müller动作下进行连续扫描,扫描范围从鼻咽顶部至骨下缘,图象进行三维重建,应用图像工作站测量正常人和OSAHS患者的软腭后区(retropalatal region,RP)、悬雍垂后区(uvula region,UV)、后区(retroglossal region,RG)和会厌后区(epiglottal region,EPG)气道横截面积(cross section area,CSA)、矢状径、冠状径、咽侧壁和咽后壁软组织厚度以及体大小(包括体长度、体最宽处的宽度、中纵切面面积,背高度)。

In this paper,an automatic sublingual venae extraction method based on K-means clustering was proposed.


Unconditional reflex, in infancy is not surprising: It is now to consider the condensate伸舌like to stay still too early, it will be舌上of Carex刮下were observed in the exclusion of thrush, and white study confirmed meningococcal infection, the available 2 % sodium bicarbonate solution cleaning the mouth, and then coated with glycerol or nystatin grams triazole acid powder scattered in the oral cavity. 2, the normal 3-month-old boy physical development value: Height: low value: 57.6, mean: 62.4, high-value: 67.2 height of your baby has been achieved on a good growth and development of the fetus in the womb were shrimp-like, after birth There are bow-shaped legs.


Results:(1) The two nerves were found anatomically related at 5~10 mm and 26~30 mm respectively following hypoglossal nerve entering the muscle.(2)The diameter of the two nerves were observed to match well with each other or with the main branches at 10 mm following the branching of hypoglossal nerve.(3) At 6~10 mm prior to the branching of hypoglossal nerve there was a branch going to the lingual muscles and plexiform of lingual nerve.

结果:(1)下神经与神经之间有二个恒定的联系部位,即下神经分支进入肌后最初5~10 mm处和26~30mm处;(2)下神经与神经最佳吻接部位,我们认为应在下神经主干分叉后10 mm左右;神经直径测量也发现神经直径与神经主干和分支直径较为匹配,且此区有利解剖,便于神经吻合;(3)下神经分叉之前,在神经干上方距分叉约6~10 mm处有一较固定分支,参与分布肌并与神经呈丛状结构。

Species had three kinds of diets during the non-breeding season:(1) mainly invertebrates,(2) mainly fruits, and (3) mainly nectar. This study demonstrated that the diets of 14 passerines during the non-breeding season were significantly correlative with tongue morphology (r=0.424, P .05) and were most correlative with brush length and width of the 3/4 position (r=0.62, P.05). For example, Yuhina brunneiceps's primary diet is nectar and it has the brush-tipped tongue with the longest brush length. Niltava vivida mainly forages for fruits and has a tongue with longer width of the 3/4 position.


Results ①Of 82% OSAHS patients' sleep indices were normal after the oral appliance therapy;②Compared to the control group,the patients with OSAHS had narrower upper-posterior airway volume and shorter distance from tip of the uvula to the posterior pharyngeal wall and lower positioned hyoid bone and shorter tongue before treatment;③Compared to before treatment,the OSAHS patients after therapy had lower positioned and shorter and flatter tongue,the upper hyoid bone,more anterior and downward mandibular and wider upper-posterior airway volume.

结果 ①82%患者治疗后睡眠指标达正常标准;②与配对组相比OSAHS患者上气道后间隙及悬雍垂尖至咽后壁距较窄,骨至下颌平面距较大,较短;③戴入口腔矫治器后患者体下降,变短而平坦,骨上移,下颌骨前下方移位,上气道后间隙扩大,与配对组比较,除体下移外其它测量项目值差异无显著性。

更多网络解释与舌相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

beefy tongue:牛肉舌

(6)牛肉(beefy tongue):面绛红如生牛肉状,见于糙皮病(菸酸缺乏). (7)镜面:亦称光滑(sm()oth tongue),头萎缩,体较小,面光滑呈粉红 色或红色,见于缺铁性贫血、恶性贫血及慢性萎缩性胃炎. (8)毛:也称黑,

hyoid arch:舌弓

第二对为弓(hyoid arch),包括背面一对颌骨(hyomandibular)、中部的一对角骨和位于腹面连接左、右角骨的单块基骨;颌骨的上端固着于脑颅,下端以韧带或通过其它骨块与下颌关连,鱼类以颌骨将下颌悬挂于脑颅的形式称为接式(hyostyl-ic).

ligule:舌片 舌叶 舌状叶 叶舌 唇叶

ligulateflower 状花 | ligule 状叶 叶 唇叶 | liguliformcolulus 状体

sublingual space:舌下间隙

下间隙(sublingual space)位于和口底粘膜之下下颌骨肌及肌之上前界及两侧为下颌体的内侧面;后部止于根由颏肌及颏骨肌又可将下间隙分为左右两部二者在下肉阜深面相连通下间隙后上与咽旁间隙翼下颌间隙相通后下通入...


包括二腹肌(digastric)、茎突骨肌(stylohyoid)、下颌骨肌(mylohyoid)和颏骨肌(geniohyoid). ①胸骨骨肌(sternohyoid)在颈部正中线两侧. ②肩胛骨肌(omohyoid)在胸骨骨肌的外侧,可分上、下两腹. ③胸骨甲状肌(sternothyroid)位于胸骨骨肌深面.

geniohyoid muscle:頦舌骨肌

3.颏骨肌(geniohyoid muscle) 位于下颌骨肌深部,起自颏棘,止于骨. 4.茎突骨肌(stylohyoid muscle) 起自茎突,止于骨. 1胸骨骨肌(sternohyoid muscle) 起自胸骨柄后面,止于骨体下缘. 2.胸骨甲状肌(sternothyroid muscle) 位于胸骨骨肌深面,


第二对为弓(hyoid arch),包括背面一对颌骨(hyomandibular)、中部的一对角骨和位于腹面连接左、右角骨的单块基骨;颌骨的上端固着于脑颅,下端以韧带或通过其它骨块与下颌关连,鱼类以颌骨将下颌悬挂于脑颅的形式称为接式(hyostyl-ic).


包括二腹肌(digastric)、茎突骨肌(stylohyoid) 、下颌骨肌(mylohyoid)和颏骨肌(geniohyoid). ①胸骨骨肌(sternohyoid)在颈部正中线两侧. ②肩胛骨肌(omohyoid)在胸骨骨肌的外侧,可分上、下两腹. ③胸骨甲状肌(sternothyroid)位于胸骨骨肌深面.


包括二腹肌(digastric)、茎突骨肌(stylohyoid)、下颌骨肌(mylohyoid)和颏骨肌(geniohyoid). ①胸骨骨肌(sternohyoid)在颈部正中线两侧. ②肩胛骨肌(omohyoid)在胸骨骨肌的外侧,可分上、下两腹. ③胸骨甲状肌(sternothyroid)位于胸骨骨肌深面.

thyroglossal duct:甲状舌管

状腺的发育甲状管(thyroglossal duct)第四周形成第六周开始退化第十周消失盲孔(foramen cecum)根部联合突的发育发育过程:的发育发育过程:的发育发育过程:的发育发育畸形:分叉的发育发育畸形:正中菱形异位甲状腺主要内容输血的风险减少输血传播疾病的方法 *血浆病毒灭活与输血相关的危险输血不良反应输血