英语人>词典>汉英 : 致命的 的英文翻译,例句
致命的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
deadlier  ·  deadliness  ·  deadly  ·  fatal  ·  internecine  ·  lethal  ·  murderous  ·  perishing  ·  pernicious  ·  pestilent  ·  virulent  ·  vital  ·  thanatoid  ·  deathful  ·  funest  ·  lethiferous  ·  mortiferous

more vital · most vital
更多网络例句与致命的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Stalker, The Seven Deadly Sins; H. Fairlie, The Seven Deadly Sins Today.


They have an Achilles' half-acre.


It may also have the indirect effect of deterring them from carrying a weapon lest the temptation to use it in a tight corner should prove irresistible.


It is known from the principles of the faith that a person in mortal sin, sins mortally in every action.


Ocean's Deadliest - TV Reviews: Whatever queasiness one feels at the thought of Steve Irwin being featured in a posthumous special -- titled "Ocean's Deadliest," after "the Crocodile Hunter" was killed by something deadly in the ocean -- pretty quickly melts away watching Irwin do what he loved with all the usual gusto.


Seven deadly sins…Seven deadly demons…Seven more deadly ways to die


Tantalus:致命的诱惑,生存本能的诱惑 tantalize:逗弄 Tantalus was the rich and mighty king of Lydia.


DEADLY BLASTS \ 致命的爆炸 A man grieved at the site of the bombing outside the Baghdad provincial governorate.


Quite a few terminally晚期地,致命地ill patients would often like their doctors to administer lethal drugs注射致命药物 to them to be relieved of suffering; there are also some of their families who would prefer that doctors withdraw any life-prolonging treatment撤销延长生命性质的治疗since there is no hope of effecting an ultimate cure.


Werewolves are deadly creatures, perhaps the most lethal overall of any living being in the world.


更多网络解释与致命的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

dead shot:致命的一枪

致命的打击/capital stroke | 致命的一枪/dead shot | 致呕吐的最后一口酒/rubber drink

in a deadlier fashion eg:The flu could go global in a deadlier fashion:更致命的方式

致命的 deadly | 更致命的方式 in a deadlier fashion eg:The flu could go global in a deadlier fashion. | 变异 mutate


是历史上最致命的传染病之一. 那次高死亡率(high mortality)的流感也是由一种高致病性(virulent)与致命的(deadly)甲型H1N1病毒亚型引起的. ...

deadly:意为"致命的,仇深的". 例如

This magazine is published monthly(副词). (这种杂志每月出版一期. ) | (1)deadly意为"致命的,仇深的". 例如: | Aids is a deadly disease.(爱滋病是一种致命的疾病. )

deadly fatal:致命的

66 danger hazard 危险,危害 | 67 deadly fatal 致命的 | 68 deadly lethal 致命的

deadly fatal:致命的-致命的

Damaging-harmful|损坏-有害的 | Deadly-fatal|致命的-致命的 | Decent-honest|有分寸的-诚实的

death blow:致命的打击

Faith 案判决 的所谓"致命的打击"(death blow)原则. 据此原则保险人对实际发生于保险单期间的损害应负赔偿责任,即便损害的数额,程度直至该期限过期后方始确定亦然. 因此,如果船舶在保险单期间遭受了"致命的打击",保险人有义务对船舶全损负责,

De femme fatale qui m' fut fatal:一个充满诱惑女人,致命的女人

Y avait l'ovale d' son visage pale 她有苍白的鹅蛋脸 | De femme fatale qui m' fut fatal. 一个充满诱惑女人,致命的女人 | De femme fatale qui m' fut fatal. 一个充满诱惑女人,致命的女人


记者谢泽畅报道 澳大利亚蛙泳女将雷塞尔.琼斯(Leisel Jones)的名字与英语中"致命的"(lethal)一词发音相近,在脖子上挂过数不清的银牌铜牌之后,20岁的琼斯终于在蒙特利尔连夺3金,澳大利亚媒体惊呼:"致命琼斯"回来了!

virulent bacteria:致命的病菌

致命的病毒the deadly virus | 致命的病菌virulent bacteria | 致命的感冒菌murderous flu