英语人>词典>汉英 : 致腐蚀 的英文翻译,例句
致腐蚀 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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From the healing point of view, if amaroli proves to be less dangerous than the therapeutic use of drugs, synthetic hormones and various other assorted chemical substances, if it proves less corrosive and nutritionally harmful than Coca Cola and 7-Up, if it is less dependence-producing and intoxicating than alcohol, less distasteful than eating gelatin, manufactured from the hoofves and tendons of animals, then I am sure it will be a boon to humanity.

从康复角度看,如果 amaroli 证明比应用药物,合成激素,和各种其他各种各样化学物质治疗更少危险,如果它证明比可口可乐和7-Up 更少腐蚀和营养危害,如果它比乙醇更少产生依赖和致毒,比吃明胶(它是从动物的蹄和筋腱制造的)更少讨厌,那么我肯定,它对人类必将是一个福音。

Through analysis of the components of coking on different parts of desullfur system of single tower and the waste water containing sulfur , we find the cause of coking in the stripping desulur system from single tower is the polymerization reaction of carbohydrate and the separattion of varied solid powders, organic compounds, and all corrosive productions of metal out of waste water in high temperature, therefore,the solving method is how to decrease the oil content ,how to depolymerize form the carbohydrate and how to antisepticize by vapour of waste water.


This causes the aluminum to slowly corrode and eventually fail.


The cavitation erosion behavior of CrMnN ferri te-austenite duplex stainless steel in distilled water and 3%NaCl solution has b een investigated by using a magnetostrictive-induced cavitation facility.The fre e-corrosion potential and polarization curve under quiescent and cavitating cond ition have been measured by electrochemical technique.


Alternate outgrowthprocess is firstly used to form over 1.0μm thickArsenic heavily doped inner polysilicon layer and slightly doped outer polysilicon layer.T-shaped edge field emitters are fabricated with the HHC etchant.


Through penetrate methods and observing microstructure,the type of corrosion is determined as intergranular corrosion.


The relationship between minority carrier life and morphology with luminescent properties in porous silicon was studied.


The results show that the porosity of porous silicon increased with the increase of etched time, which lead to the decrease of minority carrier life and the increase of luminescent efficiency of porous silicon.


In U-bend immersion tests under high temperature and high pressure, the number of cracks on the specimen in 80℃ is more than that in 300℃ due to the compactness and consequent protectiveness of the corrosion product layer.


Morphology and photoluminescence investigation are disclosed that there exist strong correlation between the characteristics of the surface morphology and PL, i.e., the samples prepared with lower Ni~(2 ) concentration are exhibited more regular surface morphology, stronger PL, as well as narrower PL band.

实验表明,样品的表面形貌与其光致发光特性之间存在强烈的关联:采用具有较低Ni~(2 )浓度的腐蚀液所制备的样品表面形貌更为均匀,并具有相对较强的发光和较窄的发光峰。

更多网络解释与致腐蚀相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Potassium Permanganate:高锰酸钾

高锰酸钾(potassium permanganate)是一种强烈的氧化剂低浓度有消毒及收敛作用,高浓度有刺激和腐蚀作用. 小儿中毒常因将其结晶体当做糖类误食或误饮其溶液所致;偶有在解救中毒时应用高浓度的溶液洗胃导致中毒

causticize:苛化作用, 腐蚀, 致腐蚀

causticity | 尖刻, 苛性度, 刻薄 | causticize | 苛化作用, 腐蚀, 致腐蚀 | causticizer | 苛化剂


Cr-Ni奥氏体不锈钢(含18%Cr)的缝隙临界温度(CCT)和孔蚀临界温度(CPT)与Mo含量的关系100 10-2 6 4 2 主体溶液Cl-浓度(ppm)氯化物PPM 破裂 不破裂 数字为试样数目 根据(Lee Williams)(2)氢致开裂(HIC)机理. 有的文献上将摩振腐蚀(fretting)也划归磨损腐蚀.

immunizing:免疲热处理 高耐腐蚀处理 不敏感处理 致免疫的

immunizationtherapy 免疫治疗 | immunizing 免疲热处理 高耐腐蚀处理 不敏感处理 致免疫的 | immunizingagent 免疫剂